Monday, December 8, 2014

the Cops of the Pope


How much Jesuitical and KNIGHT of COLUMBUS is the present social unrest in USA?
NEW YORK — At least 400 people are killed by police officers in the United States every year, and while the circumstances of each case are different, one thing remains constant: In only a handful of instances do grand juries issue an indictment, concluding that the officer should face criminal charges......"

Where are now the "anti-Jesuters"? Since years blaming Jesuits for "stirring up social unrest with purposely acts of violence by institutional corps of police". Short memory? No one remember now how the criminal popish subversion loves to instigate the hate of the masses against the secular institutions? No one remember now about the  Catholic principle of "strong (Catholic) church in a weak (secular) state"? (at least when there 's not yet the possibility of a Catholic dictatorship - Jesuit Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, etc.).... No one asking anymore about the KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS? The social unrest in USA today isn't announcing that the time of a Jesuits' Communist subversion is near?

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