Stephen DeVoy became best known for reporting on John Poindexter
“Information Awareness Office”
of mass computerized data mining surveillance of the general public,
turning its technologies against Poindexter, by posting some of
Poindexter’s personal information.
Cyber citizen spies on a Pentagon spook
man who heads the Pentagon's efforts to develop a computer program to
keep an electronic eye out for terrorists is himself the object of
Although the John Poindexter Awareness Office was
launched as a joke website on November 29 it has attracted thousands of
hits and hundreds of responses.
"I would like to eliminate the
surveillance of Americans from the war on terror equation," said
Stephen DeVoy, the computer scientist who set up the Poindexter page as
part of his site of disorganized resistance at http://www.breakyourchains.org
site focuses on Poindexter, who is developing a program to sift
through enormous amounts of individual data to detect patterns that
could indicate terrorist activity. Visitors to the site are urged ...
"if you see Mr Poindexter purchase something, travel somewhere or do,
well, anything, send us a tip describing your observations."
while the site contains information on others who work with
Poindexter, Mr DeVoy said he has received no reports on any of them.
of what he has received on Poindexter, a former national security
adviser to president Ronald Reagan and convicted felon of the
Iran-Contra scandal, has not been posted, Mr DeVoy said, because it
appeared libellous or not legitimate.
Mr. Devoy, 40, a "rational
anarchist," said he is self-employed and will not reveal where he
lives because he has received death threats. He said the Government
should not be involved in individuals' lives, and his site is an
example of individual dissent against his country's tendency to spy on
on its own citizens who do not conform.
So where is his site?
So, I begin further internet research, and find such things as:
5. Break Your Chains! Someone
is harassing myself and my family. They are engaging in cyber crimes
to do so. My family has been through enough. I'm shutting this website
down. http://www.breakyourchains.org/ - Last modified: 6 July 2004 @ 12:40
Where did breakyourchains.org go? 19.10.2004 20:00
am happy to see that Mr. DeVoy has contributed to an indymedia group.
His work has been thorough and compelling on issues that matter to all
of us interested in our liberties. I wish I could find that site. Any
help would be appreciated.
Godspeed! matthew e-mail:: clumsiii@hotmail.com
Anarchist becomes subject of Federal Probe
by Keanu Hamilton Saturday, Mar. 06, 2004 at 6:17 PM
Boston anarchist becomes subject of Federal Probe
Stephen DeVoy, anarchist, subject of Federal Probe
Illegal merchandise sales, defamation of corporations, suspicion of domestic terrorism
By Gabriela Herrera
American Post Staff Writer
Sunday, March 7, 2004; Page A01
CAMBRIDGE, MA (Reuters) 13:30 - Stephen R. DeVoy, owner of websites at www.whiterosejournal.info, www.stop-fascism.org , www.breakyourchains.org, and www.rationalanarchism.org
has become the subject of a Federal Probe in regard to illegal
merchandise sales and sales tax evasion. In addition to Federal action, a
civil lawsuit has been filed by the Austin-based corporation Cycorp,
Inc. in connection to defamation and libel published on DeVoy's
websites. Preliminary investigation reveals some substance to the
investigation, authorities said.
Mr. DeVoy denies any wrongdoing, it has been proven beyond a
reasonable doubt that there has been more than casual defamation of
several companies and individuals. Telephone records as well as files
subpoenaed from EarthLink Hosting, (Mr. DeVoy's web host), contain
cached web pages containing the libel as well as names of individuals
who have accused Mr. DeVoy of harassment and defamation. In early 2003,
Mr. DeVoy fled Austin, Texas shortly after being sought in connection with a computer store robbery in a southern California
establishment. Mr. DeVoy, an unemployed programmer began his
harassment campaign after being terminated from Cycorp, Inc. due to
lack of performance and excessive absenteeism. DeVoy was also suspected
of stealing company secrets for possible sale to unknown foreign
parties. After the firm became aware that Mr. DeVoy was involved in an
anarchist movement responsible for domestic terrorist activities, his
termination was hastened.
addition to defamation charges, the Federal Probe will investigate Mr.
DeVoy's bumper sticker sales and online merchandising campaign.
According to the Internal Revenue Service records, Mr. DeVoy failed to
report income coming from such sales as well as failing to provide a
return policy for defective merchandise. One customer reported that
upon requesting a refund for bumper stickers he did not receive, Mr.
DeVoy blocked e-mail messages from the sender. The stickers reportedly
faded within days of being placed on the bumper of the purchaser's
vehicle. In other reports, Mr. DeVoy's stickers began to appear on
police cruisers owned by the Cambridge Police Department. The campus
authorities have reported incidences of being forced to remove them
from vehicles and building facades as well.
Mr. DeVoy is known to be suffering from a mental condition known as Paranoid Personality Disorder,
for which he takes medication and is required to see a therapist. The
mental health facility which has been assigned to Mr. DeVoy has
reported that he has failed to keep appointments.
Mr. DeVoy's criminal record as well as his inclusion in the Department
of Homeland Security's list of potential domestic terrorists, it is
possible that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will play the biggest
role in the investigation.
American Post
A group of us are trying to reach Stephen Devoy but his website is
down and all other lines of communication have also been stopped.
seriously wonder if he has been murdered by the Government because of a
message that was sent below... and of course because he tried to fight
them single-handedly regarding ELECTRO-MAGNETIC weapons.
They had to tread lightly and not cause too much of an uproar as everything he said was 100% TRUE apparently.
All the criminal government could do was send out a phony email from him to try to discredit him...
post below is regarding Stephen DeVoy. Obviously this was posted by
someone in the Bush administration... as the person is illiterate...
This persons 'fearless leader' WILL BE IMPEACHED shortly...
(hush, hush... don't let George know... he might O.D. on the antidepressents he's been shoving down his throat)
Anyway this is the POST REGARDING STEPHEN DEVOY that has us deeply worried!
hope you are feeling better..we will turn the power down on the
impulse generator if you will just come outside and talk with
us..SLOWLY approach the black Tahoe parked down the street..with your
hands in sight at all times..when the agent in the passenger seat rolls
down the window..say "I need to speak to Steve"..you will then be
taken to an undisclosed location where Steve is waiting for you to join
him..He is in a soundproof room lined with renyolds wrap..we have a
tin foil helment in your size that will block all impulses into your
brain..your mom is doing fine and likes her new room..she has adjusted
well (as we're sure you will) to her new meds AND HAS AN UPBEAT
OUTLOOK!!..you must get back to taking your vitamins..the agent in the
Tahoe will have a fresh supply for you..Steve says "Hi"..Do not
worry..everything will be fine..if you do not do as instructed your
health will continue to deteriorate slowly..at 10:04 pm tonight blink
your light on the patio twice to let us know you are ready to relocate
and be with Steve..DO NOT speak to anyone about our plans..we will know
if you do.
I have found this later post, with his name; hopefully he is OK.
The significance of NSA spying.
Ubiquitous NSA Telephone Call Logging: The Practical Significance
revelations that the NSA is logging all telephone calls of all
Americans, while blatantly illegally and outrageously anti-democratic,
are far more significant than the media leads you to believe. These
revelations are not really new. An earlier article made it clear that a defense contractor was being paid to build "a system to identify calling patterns between suspected terrorists." The new article states that the NSA "is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity."
Since it has now been revealed that the goal is to log and database
ALL telephone calls between Americans and analyze them to detect
terrorist activity, we can conclude that the Bush Administration
considers ALL Americans to be terrorists.
According to act"Administration propaganda network" Fox News, the Almighty Decider Bush declared, "Our
intelligence ivities strictly target Al Qaeda and their known
affiliates. Al Qaeda is our enemy and we want to know their plans."
Bush is telling the truth. You see, there is no Al-Qaeda, at least not
in reality. "Al-Qaeda" is just a term the Almighty Decider uses to
signify everyone who opposes Him. As Bush Himself said, on November 6,
2001, "You are either with us or against us."
Since "Us" means Bush, and since nearly 80% of the American population
opposes Bush, 80% of the American population is "Al-Qaeda." That means
that nearly every American IS IN FACT a member of "Al-Qaeda" (at least
in Bush's fantasy world). Bush, therefore, is telling it like it is
(to Him) when he says that the new NSA program is targeting Al-Qaeda
only (read 80% of Americans). And why is it important to monitor this
"Al-Qaeda"? Well, to protect the other 20% from the 80%. Who would that
20% be? Well, it appears to me that that 20% would be the kernel of his
fascist state which, for the most part, is comprised of the ruling
class and men with low IQ's (and yes, a few women who like men with low
That said, lets get to
what this really means. Bush is targeting everyone who disagrees with
him. What could he possible gain by having a database of the
relationships between each American and every other American as well as
the relationships between each American and every business? You must
keep in mind that Bush wants this information so that it can be used to
protect the 20% of Americans who now rule over the other 80%. That
means, he needs this information to keep 80% of the population from
doing what they could easily do without some means of restraining them
(e.g. overthrow the state, arrest all members of the corrupt regime, put
the criminals on trial, etc).
can one restrain 80% of the population by maintaining a database of
all relationships (and face it, nearly all relationships are
discernable through identifying who telephones whom)? Isn't it obvious?
If you still can't guess, let me spell it out for you: BLACKMAIL,
and so on. Basically, all of the things that dictatorships do to keep
the masses from overthrowing the elite. Indeed, all Bush and his STASI
need do is make an example out of everyone who speaks up. In short
shrift, no one will speak up. Many of us know first hand that the Bush
Regime has interfered in our lives already using the aforementioned
list of black deeds. I could name a long list of online writers who
have already experienced these black deeds and I would be on that list.
the Almighty Decider is doing is a direct and major threat to your
liberty, your happiness, your future, and everything you value in life.
Do not take it sitting down.
Stephen DeVoy's internet store is at:
"cute" how the media ignores people as Stephen DeVoy, instead feeding
us a fluff of things such as John Mark Karr. How about an interview by
Larry King!
Is anyone in the government or the media looking out for the safety of blogs and of bloggers?