Tuesday, December 23, 2014

JESUIT pope blessing the LAW OF THE JUNGLE


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_persecution_of_Serbs Roman Catholic Ustasha SewingThroat to Serb.

The spirit of Satan moves the tongue of the Anti-Christ - Jesuit pope. Look how the pope is inciting violence against the "terrorism of chatter". Or is he inciting violence against the freedom of speech? As the Gospel and the Word of God is spread with the preaching, and as the Catholic church is annihilated by the Word of God, it is clear the Jesuits' desire in to label the Preaching of the Cross as "terrorism of chatter" - and to incite heathen to deal with it as in a boxing match:

".....7 novembre 2014 | 16:10
"But, please, that there is no more among you the terrorism of chatter! Sent him away! That there may be brotherhood! And if you have something against your brother, tell him in the face ... Sometimes you'll end up in a fight [original in text: to spar, to perform boxing], not a problem: it is better that than this terrorism of chatter. "Pope Francis returns to attack the hypocrisy of those who slanders and slander behind. One issue faced since his election, even against the suffocating and poisonous atmosphere that over the years of the pontificate of Benedict XVI had marred the Curia, an evil dies hard in the Church......"

From: http://www.corriere.it/cronache/14_novembre_07/papa-francesco-meglio-fare-pugni-che-terrorismo-chiacchiere-b50305d2-668c-11e4-a5a4-2fa60354234f.shtml

[Original text: "«Ma, per favore, che non ci sia fra voi il terrorismo delle chiacchiere! Cacciatelo via! Ci sia fraternità! E se tu hai qualcosa contro il fratello, glielo dici in faccia… Alcune volte finirai a pugni, non è un problema: è meglio questo che il terrorismo delle chiacchiere». Papa Francesco torna ad attaccare l’ipocrisia di chi sparla e calunnia alle spalle. Un tema affrontato fin dalla sua elezione, anche contro il clima asfittico e velenoso che negli anni di pontificato di Benedetto XVI aveva funestato la Curia, un male duro a morire nella Chiesa. "]

Don't worry, It happened after less than two weeks after the blessing of the revolutionary violence - by the same terrorist Jesuit pope:

 "....The Pope called, Leoncavallo replies meeting at the Vatican
The spokesman of the historic social center of Milan: "An honor, Francis is a magnet"

Monday, November 3, 2014
Poverty and pauperism today as social tool for the modern Jesuits' [Satan's] crusades.
This despicable Satanist Jesuit was simply referring the Luther's statement: "You cannot meet a rebel with reason. Your best answer is punch him in the face until he has a bloody nose". As usual Jesuits appropriate of the others' statement (didn't they invent the Communism?) in order to empty them of their vital original significance and to fill them, as empty mummies, with their ignominious dark goals.
In this case that "rebel" is used to allude to the Christian who doesn't bow down to the pope, because his/her faith in the Lord makes him/her deaf ("you cannot ... to meet with reason") to the alluring lies of the Catholicism.Therefore the preaching of the "rebel" (Christian) become "terrorism of chatter".

Here an example on how they handled with the "terrorism of chatter" of the Reformed Vaudoises of Calabria - not simply boxing, but cutthroat-ing them:

Saturday, June 21, 2014
"88" or Roman Catholic Cutthroaters.

  "and it came the executioner and tied them with a bandage over the eyes and then brought one in an open place, made him kneel and with a knife cutted his throat and abandoned him: then he gathered the bloody bandage and took the other and did the same; i followed this number till 88 and how much the spectacle was compassionate I leave it to your immagination (.....) in eleven days it occured the execution of 2,000 souls and there are 1,600 condemned; and it followed justice of 100 murdered in the land..."

Saturday, June 21, 2014
Vaudoises of Calabria and Calabrian Mafia: guilty by association

 ".....Pope Tells Church He Worked As Bouncer At Buenos Aires Nightclub....."

Sunday, December 21, 2014
Continuing Jesuitical STASI ZERSETZUNG [targeting Christo Stiliyanov]

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