Wednesday, December 10, 2014

An attempt of assassination?


28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


  1. Of course God is the one able to destroy body and soul. Usually the ones without fear of God loves to destroy the bodies because uncontrollable anger for being not able to destroy the souls.

  2. if your soul is safe, hope your body hasn't been injured

    1. Yes for the moment the body is safe as the target was a person near me, of which I cannot speak openly as I don't trust anyone in my country, to not speak police/military judiciary etc. it a totalitarian dark dictatorship implemented in the name of "democracy".
      During the trial to the responsible of the concentration camp of the city "La Risiera di S.Sabba" in the years '70, it came to light how much the same boss of the local Nazi concentration camp was amazed by the very high number of people of the city of Trieste trying to denounce to the Nazi-Fascist authorities their fellow citizen hoping to see them liquidated there or in another camp in North East Europe.

  3. so much pomp and so much cowardice,
    what they most fear from the beginning is the strength of the saints,
    terra incognita for the wicked
    thank you for all the material you keep posting

    1. Sunday, December 21, 2014
      Continuing Jesuitical STASI ZERSETZUNG [targeting Christo Stiliyanov]
