Above image - "Westinghouse’s AP1000™ is an advanced nuclear power plant with simplified, passive safety systems that rely solely on natural forces such as gravity. It is the technology basis for new plants being constructed in China and 12 projected plants planned for the United States in the next 10 or 12 years. - Photos (Westinghouse)" - URL: http://www.todaysengineer.org/2008/Apr/briefing.asp
Russia Warns It May Play The 'Iran Card' Over Ukraine Sanctions
Mar. 19, 2014, 4:06 PM
A senior Russian diplomat signaled a possible shift Wednesday in Russia's position on the ongoing Iranian nuclear talks amid tensions with the United States and other Western countries, according to The Associated Press.If you desire read the entire article. I limit myself to quote:
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted by the Russian news organization Interfax as saying the recent sanctions announced by the European Union and U.S. may force Russia to retaliate by altering its stance on the Iran talks. Such a move would dramatically escalate tensions between Russia and the West, which are already high amid Russia's annexation of Crimea on Tuesday.
".........The move would put Obama in a corner. He wants a permanent deal with Iran — so much so he has threatened to veto any congressional bill that could collapse the talks. He also needs Putin and Russia as his ally in the talks, along with a variety of high-profile foreign policy issues like in Syria and Afghanistan. Together, this reduces the U.S.'s overall leverage in slapping any harsh sanctions or other measures on Russia in response to its moves in Ukraine.
And from the comments the interesting following ones:
Epic Winner on Mar 19, 5:51 PM said:
............"Looks like Putin wants America and Israel to bomb Iran.
That is the fallback position if diplomacy fails, after all.
"...............trooble on Mar 20, 8:20 AM said:
................"....I mean, look at history. Every client state the old USSR took on was more of a load than a help. That's why they collapsed. Syria has no oil, Iran has a longer rivalry with Russia than with the US, Cuba has its work ethic but its ruling clique loves the smell of their own farts, North Korea is North Korea, and all the other client states had to be bribed or threatened. The losers of history.
There was and it continues much of pro-Iran propaganda in the West, think only to Eric John Phelps and Craig Oxley, the latter strongly anti-Zionist. Is it maybe arrived the moment to tell the truth, in other words, if we for only a little moment think that probably nuclear technology (Westinghouse AP1000 - see References) is passed from USA to Iran via Japan and China, can we say that it is Russia the one to be controlled via Iran?
But one thing is clear. Russia needs of Iran in order to "wash the boots in the Indian Ocean". Therefore the only useful Iran for Russia is an Iran which needs of a kind of help only Russia can supply with. I think that the best "secretly friend" of the "Zionist and American" aggression to Iran is just Putin's Russia....Reply
"....Lebedev does write huge cheques, however. He signed one the other day for a party at Althorp, the Spencer family house and childhood home of Diana,.....(......)........The guest list included Princess Michael of Kent's daughter, Lady Gabriella Windsor, and boyfriend Aatish Taseer, Jemma Kidd, Orlando Bloom, Salman Rushdie,........."
".....The Satanic Verses controversy, also known as the Rushdie Affair, was the heated and frequently violent reaction of some Muslims to the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses, which was first published in the United Kingdom in 1988. Many Muslims accused Rushdie of blasphemy or unbelief and in 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah KHOMEINI of IRAN issued a fatwā ordering Muslims to kill Rushdie. Numerous killings, attempted killings, and bombings resulted from Muslim anger over the novel.[1]........."
Comment in: http://control-avles-blogs.blogspot.it/2014/03/aleksandr-yakimenkos-open-confession-of.html
Friday, March 21, 2014
Aleksandr Yakimenko's open confession of EU-Putin Pact 2014
And the tensions and threats of war between Japan and China for some rocks among the ocean? Where are now??....
End of the quote.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
CHINA and JAPAN supplying IRAN with AMERICAN nuclear technology? [Antony Sutton was anti Vatican-II-Council-principles ]
Just in order to fire people and to deceive the public opinion of the world....:
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda ordered the restart of two idle nuclear reactors Saturday amid widespread public opposition, more than a year after a powerful earthquake and tsunami triggered three nuclear meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Plant, and halted all 50 reactors in Japan.
".....Nuclear power has an important role, especially in the coastal areas remote from the coalfields and where the economy is developing rapidly. Generally, nuclear plants can be built close to centres of demand, whereas suitable wind and hydro sites are remote from demand. Moves to build nuclear power commenced in 1970 and about 2005 the industry moved into a rapid development phase. Technology has been drawn from France, Canada and Russia, with local development based largely on the French element. The latest technology acquisition has been from the USA (via Westinghouse, owned by Japan's Toshiba) and France. The Westinghouse AP1000 is the main basis of technology development in the immediate future. ..................A major struggle between the established China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) pushing for indigenous technology and the small but well-connected State Nuclear Power Technology Corp (SNPTC) favouring imported technology was won by SNPTC about 2004. In particular, SNPTC proposes use of indigenized 1000+ MWe plants with advanced third-generation technology, arising from Westinghouse AP1000 designs at Sanmen and Haiyang (see section below on Embarking upon Generation III plants). Westinghouse has agreed to transfer technology to SNPTC over the first four AP1000 units so that SNPTC can build the following ones on its own.............".From: http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf63.html
"........The AP1000 is a two-loop pressurized water reactor[1] sold by Westinghouse Electric Company. .........."
".........Westinghouse Electric Company LLC is a nuclear power company, offering a wide range of nuclear products and services to utilities throughout the world, including nuclear fuel, service and maintenance, instrumentation and control and advanced nuclear plant designs. Owned and operated by the Toshiba Group, Westinghouse's world headquarters is located in Cranberry Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, United States. ........."
"........Before World War II, Toshiba was a member of the Mitsui Group zaibatsu (family-controlled vertical monopoly). Today Toshiba is a member of the Mitsui keiretsu (a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings), and still has preferential arrangements with Mitsui Bank and the other members of the keiretsu. ........."
"..........In 1987, Tocibai Machine, a subsidiary of Toshiba, was accused of illegally selling CNC milling machines used to produce very quiet submarine propellers to the Soviet Union in violation of the CoCom agreement, an international embargo on certain countries to COMECON countries.The Toshiba-Kongsberg scandal involved a subsidiary of Toshiba and the Norwegian company Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk.
The incident strained relations between the United States and Japan, and resulted in the arrest and prosecution of two senior executives, as well as the imposition of sanctions on the company by both countries.[5] Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania said "What Toshiba and Kongsberg did was ransom the security of the United States for $517 million." .........."
[Above excerpts come from Wikipedia pages on Toshiba, Westinghouse, AP1000]
URL: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/232265.html
Japanese Ambassador to Iran Kinichi Kumano says Japan will proceed to purchase Iranian oil despite Western-led oil embargo against Tehran over its nuclear energy program.
URL: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/231086.html
Japan's Ambassador to Iran Kinichi Kumano says relations between Tehran and Tokyo should not be limited to diplomatic aspects.
“Knowing the culture of the two countries, identifying subcultures and mutual understanding will improve peace and friendship between the two nations of Iran and Japan,” Kumano said on the sidelines of the First International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Identity Formation in the Iranian city of Shiraz.
He went on to say that, holding of the conference is interesting and important and should be continued.
“Such conferences lead to cultural and social exchanges between the two nations of Iran and Japan and hopefully the exchange of beliefs and opinions via conferences will take place in the future,” Kumano noted.
The First International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Identity Formation, which is a joint effort by Iran's Islamic Azad University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, kicked off on September 5 and will run until September 6, 2012.
URL: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2012/09/05/260020/iran-japan-should-grow-further-ties/
Of course they need of tons of sand-in-the-eyes – this is to keep high the tension in the resp. Chinese and Japanese people, as a form of distraction:
Sep 4, 10:32 AM EDT
China detains 2 in attack on Japanese envoy's car
BEIJING (AP) -- Two Chinese men have been detained over an attack last week on the Japanese ambassador's car in Beijing in which a flag was ripped off of the front of the vehicle, Chinese state media reported Tuesday.
China's Foreign Ministry expressed deep regret over the incident and said authorities would work to prevent a recurrence. Beijing faces a constant struggle to contain anti-Japanese sentiment that could harm relations with Tokyo or turn on the rulers in Beijing. Many Chinese still resent Japan's brutal World War II occupation of much of China and are quick to take offense at perceived slights from Tokyo.
Further sand in the eyes ("zionism"):
"......In Japan, meanwhile, a new Prime Minister has been selected who appears to be outside of the control of the Zionist cabal. Yoshihiko Noda,.. Rockefeller tainted candidates… were…excluded. ......"
Maybe it is clear why Americans had to retreat from Iraq: in order to leave it in the hands of Tehran (with some bomb attacks on S'hite in order to keep high the anti-Protestant, anti-Jewish and anti-Sunni tension).
[And this is the third time I repeat: divide Islam between Sunni and Shiite in order than to give to the pope - aka the 'vicarious' of Jesus "the second most important Islamic prophet" - the alibi to be the Pontifex Maximus of all the Islamic world ("pontifex" = the one who builds bridges).
"The Revolutionary Guards officers were flown to Damascus in chartered Iranian aircraft which were given permission to fly through Iraqi air space. Iranian military equipment is said to have been shipped to Syria by the same route. "
URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/9526858/Iran-sends-elite-troops-to-aid-Bashar-al-Assad-regime-in-Syria.html
Seen in the new "The Unhived Mind" [The site is an open supporter of Iran and Assad]: http://theunhivedmind.com/wordpress2/?p=4775
Islam cannot be compared with religions in countries where the gospel was completely unknown before Christians arrived. Islam is a post-Christian religion which has consciously dealt with Christ and has developed into an anti-Christian power. Muslims have become immune to the Spirit of Christ. They have been vaccinated at an early age against the teachings of the gospel.http://www.intervarsity.org/ism/article/14
British historian Peter Longerich recently published a 1035-page study on Himmler quoting, inter alia, from documents in the German Federal Archives in Berlin ("Bundesarchiv Berlin"). Longerich quotes Himmler as saying in November 1944 that Islam is "a practical and sympathetic religion for soldiers." "It promises that those who fall in battle will go to heaven."http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/3964
ReplyDeleteChechen president to dedicate huge mosque outside Jerusalem
Israel-bound Ramzan Kadyrov, whose government was main funder of new Abu Ghosh ‘mosque of peace,’ is a strong Putin supporter
Kadyrov is a supporter of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Last month he offered to send soldiers to Ukraine following the social uprising which toppled its pro-Russian president
ReplyDeletePROKHANOV: It is strange that Jewish organizations - European and Russian - support Maidan. They do that? They do not realize that they are with their hands closer to the second holocaust?
Moderator: They also advanced the first.
PROKHANOV: It's dreadful, it is astonishing blindness, which, apparently, is repeated, because until '33 in Europe are very many liberal organizations were fed Fuhrer.
Moderator: Yes.
".......“This mosque is for Allah. It will be neither fanatic, nor inciting,” Jaber said. “I want to invite all the people of Israel to the opening: rabbis, priests, sheikhs. Anyone who loves Abu Ghosh.”.............
ReplyDeleteRead more: Chechen president to dedicate huge mosque outside Jerusalem | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/chechen-president-to-dedicate-abu-ghosh-mosque/
This mantra fits perfectly to that landscape i imagined one can see from the Jerusalem hills when wieving Ukraine, that partitioning of the Israeli Jews in two fronts as wanted by the same jesuit pope...:
"....PROKHANOV: It is strange that Jewish organizations - European and Russian - support Maidan. They do that? They do not realize that they are with their hands closer to the second holocaust?......."
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Jewish partitioning confirmed.
Yes now it is more clear to me... Dec 4, 2013, ten days or less after the meeting Putin with pope Francis S.J. we have this news reported by B. Chamish and I published in a post - the games are all done.... Increase Nazism,... create a "knight against the Nazis",.... then make pressure on Israel.... Only one question: after having put the hands on Jerusalem, will Vatican and Jesuits stop or they'll continue with "increasing Nazis" and "preppin up Putin"?.... After Molotov-Ribentropp Pact many thought "OK now"... Even after the attack to France many thought that the war "would end soon with some re-shaping of border between France and Germany".... till the attack to Norway...
"....... It appears the Pope will be arriving in Israel this May to weasel concessions from the government. The first step in the long road to grandeur was taken this month.
Sara Netanyahu: “We can hardly wait for the Pope” December 4, 2013
The prime minister’s wife, repeated the invitation. “We’re expecting you, we can’t wait”.
Officials in the Vatican made a nod to the pope’s plans to visit the Holy Land, but no official announcement was made. According to Israeli media, an advance team from the Vatican is expected in the near future to prepare for Pope Francis’ expected visit in May.
In April, the pope reportedly accepted an invitation for a visit to Israel extended by visiting President Shimon Peres. On Monday, Sara Netanyahu, the prime minister’s wife, repeated the invitation. “We’re expecting you, we can’t wait,” Israeli media quoted her as telling the pontiff after the meeting.
In the midst of the upcoming show of dignity which Israelis will be swamped by, they will be asked to concede vital chunks of territory. The plan has the nation so caught up in the pageantry that it agrees to anything. There is only one bright spot in the bleakness. One writer is on guard:
The game is simple, Vatican and Jesuits puts the Nazi knife at the throat of Jews, the Jews together with Israel are forced to support Putin to protect Eurasian jews from the re-birth of Nazism in exchange of?... In exchange of giving away Jerusalem... I imagine what are saying the Jesuits... "... better alive and without Jerusalem than dead in a New Auscwhitz and... without Jerusalem"...
ReplyDeletePlease Христо Стилиянов, can you tell me if also you in opening my...
....are noting that two pictures, the one of Europe/Eurasia , at the top of the post with pope, Putin, Barroso, snipers etc., and the picture of the Russia Today article are disappeared?
Thank you.
they can be seen
ReplyDeleteOk thank you
ReplyDeleteInteresting if pope sits in Jerusalem 2017,boy wouldn't that be a sign...but probably a lot of wars, threatenings, reshufflings and 9/11s are needed to arrive at that point
ReplyDelete???... In september 25, two months before Putin-Jesuit pope meeting, Iran's president affirmed to condemn the holocaust...
ReplyDelete"........Iran’s New President Condemns Holocaust as a Crime....."
....BUT then it all gone alone the old good way:
03/21/2014 13:49
Israel: Ayatollah denies Holocaust while seeking to eliminate Jewish state by nuclear genocide.
A one more reason to kneel to Putin.
Jesuitical Peres:
ReplyDeleteHere the URL:
".......Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei used a Friday morning speech marking Norwuz, the Persian New Year, to call into question the Holocaust.
“The Holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened, it’s uncertain how it has happened,” Khamenei’s Twitter account quoted him as saying in the speech......
The remarks by Iran’s most powerful leader came a day after President SHIMON PERES reached out to the Iranian people in a holiday greeting, appealing for Israel and the Islamic Republic to “forget war and threatening” and have a year of “silence and peace.”
ReplyDeleteVELCOME TO JERUSALGRAD by Barry Chamish - Russia/Russian Orthodox Church Wants Control of Downtown Jerusalem And Are Doing So
Thu, 06/05/2008 - 09:52 — Arthur Cristian
In mid-1995 I wrote in my newsletter, which later became page 112 of my book, Traitors And Carpetbaggers In The Promised Land;
Beilin announced that negotiations with the Russian Orthodox Church over land claims in Jerusalem had been settled and ownership of prime real estate in Jerusalem would revert to the church. Among the lands now owned by the church are a large percentage of the property housing the Jerusalem Court building and Police headquarters.
The deal is now done but try to find anything in English about it.
This is the best I could find and it's not very good:
Russia wants control of downtown Jerusalem
Moscow is in negotiations to purchase a large section of downtown Jerusalem once controlled by the Russian government prior to Israel's rebirth in 1948.
The 17-acre Russian Compound is today home to a large police facility and detention center, numerous pubs and restaurants and a large Russian Orthodox church.....
I erased the previous two comment as useless (just go to that URL to read entire Barry's article)
ReplyDeleteNow it all clear also why the Russian church does 'resistance' against the call by Partriach Bartholomew this early March 2014... just underground ecumenism with the Jesuits in the name of the Vatican conquest of Jerusalem.
ReplyDeleteNo one knows how many of them there really are; their numbers range from 70,000 in official censuses to anywhere around 500,000 or more according to unofficial assessments. At least three men claim to be the chief rabbi of Ukraine and at least four national organizations claim to represent and speak on behalf of the country’s Jews. Their identities are complex: Ukrainian citizens, Russian speakers, holders of Israeli and American passports and owners of homes in Geneva and London. And that’s before we get to the many Ukrainians who are rumored to be at least part Jewish but would never identify themselves as such.
"Your certainty of the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine also does not correspond to the actual facts. It seems you have confused Ukraine with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year."
Now increasing far right wing movements, mostly South Europe or East Europe. Is it clear why they made explode the scandal Hollande? To put center-right at government, frustrating right and far right wing,... then pulling down the head of the leftist government to arise an extreme far right wing reaction... et-voila!... Nazi and anti-semite threat appears at the service of the Vatican!...:
".....The Telegraph....
François Hollande sex scandal: Julie Gayet nominated for French Oscar
Julie Gayet, the actress whose alleged affair with François Hollande led to his break-up with Valérie Trierweiler, is nominated for a French Oscar in role as nymphomaniac diplomat .... By Henry Samuel, Paris
4:47PM GMT 31 Jan 2014..."
[it enters in action the indutry of moral ethic prostitution, aka 'cinematographie' or denial of II Commandament, in order to give to the scandal the maximum of visibility]
Then Satan harvesting what sewed by his human puppets.... the extreme xenophobe anti-semite and CATHOLIC far right wing explodes in France, one of the pillar of EUROGENDFOR:
French far-right triumphs in local polls that hammer ruling Socialists
By Marianne Barriaux 6 hours ago ....Applauding what she said was "an exceptional vintage for the FN", Marine Le Pen -- head of the anti-immigration, anti-EU party -- said the polls marked the "end of the bipolarisation of the political scene".....".
Keep in mind Romania as member of EUROGENDFOR....
ERRATA CORRIGE: Read not "To put center-right at government, frustrating right and far right wing,..." but "To put center-LEFT at government, frustrating right and far right wing,...",. it was center-left Hollande to win elections.
ReplyDeleteHere Globar Reseaarch, giving fuel to the pope's engine:
".......Canada’s support is a continuation of its historical support for Ukrainian war criminals guilty of genocide at the end of WWII, but unprosecuted to further their uses to anti-Soviet policies. The Harper government is championing a political structure with its roots in Babi-Yar. Babi Yar is not an example of fascism, it’s an example of the extremes of Nazism and an inhumanity Europe has been teaching the New World for half a millenium........." .
But the allies of Putin, the ayatollah, didn't they deny the Holocaust??? ... [give a look at some above comments...]
Notice the timing, the perfect synchro with the events in France:
By John Bart Gerald
Global Research, March 23, 2014
Night's Lantern
Yes, also the french nazi comedians as a barometer for social antisemitism
Significantly nazism in Germany is relatively pulled down meanwhile it increases in other countries... also here the clear tangible presence of intelligence:
"....It ends with cases from 2011. Late that year, the self-styled National Socialist Underground emerged as alleged suspects behind the murder of eight Turkish men, a Greek and a policewoman between 2000 and 2007.......The German government has pledged to reform the country's security services to prevent similar cases from occurring in future......"
Also this is "two way Europe".
yes, all eyes on germany, under a microscope, while the rest of Europe is becoming more and more antisemitic . . . .
ReplyDeleteHere, some of the friends of Alexander Lebedev....:
ReplyDeleteMonday, March 24, 2014
The spy who came - III
Well my darlings, aren't so today Russian and Chinese the bayonets of the pope?