On your pope and on everyone of you who bow down to that god of flesh in Rome, the blood of Cathars, Vaudoises, Patarenes, Paulicians, Bogomiles,etc. (the perpetual church of the New Testament), you murdered to build with their burned flesh your Synagogue of Satan in Rome, is a witness of your wickedness and is falling also on you.
From: http://shoebat.com/2014/11/24/millions-church-will-follow-antichrist-will-end-hell/#disqus_thread
Therefore for your Satan dialectic devices you can quite be not ready at the hour the Son of man cometh, you can be fornicator, robber, drunkard, murderer, etc. but if the Son of man cometh at the guise of an SS you are saved?
Jesus say about your hour, not if your hour comes with an assassination, with a car accident, with a stroke, with a gas chamber. You transform the word of God in chatting in pub, Mr Shoebat.
You don t understand the Scriptures, Mr Shoebat, you are only interested in the political Catholicism, in to drag all those denomination you boast to have justified in the eyes of God, under the cup of the Whore in Rome. You are a crusader and you are not interested about Islam but to destroy the Christians who surrendered to Christ and don't bow down to that house of spiritual wickedness which is the Catholic church. May God be witness of my words.
Satan can boast to be a follower of Jesus too. But if you challenge him as a liar he then exposes his true identity. The Catholic monk Martin Luther simply put at the light of the day how Satan through his church of Rome was using James. To justify the works without faith.
by Origen (1) Hilary (2), Basil (3), Ambrosiaster (4), “sola fide justificati sunt dono Dei,” through faith alone they are justified by a gift of God; John Chrysostom (5) Cyril of Alexandria (6), Bernard and Theophylact (7) that man “is justified by faith alone” (8).
These men, human being, said many things, for example there's even the certainity that Origen was believing to be a Christian, a follower of Christ. But his belief doesn't make out of him a believer, no more or less than a man believing to have faith but this is not true, when he perform works with that faith his works are false works, Mr Shoebat: "show me your faith! and i will show my works!". Faith is invisible to men's eyes, but works are very much visible to men's vanity.
Frankly Mr Shoebat, i believe behind you there are hidden those who want to close my blog. Isn't it true Mr Shoebat?
No more or less than the declaration of Trinitarianism, an opportunistic move of the early Catholicism to not fire the Trinitarians Vaudoises, etc.
The doctrine of salvation by works is present with the canonization as 'saint' of the archangel Michael whose work of "judgement" (in substitution of Jesus Christ the Lord) is replied by the priest. Confession and "absolution" is the definitive proof that the Catholic church blasphemes God Father and the Son pretending to save humans from eternal damnation. Of course in this case the priest in order to absolve requires works as being a priest a human being he cannot inquire nor judge another human soul but only human works."
Catholic church is a conspiracy in herself. From the beginning till her destruction by Jesus Christ our Lord.
And then the priest does "works" is condemned. Absolute insanity. They write what they write without a shred of evidence.
Also Adolf Hitler boasted to have had some Jewish friends.
Your "holy" bloody church murdered all the Patarenes, Vaudoises, Albigenses, Cathars, who were spaking the words of God as they were from the Scripture, but not before to have slandered them as "manicheans", "dualists", "adoptionists", a Catholic slander, a Continuing Assassinating those martyrs exactly as did your Great Pharisee, pope Francis SJ, worshipper of heathen idols as the first thing he did after being appointed Pontifex Maximus was to praise the Madonna, aka the Whore.
Go figure.
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