Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Satan is a shemale.


"But a new documentary, Mirage Men, unearths compelling evidence that 
UFO folklore was actually fabricated by the US government. 
Rather than covering up the existence of aliens, 
could it be that the real conspiracy has been persuading us to believe in them?"

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
[2 Thessalonians 2]

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[Text has been and will further be edited to correct some grammatical errors due to the haste]

Satan and Legion have the power to create wonders and false signs and apparitions, but why not also let their human servants do their part?

I believe the human servants are disposed even to create a fake documentary, filled with false statements  which then - with a theatrical coupe - will be revealed as "hoaxes", and exposed as "usual intelligence activity to cover the Alien presence on earth".

The Gnostic Circus of Aliens and UFO has such extension, not only spatial, also and especially a social one, that one should ask himself how is it possible they let the production of a documentary claiming to expose even "agents who infiltrated the UFOlogist community".

More than direct proofs there's only one perfect system to be used to detect the Fraud behind the "UFO and Alien" phenomena: the Scriptures. This parable, by me  started, has been magnifically concluded by Christo Stiliyanov, whose post I warmly suggest you read before to continue with the news I am reporting here:

 неделя, 23 ноември 2014 г.
"Aliens" exposed as gnostic baloney
 (.......) ....Gnostics were the arch-enemies of the early Christian converts and ideologues such as Irenaeus, who established the canon of the four Gospels of the New Testament.
  In order for Christianity to rise to power and meld with the Roman Empire as a state religion with an agenda of totalitarian mind control, its advocates had to eliminate the competition. Gnostics threatened the salvationist agenda due to something they knew, or claimed to know, about its origins.
 Error, Not Evil

The Sophianic vision story of the pagan Mysteries is the cosmic biography of Gaia-Sophia, divine wisdom embodied in the Earth.
Amazingly, this scenario not only recounts the origin of humanity in the galactic centre, but also the origin of the species of the predatory aliens called archons, who endanger the human adventure in certain ways.

Gnostics saw the threat operating along two trajectories:
  • by psychic intrusion or mental parasitism
  • by deviant and insane beliefs framed in religious ideology, such as creation by an off-planet father god, the chosen people, messianic expectations, the redemptive value of suffering, apocalypse, and divine retribution

Well, where else did you hear this stuff?

I tell it to you. Very-very similar, let's say, another product of the same Matrix, that 'womb' called "the mind of Satan". Here you have another Gnostic 'gospel':
"......When Zarathustra came into the next town, which lies on the edge of the forest, he found many people gathered together in the market place; for it had been promised that there would be a tightrope walker. And Zarathustra spoke thus to the people:
"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? 
"Behold, I teach you the overman. The overman is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the overman shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go.
"Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth.
"Once the soul looked contemptuously upon the body, and then this contempt was the highest: she wanted the body meager, ghastly, and starved. Thus she hoped to escape it and the earth. Oh, this soul herself was still meager, ghastly, and starved: and cruelty was the lust of this soul. But you, too, my brothers, tell me: what does your body proclaim of your soul? Is not your soul poverty and filth and wretched contentment?....."

Above excerpt from:
Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. (selections from Book 1)

Well, if the Nazism was the 'baby', the witch of whom he was son was the Cathlic church, the sperm was of Satan but the midwife was the Jesuit Order and one of the most important forceps to extract the 'baby' was Nietzsche:

In Nietzsche, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust (1997), Steven Aschheim discusses the "issue of the radicalizing, triggering forces," which were responsible for fascists' interest in Nietzsche's work (Aschheim, 16). Nietzsche's radical use of the terms: sick, healthy, strong, weak, and species, give false implications. Take for instance the following quotation from Genealogy of Morals (III, 14):

Among them, again is the most loathsome species of the vain, the lying abortions, who make a point of representing 'beautiful souls,' and perchance of bringing to the market as 'purity of the heart' their distorted sensualism swathed in verses and other bandages; the species of 'self-comforters' and masturbators of their own souls. The sick man's will to represent some form or other of superiority, his instinct for crooked paths, which lead to a tyranny over the healthy. – where can it not be found, this will to power of the very weakest?
Nietzsche's "sick man" who is a part of a "species" that is characterized by its "purity of the heart" and "beautiful souls" is undoubtedly a reference to adherents of the Judeo-Christian ethic......"
The earth also known as Soil...:
"....Blood and Soil (‘Blut und Boden’) was a very important philosophy for Nazi Germany. The issue of ‘blood and soil’ nearly split the Nazi Party after 1925 and was only resolved at the Bamberg Conference of 1926. One side of the Nazi Party wanted to emphasise the relationship between true Aryans and a rural life. Hitler believed that true Germans ‘came from the soil’ – that they had a family background based on farming and life in the countryside.....(........).....
The ‘blood and soil’ belief put farmers and other rural workers above those who worked in cities etc. The rugged toughness of peasants from medieval times was celebrated in Nazi beliefs. Numerous German peasant rebellions were portrayed in Nazi folklore as examples of the oppressor being overthrown by the oppressed................."

doc Martin Luther and the Peasant's war/rebellion: - exactly at the opposite of the Nazi gospel on the same Peasants' wars:

 Therefore let everyone who can, smite, slay, and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful, or devilish than a rebel ... For baptism does not make men free in body and property, but in soul; and the gospel does not make goods common, except in the case of those who, of their own free will, do what the apostles and disciples did in Acts 4 [:32–37]. They did not demand, as do our insane peasants in their raging, that the goods of others—of Pilate and Herod—should be common, but only their own goods. Our peasants, however, want to make the goods of other men common, and keep their own for themselves. Fine Christians they are! I think there is not a devil left in hell; they have all gone into the peasants. Their raving has gone beyond all measure.[88]
Below, still Nietzsche's "earth". But she is the same one of the Nazis, alias "Boden" or "Soil". In 20. century the Archons were the Jews "attacking" the "Boden", six centuries before were the Hussites, attacking " Blessed Virgin Mary" (SOPHIA). Boden-Blessed virgin vs Jews-Hussites.
Notice: Jan Hus was deeply influenced by English Christian and precursor of the Reformation John Wycliffe. ...:

"..... Tradition tells us that Saint Luke, an able painter, responding to the requests of many Christians, who wanted to preserve a remembrance of the Blessed Virgin Mary after her elevation into Heaven, painted her sacred face on an oak table, near which Our Lady used to sew and pray.
The defense became increasingly difficult and the defenders threatened to give in. Prince Wladyslaw was praying before the altar on which the picture of Our Lady rested, begging her assistance when an enemy arrow struck the face of the Virgin, leaving a scar. The ancient chronicles say, broad daylight was transformed into dark night. Fear seized the Tartars. The prince sallying forth with his knights to the open plain, overthrew the Tartar hordes.
The Attack of the Hussites
Good Friday night in 1430, a band of Czech Hussites, commanded by a Polish noble, also a Hussite (in nearby Silesia, this heresy had gained many followers among the nobles) attacked the sanctuary and killing five religious, seized the golden vessels and ornaments of the Church, some relics and the image of Our Lady, loading them all in a cart.
The chronicles of Jasna Gora tell us that immediately after descending the hill, the horses stopped and would not move from the place. Then, one of the heretics, cursing the picture, hurled it to the ground with such force that it broke into three pieces but the faces of Our Lady and of the Infant Jesus remained intact.
In the face of this, one of the Hussites took a sword and struck the right side of Our Lady's face twice, and when he raised his sword for the third blow, he fell fulminated by a bolt of lightning.
His companies fled in terror, but the chiefs of the band were caught and put to death by the sword. So profaned by the heretics, and abandoned in the midst of the slime, the holy picture was found by the Paulist friars....etc. etc. etc.


"Holy picture" or "1947 Roswell UFO Impact":  only a Gnostic Circus. But the finality?

Read here, quoted in Stiliyanov's post (above in the intro linked):

Opening his eyes, he [the drakonic Archon] saw a vast quantity of matter without limit [spread through the galactic limbs], and he became arrogant, saying "It is I who am God [the sole deity of these regions], and there is no other apart from me." (Hyp Arch, 94:20)
But who are these Archons? I tell you who they are. They are YOU.

Surprised? But whose else is that wicked rapacity of the "Archons" if not of the humans?
Yes, Archons are very near to you, are you also:

[Romans, chapter 1]

"Archons"  are simply sinners who believe they have to worship their sins as form of submission of their master, Satan [be they aware or not of this]. And their deadly enemies are the ones who are remembering to them they will be judged for having become servant of the Shemale who loves to be called "Holy Mary".
A special, extended 2-disc version of the film, now available on DVD.
It includes the full length feature, an 8-page booklet with essays by the filmmakers on ‘The Genesis of Mirage Men’, ‘Tricksters, Saucers and Cyber Magicians’, ‘The Enigma of Richard Doty’ and ‘The Unreliable Narrator’, plus over an hour of previously unseen additional material, comprised of 22 short films giving background history, extra interviews and an exclusive Urthona music video.

The real Men in Black, Hollywood and the great UFO cover-up

In a new documentary, US government agents claim they spent decades giving fake evidence of extraterrestrials to gullible ufologists. But why? And how can we trust them now?

".....Mirage Men's chief coup is to land an actual man in black: a former Air Force special investigations officer named Richard Doty, who admits to having infiltrated UFO circles. A fellow UFO researcher says: "Doty had this wonderful way to sell it – 'I'm with the government. You cooperate with us and I'm going to tell you what the government really knows about UFOs, deep down in those vaults.'" Doty and his colleagues fed credulous ufologists lies and half-truths, knowing their fertile imaginations would do the rest. In return, they were apprised of chatter from the community, thus alerting the military when anyone was getting to close to their top-secret technology. And if the Soviets thought the US really was communing with aliens, all the better....."

  Saturday, January 18, 2014
UFO are special operations to manipulate humanity

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