> What a farce....:
Above image - the article from which comes this picture,
has been already quoted in my ".... and now Putin's Summer surprise" [link below]
Above image - Shoebat
".....shoebat saw your comments on MALAYSIA? ? ? ? ? - so he wrote an article on SINGAPORE?"
he didn't write this after only two days, but they were ALREADY alarmed
even before my FIRST Jerusalgrad, this last article (ghost-written or
ghost-inspired by a Jesuit?) of Shoebat only proves what they feared
when I started to involve ISRAEL in the Ukrainian crisis already in
MARCH 2014 with the first Jerusalgrad, or "VELCOME TO JERUSALGRAD by
Barry Chamish". They smelled the danger I could arrive where I arrived
with my recent posts about GRU-controlled "Chechen" terrorism and
especially debunking the hoax of an Israel ally of the "anti-Putin"
Western world, a damn hoax as in my blog have openly and clearly
demonstrated to all the ones who have "eyes to see and ears to hear"
(Jerusalgrad #4, 5, 6 and 6 and 1/2).
I want to publish a Jerusalgrad #7 which exist as draft in my account
and they surely knows already the content (as minimum I believe they can
hack my posts when I am not logged in blogger so they knows my
intentions in advance).
Shoebat is an arrogant Catholic hooligan, on the account of his beloved
"Putin's Russia" there's the assassination of the same person who was
higly estimated by the same Jews in all the world and was assassinated
by European Union, by Putin's Russia and with the opportunistic consent
of that Israel the same the pope want s to Catholicize: Lech Kaczinski.
The POLITICAL CATHOLICISM of Shoebat can exist today only thanks to that
mass assasination in Smlensk, April 2010.....
I believe that Israel has cheated the same Jews and the Protestants. Now that the Jesuits had simply purchased Israel. I believe now that since 2010 Barry Chamish knew the truth but kept in silence, diverting the attention on other issues. How is possible he doesn't see what happens with Israel in good relation with Russia, Israel stabbing at the back the USA "ally" in the vote in UN in March 2014? He knows well and he cheated. Now Christians are really alone. Jews have been fooled and stay sure when Catholics & Orthodoxies will start to butcher the last Christians, the Jews will surely not die for them/us. "Why to die for Danzig?".....(...)..."
By Shoebat - last entry (check and compare the dates: the tongue of Shoebat... hits on the painful tooth?):
".....Singapore a secret bond with Israel
"............ I also know based on the fact that around 5% of shoebat.com web site
traffic is from Singapore which is massive based on how small your
country is, which proves that you love Israel and the truth. Thank you
to the people of Singapore for your support of Israel and our
organization.......(....)......Unsurprisingly, there is a natural kinship between the two. A steady
stream of Israeli politicians pass through Singapore, with Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon visiting in February.
Zaki Cooper is a Trustee of the Council of Christians and Jews....".
"With Defence
Minister Moshe Yaalon visiting in February" - Oh Really????... A ZIONIST visiting the country which is the in very good economical relations with the same country by many "protestnik" claimed to have been hit (MH370) by the same "Zionist power"??
is Singapore's biggest trading partner, with bilateral trade totaling
roughly 91 billion US dollars in 2012, accounting for over a fifth of
total trade within ASEAN.[1][2]"
August 8th 2012
Relations between Singapore and Malaysia continue to thrive
Bilateral ties between Singapore and Malaysia have improved in recent years. The close working relationship between both countries' prime ministers, Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and Najib Razak of Malaysia, has set the trend for positive joint-government efforts on a range of issues. Under their watch, the legacy issue of the Malaysian railway land in Singapore was resolved, while both countries' sovereign funds, Temasek Holdings and Khazanah Nasional respectively, have signed deals on joint-property projects in both Singapore and Malaysia. ....etc. ".
Economic power house Singapore looks to Russia for business
By The Siberian Times reporter
06 November 2014
Business leaders on island state see significant opportunities as Moscow looks to Siberia and Far East for investment
Business leaders in Singapore, the economic power house of Southeast
Asia, have announced Russia could become one of their main trading
partners of the 21st century. Despite the impact of Western sanctions on
Moscow and the economic downturn, many on the influential island state
see major opportunities for investment. ........
What a farce! Give a look here, the top-post image with Rotschild & MH370 taken from a site....
quoted in my....
Sunday, July 27, 2014
...and now: Putin's Summer surprise.
Well, it was not properly a Summer's surprise, but evidently a delayed "birthday party", in Singapore (Malaysia?), maybe to happen in the turn of the year: the first candle of the baby, the Beast of the Unified Catholic Eurasian Empire.
...Just to have more macabre fun, see what says Voice of Russia, also quoted in my above mentioned post....:
"...6 April, 13:59
OK, did you read the funny article? Stop now to fly together with the "prince of the power of the air" (from famous Paul's Gospel).
Here you land back on reality. The comment of 16th December [in Jerusalgrad 6 and 1/2]
"Jerusalgrad" - but not the one of Barry Chamish....:
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Jerusalgrad - II [children don't vote - edited post]
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Jerusalgrad - III ["shut down under Mr. Yanukovych"]
Friday, December 12, 2014
Jerusalgrad - 4 - the "CIA-training" of ISIS, a diversion to hide...
Friday, December 12, 2014
Jerusalgrad - 5 - ...to hide the agreement?
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Jerusalgrad - 6 - ... and the grave of Israel at Smolensk.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Jerusalgrad - 6 and 1/2 - Norway-Russia agreement.
The New Holocaust has started and the DOORS of EUROPE and United States are closing
By Shoebat Foundation on December 17, 2014 in General
Keith Davies Executive Director of Rescue Christians
I was on the phone today with
a fellow Jew who also happens to be a liberal who runs an organization called Global Village which operates mainly out of BULGARIA [see Jesus-Partisans-on-the-Balkans] saves the lives of Middle Eastern refugees and has saved about 1200 people over the last few years. Yankel is a very wealthy man with a net worth in the multiple millions, he was one of the developers of the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas. He uses only his own money to save Christian and non-Christian refugees, does not request funds from foundations or the public, and he burns through millions of dollars each month trying to save people....."
Yankel Barry who is that guy? I searched on the web but not many pregnant info.
In English Wikipedia the result was:
"Did you mean: yankee barry
The page "Yankel Barry" does not exist. You can ask for it to be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered."
Probably Jesuits would stage a pogrom of Jews in Ukraine soon in order to give to Putin the alibi for the aggression to Ukraine. Jesuits hates to death the Jews of Ukraine because they simple told that the true enemy is Putin, not the "Nazis" of Kiev:
"..... Mr. Kolomoysky, the new governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, derided Rabbi Lazar’s support for Mr. Putin as Kremlin-orchestrated propaganda. Russia, he said in an interview, has put pressure on Jewish leaders to fall into line with Moscow’s contention that Ukraine’s government was toppled in a fascist coup. “Unlike in Russia, Ukraine’s Jewish community is not a lever of the state,” he said.
DeleteMr. Kolomoysky, a Russian speaker who has both Israeli and Ukrainian passports, scoffed at the Kremlin’s pledges to protect Jews, Russian-speakers and other minorities. “We can protect ourselves. We don’t need any protection from Russia,” he said. “There is no fascism here. It does not exist.”
Anti-Semitism is experienced in daily life, he said, but gets no support or encouragement from the state, unlike in Russia, where the security services have tolerated and at times nurtured neo-Nazi nationalist groups with openly anti-Semitic agendas. Russia’s state-run news media regularly air the views of Aleksandr A. Prokhanov, the editor of the Zaftra newspaper, a notorious platform for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories....."
Therefore the Jesuits needs now of an anti-Jewish pogrom in Ukraine or somewhere, in Eastern Europe. Shoebat's last article could announce it, a sort of psychological introduction. Beware of provocations.
ReplyDelete"....2011 was
ry's first visit to Bulgaria. Since then,
Barry has spearheaded a Syrian refugee mission
here to help those affected by the crisis
the philanthropist has
a house near the
for 30 plus
children from Arab
countries, as well
s their
also funds the cost of 70
orphans from Syria
in a hotel in Nova Zagora Banya.
Key persons in his foundation our spouses,
Dr. Zdravko Georgiev and Kristiana Vulcheva
two of the six Bulgarian
medics tried in Libya
unfair trials
regarding the
AIDS epidemic among children in Benghazi.......".
Yankel Barry - in contact with Gaddafi:
Delete"....Mr. Barry, why and how did you choose your f
oundation to work precisely in Bulgaria?
Your country means a lot to me.
It has a long history
with my family
1978 was the first
time I was in Libya and met with its
leader Muammar Gaddafi.
I was there
in 2006 as a
of the "People against Tobacco
40 countries judged
American to
Among them was Libya.
the matter with General Abdul Rahman,
one of the fathers of the revolution.
I was staying in one of
the luxury hotels in T
ripoli, a
nd the day
before I left, I overheard
people in the lobby
five Christian nurses and a Palestinian
Until then
I knew nothing about the case.
I heard they
were sentenced to death and that
would soon be
I ha
d lunch with Saif al
the son of Muammar Gaddafi and the
president of the "Gaddafi."
I asked him where
the nurses were from
and he told me they were from
during the Second World War,
two of my relative
My mother is from the town
It no longer exists, but
on the
where Belarus in today.
Shortly before the invasion of the Germans, my grandmother,
grandfather, and
my mother mana
ged to immigrate to Canada.
Germans wiped out the town,
having killed all the Jews there.
Among them my grandfather,
my uncles and other relatives were
buried alive, only killed
because they were Jews!..."
DeleteYou are a Jew, but helping children from Arab countries.
Do you know the bias here is
towards re
Bulgarians do not hate anyone.
Bulgaria is incredibly unique country and that's why I'm
Bulgarians have always defended not only Jews
but other oppressed people
as well
"........I told them that t
Deletehis will bring them peace, and
show the world that
Bulgarians have big hearts.
lthough they
were persecuted in
Libyan prison,
ey still want to help the Muslims.
t will be very good for them;
And now it ARRIVES THE BLESSING FOR ASSAD... (isn't ISIS working for Assad?):
Delete"....And now I
tell you about a big problem that nobody talks
about, a
nd it is that the Syrian rebels
Bashar al
Assad and insurgents.
They aren’t given
the right to choose
whether to convert to Islam or be killed.
know of two cases for certain
in which the rebels cut off
the heads of two fathers and played football with them in front of their children.
And here is the big
Yankel Barry talks the same as mons. Audo SJ:
"...."...The international community is exaggerating the crisis in Syria which has been staged mainly by outsiders,.." (by Caldean Bishop of Aleppo, SJ Antoine Audo)
Yanke, shares the same name as Chamish, Barry, but they are on the same line of thought. Christians now are really alone. Thanks ISIS now Israel has accepted Putin's Russia and his fellow buddies, Syria and Iran, and Norway is a curtain to hide that. Catholics of Rome and Byzantium will merges under the pope of Rome and Israel will be a privileged region under the emperor of Rome - the pope. But for the true Christians, woe. Orthodox emperor in a single shot assassinated 100,000 Paulicians, and I don't believe the next Holocaust of Christians will touch very much withing the heart of the New Israel.
Deleteknow of two cases for certain
in which the rebels cut off
the heads of two fathers and played football with them in front of their children...." [Yankel Barry]
".... ".....Jews and Christians must support Assad (Putin = Eastern Roman empire) and the best way is to fill Syria with Jihadists eating the hearts of their enemies. Full Babylonian psychological warfare.
31 mins · Like ......."
Notice how News that Matters' ivarfjeld is followed by Shoebat's Catholic propaganda which wants to create a New Holocaust to force Israeli definitively within Putin's Russia:
"The Norwegian Government is proud it has “normalized” the relations with the Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood..... (....)....The problem with “normalizing”of the relationship with the Hamas, is that this “political Islamic movement” is founded on a charter that demands a SECOND HOLOCAUST. All Muslims are called to kill all Jews, and destroy the state of Israel.""
See also:
".....The Holocaust- the mass sacrifice of over eighteen million innocent Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning several million of them alive in ovens in Poland and Russia less than seventy years ago by Catholic dictators represents the largest and most expensive act of mass human sacrifice in history........"
DeleteHe is the founder and CEO of VitaPro Foods, a company that makes textured vegetable protein for use as a meat substitute and an apple pectin product called ProPectin,[3] and is the founder of the charity Global Village Champions Foundation.
Barry wrote the song "Christmas Time Again" that was performed by Engelbert Humperdinck on his 1977 album Christmas Tyme.[11]
Barry founded and heads a charity called Global Village Champions Foundation.[4] The charity is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States, with net assets of about US$11,500 and gross receipts of about US$250,000 for 2012.[17] The foundation, which is funded by the profits from his VitaPro food business,[18] is said to have spent more than US$1 million feeding and housing Syrian refugees in Bulgaria since 2012
After Barry's involvement in disaster relief in the Philippines, his charity work has also received support from Filipino boxer Manny Pacquiao
Jewish Schindler rescues Iranian Christians, Syrians and Iraqis
A CHRISTIAN Iranian family, rescued by Canadian Jewish Philanthropist Yank Barry, stands outside a church in Bulgaria . (photo credit:Courtesy)
The Canadian-Jewish philanthropist Yank Barry, dubbed the Jewish Schindler, moved closer to his goal of rescuing 1,200 refugees from the war-torn Middle East, the same number of Jews that Oskar Schindler saved during the Holocaust.
Bulgaria is the first point of European entry for many Middle East refugees escaping wars and persecution. Iranian Christians face widespread persecution in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Salehi, his two brothers, parents, and cousin fled to Bulgaria because they could not practice their Christian faith in Iran.
The family fled the northeastern city of Esfarayen, which has a population of just over 50,000. Omid’s father worked as a driver and mechanic in Esfarayen.
Rich Jews are from now exhibiting their servilitude to the future masters of the middle east - the revived roman catholic empire.
Good-works guy
Deleteof possible interest - Yank Barry connections to organized crime :
Delete"...Some of the photographs were taken at a villa where Yank held his party, and one of the photographs was taken at the Crystal Palace casino, where the gang headed on one of the three nights. The manager of the Crystal Palace casino, a man named Douglas Payne, was, at the time of the party, another principal with NorMexSteel (soon to be known as Biochem Solutions). The below photograph, at the Crystal Palace, you have already seen:
Bah Ynak and Koz 300x199 The Worlds Greatest Con (Chapter 3): Organized Crime, A Pump and Dump Fraud, and the Charity that Earned Yank Barry Three Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize
Yank Barry and Cosimo Commisso, a top boss of the Italian Mafia in Canada
Deletethe article is very long, this is the 1st page
From a comment in shoebat's blog
The supposed leader of Islamic State supporters in Israel told Channel 10 News on Wednesday he believed the group would one day rule Israel, and said Jews would only be allowed to remain under Islamic caliphate rule if they adhered to the Islamic way of life.