Thursday, November 19, 2015

True colors of the Catholic Whore - every day more visible

DISCLAIMER 02 Feb 2016: I don't share anymore the below judgement on Chick Publications and on David W. Daniels (upgrade 21 Nov. 2015). I was too much harsh. I don't believe David W. Daniels to be liar. I leave the below my upgrade un-touched  because this disclaimer is sufficient to correct it. I repent about that my harsh judgement, surely helped by stress and psychological pressure coming from the Eurasianist Catholic establishment on me, working on my person everyday (I live in Italy, Trieste, a staunchly Catholic-heathen country). Of course there remains some perplexity in to see ho Chick Publications and D W Daniels, which are always giving vital information on the word of God, to be so near  the Catholic and Orthodox machinery. This machinery consists in to fire Islamic terrorism to then push the "lost sheep" of the true Christians under the walls of the Vatican in an "ecumenical front" against Islam. But I DON'T believe David W. Daniels and Chick Publications as "aiding the Catholic agenda", at least for one thing: it was thanks to the Chick Publications' books I ordered from USA, that in me it arose the interest on the Greatest Holocaust in history, the Christian Holocaust by the Inquisition of Rome and Byzantium. It would be not simply un-fair, but deeply unrighteous, if I would not correct and repent from that my sin, especially because the video of David W. Daniel on the KJV, helped me a lot. May God be witness of the sincerity of my heart, amen.

 Warning:  this post will be upgraded, at the guise of a thread of a forum. The older upgrades at the bottom. The newest at the top.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3nd Edited 21 November 2015  

"BAPTISTS" OUTSIDE - SPRINKLERS WITHIN: the true colors of Chick Publications.

Definitively the true colors of Chick Publications and David W. Daniels (with whom months ago I had a short mail intercourse but surely we now have very little to share - siding with the Catholic Crusade against Catholic Sects stirred up by Catholic Geo-political global agents, is not something you "agree to disagree", but to denounce from the highest rooftops):

 avles21 ноември 2015 г., 4:27
Chick Publications showing the true colors (not the "anti-Marijana" stance blamed on them by DW...):

"Published on Nov 20, 2015

Why didn't the Muslim invasion start a generation earlier? According to Muslims, it was because they were afraid their people would be converted to Christianity in America, the Christian nation."

What a liar. ---->

Gates Wide Open (Edited version)


They are the same as the CATHOLIC "truthsayers", they are "Baptists" outside, but truly Sprinkler in the heart:

The final target of the Third Hijra: Rome and the Catholic Church
Posted on 11 September 2015 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2nd Edited 21 November 2015  

  GREEN, WHITE, RED - the colors of the Italian flag.

Mattarella: "Persecution of Christians planetary emergency"

Nov. 21, 2015
ROME. At a special devoted to the Sheet drama of the extermination of Christians in the Middle East, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, intervenes in the newspaper directed by Claudio Cerasa to launch an appeal against the fundamentalism of Islamic.
"Community thriving, ancient and rooted, accustomed to living together, to dialogue and peace, have been completely deleted in different areas of the world or reduced to small group, threatened and harassed. Christians in every latitude beheaded, crucified, burned alive, challenge the conscience of every man. Pope Francis has launched high his cry of pain, talking about martyrdom vastly more serious and extensive than that of the early years of Christianity. It is a complaint that can not remain indifferent, "concluded the head of state....".

The color of the Italian flag, Mr President, we have done it. With your words you will be condemned - said Jesus the Lord, and you condemned yourself, Mr President and Mr Pope. Because the color of Italian flag has been done by our spiritual ancestors, whom your spiritual fathers assassinated and you, today, their spiritual SONS, bury their records with the stones of your hypocrite words:




Above image -  Italian flag

 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.


XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1st Edited 19 November 2015 

""I'm sorry," Morgan wrote, "but it's just not acceptable any more. I'm Catholic and if a load of other Catholics suddenly started beheading and shooting people in the name of my religion in this modern age, falsely claiming papal authority to do so, I would stand up and denounce them from any rooftops I could find.

"As would, I am sure, millions of other Catholics. There would be shared revulsion at the way our religion was being hijacked to justify mass murder. Only when the wider Muslim population turns on ISIS properly in their own communities, renounces everything they stand for, and roots them out, will they be finished off.""

Catholic celebrity Piers Morgan calls Muslims to take a stand instead of 'cowering in fear'
"In THIS modern age". Therefore NOT in the past ages. 
Piers Morgan confessed openly to approve the Catholic  Holocaust of Christians from Constantine to the eve of Reformation. Roman Catholicism is worse than ISIS, because it exists thanks to the millions of butchered Christians. At least Islam DOESN'T ASSASSINATE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE LORD:

 [the page is available ONLY in Italian]

".... In Montalto were imprisoned, between men and women, 1,600 Waldensian. [83] . It was declared a rapid trial chaired by the government commissioner Pirro Antonio Pansa, the vicar of Cosenza Orazio Greco and Malvicino, [84] 150 of them were sentenced to death for rebellion , firearms and heresy. [85] on 11 June 1561 he proceeded, in front of the church of San Francesco di Paola, the execution of 86 or 88 of them, as described in a letter by an eyewitness: [86 ]

 "Today very early it started the execution of those Lutherans about which to only think about it is frightening, that the death of these ones is like the death of castrated ones [domestic animals castrated]: who were all gathered in one house where they were picked up one by one by the executioner, who was binding him with a bandage on the eyes and then he brought him in a location not far from that house and made him to kneel and with a knife he cutted his throat, and after abandoning him there, then he picked up the blood-bathed bandage and with the bloody knife he picked up another , to do the same".

The old men were "happy to die, the  young people more fearful," [87] before the prosecutor Pansa who "stood on the steps of the Temple, with a rod in his hand, urging the executions", and the inquisitor Malvicino, that at the trial "did never stop to give beatings, slaps, punches, kicks and cut the beard to those petty," and everyone was doing "the greatest laughing in the world," hearing the convicts invoke "the name of Jesu Christ" and to recommend "Spirit them in the hands of God." [88]Because they serve as a warning, all the corpses of prisoners were quartered and hung on poles planted along the road that led from Cosenza Morano, near the border of Basilicata. [89] On June 12, the Jesuit Lucio Croce told the father provincial of Naples Alfonso Salmerón about the execution of the first 88 of a total of 150 Waldensian death sentences. [90] To it, it should follow the execution of "one hundred of older women," to be  tortured and executed in order  "to have the perfect mix." [91] but the sentences were suspended for the intervention of two Jesuit sent to confess the convicted, Lucio and Juan Xavier Cross. [92] The latter was admired by the moral sense of the Calabrian-Waldensian, "It does not  ever saw to blasphemy; their stuff, they  left it in the street; they did not question each other, nor accusing the one to the other, so of other things and moral virtues. "[93]At the end of June remained in the prisons of the castle of Montalto almost 1,400 Waldensian, [94] as he went on the hunt for stragglers. Another hundred Waldensian, locked up in the basement of the castle of Cosenza, were awaiting trial. Little is news of its decision. In what was then called piazza Waldensian, June 27 four or five were burned after being smeared with resin, so that "suffer more for correction of their wickedness," and on June 28 it was expected the burning of five women. [ 95] He died at the stake the preacher Bernardino Conte, while the old beard Stephen Negrin, intended to be sent before the Inquisition in Rome, instead died of starvation in prison. [96]Of the survivors, there were those condemned to row in the galleys of Spain, [97] "women and children the most flourishing" were sold as slaves, [98] the orphans were "re-educated" in Catholic institutions, [99] a few hundred were sent to confinement and the remainder after the recantation, were let loose with the habit of penance. [100] can not quantify the number of victims. A witness of the time wrote of 2,000 dead, [101] but in the absence of precise sources, historians have estimated a minimum of 600 to a maximum of 6,000 victims. [102]"....

I believe that those "Lutherans" and hence formally no-more Waldensians/Vaudoises, retained much of the pure doctrine of their fathers, having adopted the Lutheran compromise with the Catholic heresies only for a question of survival, and not surely for a sincere conversion from true Christian Baptism to the Heathen Sprinkling of Luther's dogmas. This is the true reason why those Vaudoises, "Reformed" ones, held such a stance and behaviour in front of the martyrdom, even marveling the Jesuits, because notwithstanding the forced conversion to the Reform, occurred under the threat for their lives, they remained in their heart true Vaudoises as they ever were, as the first Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

And, take heed, GOD will never forget anyone of them - because their blood is the blood of the saints, which fills  the cup of the Woman, the Catholic Whore:

6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?

7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
"88" or Roman Catholic Cutthroaters.

Sunday, June 22, 2014
Vaudoises of Calabria and Calabrian Mafia: guilty by association

Thursday, February 12, 2015
the Greatest Holocaust in history was of CHRISTIANS


  1. "modern age" = age of catholic minority. When it becomes the majority, we know the direction it will turn.... I make new post about bogomils soon

    1. Exactly bro, they are blaming Muslims for the same behavior but only because Cathlics works in the SAME way.... when minority they are ''meek & harmless'', when majority they occupy the state and clean away from the not Catholics, especially Christians not compromised with their church.

    2. This is what happens to me in my daily life, in ITALY, the s.c. ''center'' of ''Christendom'' in the world.

  2. The suspicion arose by the context of this martyrdom, is that the Catholic Whore could have had in a covert way, the green light from the upper echelons of Lutheran church in north Europe. If those Vaudoises converted to Lutheranism ONLY because forced, they could have well represented a threat for the apostate compromise of Luther with the Catholic doctrine, based on the Sprinkling on Infats, a compromise deemed urgent for a man, Luther, concerned more with the corrupted powers of this world, rather than with GOD's will.

    1. avles15 ноември 2015 г., 13:09
      Francis visited today Lutheran church in Rome :




  3. ''There would be shared revulsion at the way our religion was being hijacked to justify mass murder. ''.

    WHO hijacked them? this hypocrite want make me to believe that Muslims shut the mouth on ISIS because they all support ISIS and not because ISIS massacres are nuts compared to the millions of deaths of the Iraqi war and of the RUSSIAN invasion of Afghanistan???
    Not only the blood shed by those Vaudoises, but also tho one of all those Muslims will be imputed by GOD to such hypocrites.

  4. I have not done much research on Islam, though Chick has published whole comic books on the continuing counter reformation in Europe, including during the period of WW1 and WW2, yet they have shown zero interest in the Ledochowskis.

    If you read my blog Freedom of Medicine and Diet you would see that I write about a lot of things other than smoking Marijuana and that I target matters generally ignored by the drug policy reform groups.

    1. The greatest Holocaust in history where Christians were wiped away from Europe and Middle East, leaving only a remnant little but sufficient to trigger the Reformation, was not to kill people asking to share the glory of this world with the Popes, but because they denied it obeying the word of God. Marijuana is part of this world and can nothing for the salvation of your soul.
      Doug, Christendom is not a phylosophy or social doctrine, but a submission to God through the faith in his Son, to obtain the resurrection and the glory of heaven.

    2. Luther was not friendly towards tha Anaaptists who were a sort of Baptists but with some deviations - perhaps injected by the Catholic whore to have the alibi to label them 'heretic'.
      Luther and Calvin didn t 'discover' anything which was already professed as faith by millions of Christians centuries before them and slaughtered by the Catholic Whore, at the opposite, they suppressed all that historical record in order to steal the glory in heaven of those Christians, but you cannot steal it, and the fate of the ''reformed'' churches is in accordance with their fathers.

  5. Chick Publications showing the true colors (not the "anti-Marijana" stance blamed on them by DW...):

    url please?

    Am unsure why you keep going back to Marijuana, a gift of God hated by the satanists who use witchcraft against people to follow their satanic agenda.

    If you go to any court house say in the USA you will see about 2/3rds of the charges are against people for violating their pharmacratic inquisition-cigarette protectionism- the drug war is a major component of the continuing inquisition.

    1. "url please?"

      I remember you blaming them about their support to the Pharmacratic Inquisition in USA, I mean Southern Baptists, and Chick Publications is strongly aligned with them:

      "Marijuana, a gift of God hated by the satanists"

      Doug, you are in a deep error.

      Even the Scripture, which has been created by God, are used by Satan. Do you think he uses the word of God in a different way rather than he uses Marijana's question today?.... So why we Christian don't defend Marijana, another creation of God, with the same decision we use in defending God's word?.... But simply because Marijana don't give you Eternal Salvation. Can Marijana cure the human hypocrisy? Wickedness? Evil thinking? I doubt, because in this case both Jews & Gentiles should have put a bunch of Cannabis leaves on the cross - blasphemy.
      Today Satan uses the question of legalization of the most harmless substances to try to make out of them a CULT, and this is the goal of Satanism, making so out of it an idolatry, because the worship of the creation and not of a Creator is idolatry.
      Should you erase your blog about the Pharmacratic Inquisition? Or deny anything you did on it ? Absolutely not. But I would use it to denounce the manipulation of the drugs question as a way to distract people from the Kingdom of GOD and to convince 'em that.... "all in all we can make this world better, we don't need of any Savior!".
      Millions of Christians are died not for any of the material gifts of God, no for food, no for drink not for any of His creations, but only for one thing: for the faith in His Holy Son and the eternal salvation of the Soul.

  6. Calvinsm and Lutheranism are alas grossly incomplete breaks from Romanism, for instance the latter's continuing use of the satanic black magic witchcraft rituals of the RCC.

  7. These 'Protestant Christians' all supported a market scheme of banning the safer agricultural drugs as cannabis, opium and especially coca while giving a free pass to Tobacco- despite what was already known - see William Tibbles in FMD. Also see the quote from the 1914 Congress about Tobacco cancers being ignored by the proponents of the Harrison Act.

    By doing so they aligned themselves with the Roman Catholic Church/Satan. Have you studied a religious map of the U.S.?

    The whole Southern Baptist thing was a re-branding of what had been Anglican, which itself, like too many "Protestant" demonstrations is way too close to Rome, particularly I such things as the satanic black magic rituals, which get a free pass via the jesuiitical fear mongering over "drugs." For one, the so called Holy Eucharist. Why does for instance the Lutheran Church include that?

    They are deeply in error, and have unleashed a multitude of miseries, on top of the 100 million extra deaths caused by cigarettes made possible by their market distortion.

    I don't know why you keep bringing up Marijuana for eternal salvation as I have never said that.
    Yet you are overlooking how these "Protestant Christians" not only disregard genesis and pervert Revelations 22 to distract from the none drug satanic rituals, but how they break commandments against lying and stealing via their support for the pharmacratic inquisition.

    1. Southern Baptists have been heavily under the control of Jesuitical Rockefeller:

      Anyway their stance about drugs WHATEVER kind, from Cannabis to Wine, is right. A Christian should keep away from Cannabis, wine, etc. If you walk in Christ you not only don't feel need of substances, no matter how "natural" they are, but you feel even a repulsion to them.

    2. Cannabis is a medical grass, should be used for medical reason. And wine even in the Bible - it is clear that it refers to the not fermented one, as pertain an eventual "sanctification" cause the use in the last supper. Everything altering the mind through material means is an easy gate for the Hell, except of course you don't need it for medical reasons.

  8. Marijuana is a gift of God hated by satanists.

    That is a fact.

    1. I have not been saved by Marjuana.

    2. Christians are saved through the faith in GOD, not by use of drugs, Marijana or wine.

  9. Agreed.

    Marijuana is *a* gift, but NOT *the* gift.

    I suspect that you were misconstruing what I was says, "a" versus "the".

    Satanists though do hate it because in moderate doses it can help with insight, such as seeing through the political bs around us.

    Too much can be counter-productive- which is true with any substance.

    The insight benefits of Marijuana in moderation along with those of psychedelics are largely why the satanists as those at the RCC hate them, and instead prefer more numbing drugs as alcohol and Valium.

    The banning of Coca via the smear against cocaine per se rather than cocaine in excessive concentrations, for the sake of protecting and promoting the Tobacco cigarette industry was undeniably a market perversion that cost an upward of 100 million lives- see that chart on FMD showing how cigarette production spiked following the 1906, 1914 and 1937 drug prohibitions.

    Indeed, the substance in cigarettes Virginia Bright Leaf Tobacco was a man made creation, unlike Coca, Cannabis or Coffee, bred as an extra large leaf variety with thus a lower nicotine content per square area of leaf, and without the interesting psychedelic properties, for the sake of engineering a commodity that could be consumed on a far far more frequent basis.

    1. ''Satanists though do hate it because in moderate doses it can help with insight, such as seeing through the political bs around us.''.

      Free to believe that, but for us, Christians, there's only one ''Marijuana'', the word of God. Jesus didn't come and said ''oh, let's sit in a pub and let talk of the Kingdom of God around a pair of good Budweiser''.
      But rebuked His disciples saying them: these things comes by nothing, but by prayers and fasting.
      The word of God is clear, no doubts, you are enlightened by the Holy Ghost, and by no other things and entities under this heaven.
      If you need of other things to have enlightment, free to use them, but you will never access to the wisdom of God, and you cannot label yourself ''Christian'', maybe ''animist'', but not follower of Christ.
      Marijuana is a gift of God, indeed with many other herbs etc, we Christians could need ofthem, tthe day when cause our faith the Catho-Orthodox Whore will deprive us of job and roof over our heads, and the survivor will live in the forests, using the gifts of God, but a gift of God, like herbs, can also be manipulated by the Devil who had no problem even to manipulate the same Scripture when tempting Jesus in the wilderness.

    2. ''Satanists though do hate it because in moderate doses it can help with insight, such as seeing through the political bs around us.''.

      Exatly the opposte i believe. Satan wants people imbued they can make this world better by the means of their will, thoughts and actions, therefore giving up the faith in the power of God, and Marijuana can well serve this plan of Satan.
      The core of the problem is not the exposition of the Pharmacratic Inquisition, but the perspective from which you denounce all that, having you still confidence and trust in the idea that men can save by themselves with their hands, which is at the core of Catholicism, and in modern age smuggled as modern ideologies.

  10. "you still confidence and trust in the idea that men can save by themselves with their hands"

    You are putting words in my mouth.

    Beware these daughters of Rome, they are all Romanist.

    1. WHAT? are you kidding me? Don't you believe that human action to smoke a material substance is giving "enlightenment"? What else is this if not "to save themselves by the proper hands", the fundament of the Catholic doctrine???

    2. "You are putting words in my mouth."

      Yes you are right because I never saw you say this literally and I apologize to you for this.
      BUT I don't believe like you in the reformation of this world, no in the reformation of the Catholic church, because this pertain to the illusion of the free will, the illusion we have our destiny in our hands and this illusion mislead humans to consider themselves "gods/goddess" searching a mythical "knowledge" maybe aided by "techniques" (spiritual exercises?) or psychoactive substances also from mushrooms. The only truth you can obtain is the one from GOD, and in a mind clear from any other alien chemical substance.
      BTW: this world will be annihilated together with Marijuana and our bodies. The word of GOD is the only thing a Christian has to worship. The only plant who will heal the nation is the tree of life:

      In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

  11. "Yes you are right because I never saw you say this literally and I apologize to you for this."

    Thank you.

    "BUT I don't believe like you in the reformation of this world, no in the reformation of the Catholic church ..."

    That is an excellent point. "Reformation" IS a misleading term as that implies reforming the RCC- a major mistake of Luther and others, whose Churches all retain numerous RCC rituals, which I believe are forms of satanic black magic.

    "to the illusion of the free will"- somewhat disagree, as we have the free will to reject or accept God and Jesus, and we can get enlightenment via reading, most notably reading the Bible.

  12. Rather than a counter reformation, it would be more accurate to speak of the continuing Inquisition.
