Tuesday, December 24, 2013

An Overview of the Flood


"....The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: 
but fools despise wisdom and instruction........" 
[Proverbs 1:7, KJV]

   I was reflecting on the counter of visits, if they are reliable or maybe (hypothesis) they can be used by an hacker to psychologically tune the author of a blog etc.:

Above image - dec 19, 2013

Above image - dec 21, 2013

And now an interesting overview linking the Flood with asteroids:

"....Interestingly enough secular science acknowledges these craters, but of course places the impacts within a 600 million year time period. Over those great lengths, 71 impacts are minuscule. However, 71 mega impacts...
  global flood crater-history-chart
...striking the earth within a single year’s time would be astoundingly significant. Physical evidence supports that asteroids surely contributed greatly to the horrific and violent geologic events that took place during God’s year of judgment of the earth...."

[ From  http://willowdresselcreation.wordpress.com/world-history-bible-cronoloy-the-noahician-deluge-noahs-floodglobal-flood-part-ii-what-triggered-the-flood/  ]

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Above image - Deep Impact movie (theatrical release poster) - URL:

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