Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Putin/KGB in contact with Vatican since USSR age?

> "...... Al Bano, what did you think when Bergoglio was elected?
"What he got a wind of renewal for the Church, for Christianity, within the three they brought to him: simplicity, strength and solidarity. And I immediately appreciated the fact that he decided to stay and live in the Casa Santa Marta, away from the glitz. He had become Pope, but he wanted to remain a Jesuit. "

  From the point of view of the media impact, his arrival was like a tornado. A little 'as it was for John Paul II ...
"To which I sang seven times, I was almost one of the family, so to speak,
and on three occasions there was also Romina.  "
[see link in References]
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 Singer Albano Carrisi 'hired' by Putin (= by Jesuits) - how works the Jesuits' hidden diplomacy along the end-of-times of  USSR: 

Emanuele Ricucci, September 5, 2014 - # - Replication

The ubiquitous Carrisi, these days, has, however, set aside for a second tour, new visions, career, and he came out in complete peace and harmony, or at least very little instrumental elegantly, with claims of sincere esteem Vladimir Putin. "I think that Putin is right. That part of Ukraine was Russia, and Russia [...] It's like Istria: we all know who is Italian, even if we accepted the dictates of the superpowers "(Source Corriere.it). O our Lord! What's going on? Albano had to wait a vintage feel for things right? Or not quite right but as a free man, or liberal, or left but with a touch of nostalgic conservatism? Or, wait, Albano is of a conservative community with a sense of belonging in disguise (decanted and proud identity of Puglia, love Olive trees and the sea of his land, family traditions, memories and returning to them repeatedly mentioned)? No, it's probably a pro-Russian, ergo a communist, yes, Albano is a communist. But wait: "I sang the Ave Maria when I was in the USSR. I challenged Franco's Spain. I know what is a [dictatorial] regime. Here is a young democracy that comes from seven decades of communism and needs time. There is a president who says you Russians can stay with Russia. I was born in Puglia, why I have to die as a  Chinese? If Ukraine is not going to end like in the Balkans, we must thank Putin. A great illuminated one "(Corriere.it). And no, then we were wrong, Albano necessarily have to be right wing area. A nationalist here. A nationalist, conservative, anti-communist and pro-Western. American, Albano is an American. But, moreover, the name could not deceive, "Al Bano".

So Europe is an utopia really lived in a part of history, like communism; then Europe is communist. And the blame for this confusion is Albano? But no, it can not be his, he has nothing to do, and especially he has notconfused ideas, "In two days I am in Moscow to sing, then I start with my tour. With Putin it is to be like with God [slang: Putin treat you like a deity]. I make a dozen concerts a year, they pay the cachet without fuss. Forty, fifty (thousand), no problem ... "(Source Corriere.it)".

      Albano Carrisi was married with Romina Power, daughter of Tyrone Power, who was also his artistic companion in the musical couple "Albano & Romina":

      They divorced in the life and in the artistic profession, but only Putin did the 'miracle' to put them together again:

Al Bano: "Thanks to Putin, I found Romina"
November 10, 2014
Romina, Loredana Lecciso, Putin and politics. Al Bano, 71, on the eve of the release of his new book, The cuisine of the sun (Knopf), is told in an interview with the newspaper. We start from the reunion with Romina, on the occasion of a concert in St. Petersburg, through the intermediary of Andrei Agapov, the right arm of Putin: "He had the idea to call him. I told him that she would never accept . Instead, he said yes. It 'was a surprise. It' s always unpredictable. "
Putin - Al Bano then tells his friendship with Putin, "the first meeting there was even in 1987. I was on tour in Leningrad. It was another world, there was still the Soviet Union. Romina and I were greeted by the nomenklatura and they also introduced me to this Mr. Putin. He was born there, he  headed the KGB in East Germany.  He immediately impressed me, many guards next to him. Impressive. He said he was a fan of ours. The second time we met in 2005, the Kremlin. It was New Year's Eve, he was now the great Putin and at the table he had the family Yeltsin , the representatives of Muslims and Christians. An unforgettable evening. Then there was the occasion when he invited me to his birthday party in St. Petersburg, in 2009, he wanted I had to sing in the same hall of the G8. "

Romina aka "little Rome"? Romina - Sophia? ---> by Christo Stilliyanov...:

"....Only two things can save us in such a grave hour: devotion to Mary and frequent Communion. Let us do our very best to use these two means and have others use them everywhere.”

Many interpret Don Bosco’s vision as regarding Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, encroaching secularism, the New Evangelization called for by both Pontiffs, and the dawn of the third millenium.
The name of the "MOTHER SHIP" is VMS EVE. The catholic ship prophecies or images are nothing more but the  gnostic dream that the pre-flood satanic harlot Norea, "the second Eve",  survived and got aboard another kind of Noahic Ark. Whether such a character exists is irrelevant, but the satanic religion was soon revived in the realms of Nimrod. Now, the satanist gnostics want to initiate the new EVAngelization with the enthroning of their second EVE - "Mary"...."

събота, 20 декември 2014 г.
A tale of two birds and the new world order
Singer Albano in friendshipe with old Berlusconi's buddy, don Verzè, a priest 'suspended' by the Vatican:

It 'died in the comfort of his palatial residence of Milan, Don Luigi Verzé. The founder of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan ended up in bankruptcy with debts to a half billion Euros. Officially he died of a heart attack at 7:30. Last news: The medical records of Don Luis Verzé was acquired by the Guardia di Finanza [taxation, fiscal police]. The suspicion naturally arises: what if the founder of the San Raffaele did not die of natural causes? The priest is really just a victim of stress and the vicissitudes that have hit in recent months? To Don Verzé last week I asked an interview free at 360 degrees. The singer Albano Carrisi lighting seals: "I've always seen as a benefactor Don Verzé. And now, after all that went against him, I wonder if he is dead or someone helped him to die. "

"......The Roman Catholic priest don Luigi Verzè purchased 46,000 squared metres (1 metre = about 3 feet) in the area. But the same future hospital and the near future district Milano 2 of Berlusconi had problems with the civil aricraft path of landing of the near airport of Linate.
In order to avoid the future problems of noise both don Verzè and Silvio Berlusconi joined the efforts to manipulate the datas in order to change the flight paths. The governmental agency involved was the Civilavia agency...."

Friday, December 18, 2009
Some of the priests & Jesuit trained agents who CONTROL Berlusconi


"... Silvio Berlusconi is expected to fly to Russia for a private visit to Vladimir Putin over the weekend of 13-14 July [2013]...".

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Monday, December 15, 2014
"Don't demonize Putin" [a way how LSE spreads pro-Putin propaganda?]

Al Bano: "I'll tell you my faith"
July 21, 2014 Photos and video story
Al Bano, what did you think when Bergoglio was elected?
"What he got a wind of renewal for the Church, for Christianity, within the three they brought to him: simplicity, strength and solidarity. And I immediately appreciated the fact that he decided to stay and live in the Casa Santa Marta, away from the glitz. He had become Pope, but he wanted to remain a Jesuit. "

  From the point of view of the media impact, his arrival was like a tornado. A little 'as it was for John Paul II ...
"To which I sang seven times, I was almost one of the family, so to speak,
and on three occasions there was also Romina. He lived between communism and Nazism; to send messages that gave it took a man of his temperament, physical and mental. Even today I think that the bullet that hit him did more damage than you imagined at the time. If he had taken a different path, perhaps it would be still alive. But, in any case, even if there is no more, there continues to be. "
Do you think to be a good Christian?
"I do not think, I know I am. And unlike when I thought it was not right to say not to exploit it, now think
that it should be said. To make propaganda for it. How do others. With all due respect to the Muslims, that they want the mosques here by us and in their lands they also kill each other, it would be fair that they were open to us. Because ultimately God is one and that is all. "

The drama of Ylenia Carrisi
Ylenia Carrisi, daughter of Al Bano and Romina Power, disappeared in New Orleans January 6, 1994 when he was just over 23 years. Romina Power has always maintained that Ylenia is still alive and that, kidnapped and drugged, had been made to enter into a ride dirt similar to the white slave trade. While Al Bano, already in 2005, and as reported in the autobiographical book is my life, said he was convinced the story of a witness who claimed to have seen the night of the disappearance of Ylenia, a blonde woman dive and disappear into the waters of Mississippi.

by Franco Bagnasco


  1. this ordeal reminds me of this guy, Dennis Rodman (and Gerard Depardieu)



    1. Ah thank you i will include in the new post just to talk about the movie The Interview...
      North Korea/South Korea, Baptist mocked by the bouncer Jesuit Bergoglio, etc....
