Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Welcome in the Virtual Reality World of Evolutionism

 Just seen in Focus "scientific" channel.

Is this how works the money you pay with taxes? With which you supply govt. agencies of intelligence? Is this how does work the money with which you purchase goods and  pay corporations? 

Creating a Virtual Reality to destroy Bible? So welcome in the New World of mass psychiatric manipulation of the mind:

Above video - "Mermaid 3000 Feet Deep Off the Coast of Greenland Mermaid Caugt. etc." - URL:  http://youtu.be/iuXPdQqMYW0

Remember the Evolutionist religious cult of Mermaids: Mermaids are simply the evolutionist parallel of man descending from Ape-man, the difference is that they are the Fish-man.

The Theorem under such "footage": Fish-men exist because monkeys too  go inside rivers, lakes etc. (really! like the swimming bear that would transform in whale! they showed a short piece with monkey inside river!); therefore a branch of monkey evolved in the...... Fish-man!

But because the missing link is still missing, we can create one with the Virtual Reality of Dream Works Inc., intelligence, Romish masonic orders, actors, movie directors, storyboard writers, behaviorists, psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, etc. 

If Evolutionism is collapsed also because he cannot exhibit any kind of missing link, we'll tell you, with the help of science fiction, that there's a "conspiracy" to "hide the missing link".

If you are a professional of scuba diving, there's a future for you in order to earn the daily bread.  

 An excerpt from The Two Babylons of Hislop in the tradition of using "tricks and artifices of magic":

 Page 65-66 at pdf doc. URL: https://ia701209.us.archive.org/10/items/theTwoBabylons/TheTwoBabylons.pdf

Now the secret system of the Mysteries gave vast facilities
for imposing on the senses of the
initiated by means of the various tricks and artifices of magic. Notwithstanding all the care and
precautions of those who conducted these initiations, enough has transpired to give us a very
clear insight into their real
character. Everything was so contrived as to wind up the minds of the
novices to the highest pitch of excitement, that, after having surrendered themselves implicitly to
the priests, they might be prepared to receive anything. After the candidates for init
iation had
passed through the confessional, and sworn the required oaths, "strange and amazing objects,"
says Wilkinson, "presented themselves. Sometimes the place they were in seemed to shake
around them; sometimes it appeared bright and resplendent with
light and radiant fire, and then
again covered with black darkness, sometimes thunder and lightning, sometimes frightful noises
and bellowings, sometimes terrible apparitions astonished the trembling spectators." Then, at
last, the great god, the central o
bject of their worship, Osiris, Tammuz, Nimrod or Adonis, was
revealed to them in the way most fitted to soothe their feelings and engage their blind affections.
An account of such a manifestation is thus given by an ancient Pagan, cautiously indeed, but y
in such a way as shows the nature of the magic secret by which such an apparent miracle was
accomplished: "In a manifestation which one must not reveal...there is seen on a wall of the
temple a mass of light, which appears at first at a very great dista
nce. It is transformed, while
unfolding itself, into a visage evidently divine and supernatural, of an aspect severe, but with a

touch of sweetness. Following the teachings of a mysterious religion, the Alexandrians honour it
as Osiris or Adonis." From thi
s statement, there can hardly be a doubt that the magical art here
employed was none other than that now made use of in the modern phantasmagoria. Such or
similar means were used in the very earliest periods for presenting to the view of the living, in
secret Mysteries, those who were dead. We have statements in ancient history referring to the
very time of Semiramis, which imply that magic rites were practised for this very purpose; * and
as the magic lantern, or something akin to it, was manifestly us
ed in later times for such an end,
it is reasonable to conclude that the same means, or similar, were employed in the most ancient
times, when the same
were produced....."


 Sunday, November 17, 2013

Aliens are darwinist. 


Monday, November 25, 2013




 From: http://www.catholic.com/tracts/is-catholicism-pagan

Hislop and Chick argue that the wafers of Communion are round, just like the wafers of the sun worshippers of Baal. They don’t bother to mention that the wafers used by the same pagans were also ovals, triangles, some with the edges folded over, or shaped like leaves or animals, etc. The fact that a wafer is round does not make it immoral or pagan, since even the Jews had wafers and cakes offered in the Old Testament (Gen. 18:1-8, Ex 29:1-2). 
Unfortunately for Chick and other Fundamentalists, their arguments backfire. An atheist will take the pagan connection one step further, saying, "Christianity itself is simply a regurgitation of pagan myths: the incarnation of a divinity from a virgin, a venerated mother and child, just like Isis and Osiris, Isa and Iswara, Fortuna and Jupiter, and Semiramis and Tammuz. Beyond this, some pagans had a triune God, and pagan gods were often pictured with wings, as was your God in Psalms 91:4. The flames on the heads of the apostles were also seen as an omen from the gods in Roman poetry and heathen myths long before Pentecost. A rock is struck that brings forth water in the Old Testament . . . just like the pagan goddess Rhea did long before then. Also, Jesus is known as the ‘fish,’ just like the fish-god Dagon, etc." Unless the Fundamentalists are willing to honestly examine the logical fallacies and historical inaccuracies, they are left defenseless. Fortunately, like the attacks on Catholicism in particular, all of the supposed parallels mentioned above self-destruct when examined with any scholarly rigor. If not guilty of historical inaccuracies, they all are guilty of what can be called "pagan influence fallacies.".....".

You can admire here the perfect Paganism-dressed-as-Christendom in Action. How it manipulates the question.  "An atheist will take the pagan connection one step further, saying, "Christianity itself is simply a regurgitation of pagan myths": but this is just the secret end goal of the church of Rome. Christians and true Jews were proud to indicate paganism as conscious attack to God, a religion born from the reaction of Satan against Heaven. Therefore in eliminating the open paganism, it is obvious that Christendom (then controlled by Roman Catholicism) had no more at disposition a  clear identifiable enemy to denounce, and  became of consequence a "sub-product of the fallen heatenism/paganism". If "paganism died" was of course because it was "transformed in Christendom". Of course in an artificial image of Christendom, in the Regime's Christendom the pagans created to hide their satanic cult. In the place where you would never discover them: in the heart of their enemy.

Mission accomplished: humans are vaccinated against the word of Jesus Christ and in His name.

But why this end-target in the social manipulation of Roman Catholicism, which - dont forget! - is the state-of-the-art of the Cush' and Nimrod' religiuos sect?

Because pushing for the "pagan/heathen origin of Christendom", you hide the Biblical origin of paganism/heathenism. Stop.

What burns day and night the bottom of the Vaticaners is the fact that Alexander Hislop brightly and definitively demonstrated to all the ones "who have ears to hear and eyes to see" that paganism/heathenism is born from the primeval satanic obsession of destruction against the Biblical God and his Son. Period.

The pagans/heathens of the Romish church can mix as they want the question, but the furs of the Devil always comes out at the light of the day. Today the goal of paganims/heathenism is pursued through the Evolution religion.

See here an example of  the conscious, aware mocking of the Biblical God, reversing his image to transform it in a carrier of evil, implemented through the pagan (satan) myth of the garden of Hesperides:

Pdf doument of Alexander Hislop's The Two Babylons: 




Page 111 (or 98 in the other URL).
"...As Rome cherishes the same
feelings as Paganism did, so it has adopted also the very same
symbols, so far as it has the opportunity. In this country, and most of the countries of Europe, no
pomegranates grow; and yet, even here, the superstition of the Rimmon must, as far as possibl
be kept up. Instead of the pomegranate, therefore, the orange is employed; and so the Papists of
Scotland join oranges with their eggs at Easter; and so also, when Bishop Gillis of Edinburgh
went through the vain
glorious ceremony of washing the feet of
twelve ragged Irishmen a few
years ago at Easter, he concluded by presenting each of them with two eggs and an orange.
Now, this use of the orange as the representative of the fruit of Eden's "dread probationary tree,"
be it observed, is no modern invent
ion; it goes back to the distant times of classic antiquity. The
gardens of the Hesperides in the West, are admitted by all who have studied the subject, just to
have been the counterpart of the paradise of Eden in the East. The description of the sacred
ardens, as situated in the Isles of the Atlantic, over against the coast of Africa, shows that their
legendary site exactly agrees with the Cape Verd or Canary Isles, or some of that group; and, of
course, that the "golden fruit" on the sacred tree, so jea
lously guarded, was none other than the
orange. Now, let the reader mark well: According to the classic Pagan story, there was no serpent
in that garden of delight in the "islands of the blest," to TEMPT mankind to violate their duty to
their great benefac
tor, by eating of the sacred tree which he had reserved as the test of their
allegiance. No; on the contrary, it was the Serpent, the symbol of the Devil, the Principle of evil,
the Enemy of man, that
them from eating the precious fruit
that st
rictly watched it
that would not allow it to be touched. Hercules, one form of the Pagan Messiah
not the
primitive, but the Grecian Hercules
pitying man's unhappy state, slew or subdued the serpent,
the envious being that grudged mankind the use of that
which was so necessary to make them at
once perfectly happy and wise, and bestowed upon them what otherwise would have been
hopelessly beyond their reach. Here, then, God and the devil are exactly made to change places.
Jehovah, who
man from ea
ting of the tree of knowledge, is symbolised by the serpent,
and held up as an ungenerous and malignant being, while he who emancipated man from
Jehovah's yoke, and gave him of the fruit of the forbidden tree
in other words, Satan under the
name of Hercul
is celebrated as the good and gracious Deliverer of the human race. What a
mystery of iniquity is here! Now all this is wrapped up in the sacred
of Easter. ..."

Saturday, November 23, 2013



[Please, at the end watch  the video on the intelligentsia - who elaborated the "Alien agenda" hoax, exposed as Vatican, Jesuit and Masonic connected. Mostly reporting articles in Italian, but Mauro Biglino, a member of the Evolutionist Mythology Intelligentsia, has been programmed to become the "greatest authority on the Bible of the world".]

One of the most virulent aggressions against the Bible. Focus and her National Socialist propaganda continues supported with the millions of Euro/dollars necessary to manage a giant enterprise of anti Biblical media propaganda.

They are revealing a secret... invented. You dont reveal any 'secret' in the biggest audience hour, but you do only propaganda. The attack against the Bible is complete. Focus, this Nazi channel of anti Biblical hate, reveals herself for what it is. The Bible is considered by such documentaries a total fraud created by Aliens. The Jews are treated as the 'villain' as they are on the side of the Bad Guy, the "Alien chief" who "massacred the Egyptian children". There's so no difference between such documentaries and the Nazi propaganda. Of course the Alien are presented divided in two faction, the "bad one" ("leading the Jews of course") and the "good one". But why? But for the simple reason that when you broadcast in the first hours of the evening, when you have at disposition the biggest audience, you cannot at the same time pretend to reveal "the most thrilling secret of humanity" which "the Alien want to hide". How do you justify the fact that the POWERFUL Aliens were unable to stop you from the revelation of their projects? But in creating (inventing) another kind of Alien, the "good one" who is "protecting you".

So Focus, and the production company of such "documentaries" (if not wrong it is involved the Roman Catholic Vatican controlled FOX...) are the "allies" of the "Good Alien". Does it all recall you of something?

Yes, this recall the National Socialist mythology, the esoteric religion of the Jesuitical Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler and especially of Counter Reformation Wittelsbach backed Heinrich Himmler. The "universal" struggle between a transcendent principle of Good and Evil, was materialized in the secular struggle between two titanic races, the Aryan one representing the today "Good Alien", the Jewish one representing the today "Bad Alien". The structure of the propaganda spread by the channel of Focus is therefore – to use a technical term borrowed from algebra – perfectly isomorphic (coincident) to the Hitlerian one. I would say even more than isomorphic, it deals here what algebrists call an automorphism of the Satanic (crypto Roman Catholic) Nazism in itself.

 Dont be deceived by the quiet appearance of such "experts". Their 'innocent' and familiar attitude, their soft-freak, counter-cultural ways, are the same of the first Nazis. When Hitler, Guido von List, etc. and their spiritual and intellectual precursors were young boys playing in the beginning of the XX century with emptied bottles of wine laying them on the ground in order to draw, in the nocturne exoteric Nazi "rave parties", swastikas on the hills around Vienna, they had the same "freak", "innocent" appearance of the today's experts of the "Alien who created man" religion, they were apparently un-offensive freak intellectuals, "unable to harm the weakiest fly" with their "curious dreams". But  the 'innocent' proto-Nazi characters of Vienna were also the same ones who later were then used to pursue the mega-purge of tens of millions of 'heretic' in Eurasia, . It seems that the wheel of history now is ready for another bloody turn. God has to be mocked and slandered. Jews, the roots of the Bible destroyed, the branches of those roots, the Gospel of Jesus the Lord, cut away, in order to free humans from any fear of God, from any moral and ethic except the one dictated by the mute atoms and chemistry inspired, pervaded and perverted by the Alien Mythology religion. Alien Religion: which else better sentinel with which to control science and to stop her from the desire of reconciliation with God, in the perfect sense of Proverbs 1:7? But this evil, satanic sentinel, the Alien Religion, has to be inoculated like a sweet and fascinating syphilis in the innocent minds and hearts of the youth who waste hours of their life watching the Nazi propaganda channel of Focus, where the scientists of Peenemunde would have made a well figure.... 
    So which else better context in order to destroy any moral and ethic limit dictated by the sense of relation with God, and to make again explode the homicidal mass-murder instincts of the mob in order to pursue another giant bloody religious purge for the sake of Mystery, the Harlot on the Seven Hills of Rome? It seems that both Nazi-Fascists as well Bolsheviks - like popes and Jesuits - were (are) die-hard enemies of the Bible.... Figure it out how Evolutionism worked well on Nazi-Fascist and Communist ideology and caused their evolution , melting both in the today's mythology, the Cult of the Alien...: 

In Italy, the diamond head of the anti-Jewish, anti-Christian and so anti-Biblical "scientifically correct" persecution, is Mauro Biglino, an old attachè of the Vatican as he was a translator for the Vatican owned "Edizioni Paoline". He was also member of Masonry [which is simply the true structure of the anti-God religion of Cush and Nimrod and at the same time the structure on which is built both Roman Catholicism, and all the pagan regimes of the world, especially the pagan ancient Rome]. His works also involves an opportunist attack to the same Vatican, putting it in a book with the title "Roman Catholic church and Masonry". Maybe the work of Alexander Hislop is too powerful and Rome needs to obscure it under the shadow of a work of Biglino....you know their way of operate,. ... fight fire with fire....

Video on Jesuit-Vatican "Alien agenda" ("Bible is an Alien creation"...): "I Massoni Zecharia Sitchin, Mauro Biglino & Leo Zagami" or "The Masons Zecharia Sitchin, Mauro Biglino & Leo Zagami ", see below:

See the above video at the URL: http://youtu.be/ngIjL2eAsDQ

*   *   *
 Sunday, November 17, 2013

Aliens are darwinist. 



Saturday, November 16, 2013




The speed of the light.


One of the most important religious Satan's war against science linked with God was  the one against the ether. 

Nicholas Tesla, one of the most important scientists of all the time, based his concept of the space on ether. Of course to not speak of Maxwell:

".....However, another idea which Tesla discussed was abandoned by modern physicists, and that was the concept of the all pervasive ether. This led to a number of key differences between Tesla’s view of the world as compared to that of Albert Einstein (1879-1955). Tesla disagreed with the findings of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a number of ways. As far back as the turn of the century, Tesla thought that he had intercepted cosmic rays emanating from the sun that attained velocities “vastly exceeding that of light.” In the last decade of his life he also claimed that these cosmic rays could be harnessed to generate electrical power. ......" [ http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/tesla-vs-einstein-the-ether-the-birth-of-the-new-physics ].

Therefore it arise in my mind the suspect that the light's speed had to be limited in order to find an excuse to the fact that a billion year universe still doesnt see alien visitors to the earth. The contradition is evident: if life is generated spontaneously from the muds of whatever other planet without the involvement of God, why such mud-generated beings didnt yet reach the earth? The contradiction has been solved putting a limit to the maximum speed allowed to hypotetical mud-generated visitors not allowing easy space travels.

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Book of Hosea, Matthew 23:13 and the city of Trieste


And now an interval in the sequence of creationist posts... soon i'll be back with other creationist posts.

The city where i live seems to be extracted from the vivid allegoric description of the Book of Hosea and from the powerful verses of Matthew 23:13.... she has been consecrated to the idolatry of the nationalism, especially the Italian one... Satan the prince of the world is the secret hidden lord of this city built it on satanic esoteric lines... the Italian nationalism had the task to destroy any desire of emancipation of the Slovenes from the narrow, ignorant, primitive social environment which ws controlled by the church or Rome.... a city of Trieste, with her cosmopolitan cultural environment, could have dragged many Slovenes outside the control of the priests of the native village... the Slovenes in contact with the cosmopolitan city could have changed their minds and souls opening them to new world and getting rid of the bondage of the reactionary church of Rome.... the Italian nationalism was the religious answer of the descendents of Ham, Cush and Nimrod... it is based on a secret religious fanatical cult of the abstract national concept of Italianity... which fanatically fights everything not-Italian especially Slovenes as a means of esoteric transcendent mystical "redemption".... but the anti-Slovene hate of the Italian nationalist mob had the task to instigate in the Slovenes the hate against the desire of emancipation from the narrow retrograde social environment of the Slovene rural land, with poor education, lacking instruction, un-existing culture and strictly controlled by the suffocating Roman Catholicism...rare things are more revolting than the Italian fanatic nationalist hateful pharisees and scribes, which are guilty to have... "...shut up the kingdom of heaven against men" [Matthew 23:13, KJV Bible],,... the  pharisee persecution shut up the kingdom of heaven against the Slovenes constrained by the Italian nationalist fanatics to go back in the evil ignorance of "...MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" [Rev. 17:5 KJV] who ruled the land and the villages,...nothing was more impiety, hateful, without mercy and exalted by the drug of the proper the same brutality than the Italian anti-Slovene nationalism,... not rarely even more hateful than the same anti-Slavic hate of the German Nazis.......All these Italian fanatic nationalist pharisees and scribes, may they burn forever in Hell tortured by demons in the eternity ....

Excerpt from the page: http://www.learningscriptures.info/bible-summaries/hosea-summary.htm

The Book of Prophecies of Hosea stands first in order among the "Minor Prophets." "The probable cause of the location of Hosea may be the thoroughly national character of his oracles, their length, their earnest tone, and vivid representations." This was the longest of the prophetic books written before the Captivity. Hosea prophesied in a dark and melancholy period of Israel's history, the period of Israel's decline and fall. Their sins had brought upon them great national disasters. "Their homicides and fornication, their perjury and theft, their idolatry and impiety, are censured and satirized with a faithful severity." He was a contemporary of Isaiah. The book may be divided into two parts, the first containing chapters 1-3, and symbolically representing the idolatry of Israel under imagery borrowed from the matrimonial relation. The figures of marriage and adultery are common in the Old Testament writings to represent the spiritual relations between Jehovah and the people of Israel. Here we see the apostasy of Israel and their punishment, with their future repentance, forgiveness, and restoration. The second part, containing 4-14, is a summary of Hosea's discourses, filled with denunciations, threatenings, exhortations, promises, and revelations of mercy.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Aliens are darwinist.


In the previous post i warned you that "scientific" sources of information support the Annunaki-Alien agenda. The are doing now it openly. Without shame. But let's analyses this fact.

Once they (Alien agenda and UFOlogy from a side, Official Science from other) were apparently enemies. But secretly brothers. Today they are more and more openly brothers. Why? But simply the aliens help Evolutionist science to get rid off her monstrous contradictions. I am not the first to say that, many other creationists told that before me.

When Evolutionist science and her daughters, Cosmology/Big-Bangology, Paleontology, etc. were  facing the catastrophe of a life on planet earth who is impossible to see generated spontaneously from mud, suddenly the "white knight", the alien, appeared on the scene, saving Evolutionist science from death.

Like a Wagner's Loenghrin, the Alien suddenly appear on the stages of the Theatrical Evolutionist modern science, in order to give the proof of the "sincerity" of madame Evolutionism: "Hey, look at me, you skeptics!",... it seems to hear the alien speaking,... "Arent we aliens, coming on earth since early fifties in an astronomical nuimber of different races,the proof that life evolved spontaneously from the muds of billions of other planets of our universe???".....

Of course Evolutionist science was not satisfied. Her saviour was simply her creature. Put together Cosmolgy, Paleontology, Geology, etc., put on them the head of Darwin's Evolution Theory, add some communication strategies as members and you get it! The Evolutionism' monster, the Alien!

Therefore the job had to be completed. In believeing to be god, men had to explain how life can be created without God. But they cannot use directly Cosmology, Paleontology, etc. because if life "arouse spontaneously" also the explanation of that has to arise spontaneously. The "alien who created man fifty thousands years ago at Niniveh" are only Cosmology, Paleontology, Darwinism etc. which are moving "spontaneously" and in coordination in the direction of the revelation of the "biggest truth of all the times".

 Aliens "created man to render him a slave" but notwithstanding that the alien agenda is fascinating the more the spectator. Why? But because aliens, with their "revelations" are freeing the man from God. Are liberating you from the Bible.

The fantasy of the alien agenda allows to men to hide the existence of God in their eyes and especially the fact that they are under the judgement of God. God allowing the circus of Sitchin and Icke is showing us how much the Bible and Genesis are feared by men. In the opposite case no one would seek in the David Icke's lectures that perverted sensation of freedom from the Word of God.

Therefore God can be confined in a corner of universe, and dealt with Him like the "useful primordial idiot" who just created the first Holy Singularity of Big Bang. To be then fired by Lemaitre, Darwin, Einstein & C.  Then, being God exiled for the rest of 14 or 15 billions years, reduced to a life of an homeless at the borders of the "fantastic city of Evolutionist science", you have to populate the universe with many "vicarious" of God claiming to do His job in His absence.... History is always the same, the less the power of God on earth, the greater the power of the papacy.... just only think to the astronomical number of scientific institutions funded and owned by the Vatican all around the globe... just find only one out of them which is not evolutionist.....:

"Vatican Prepares for Annunaki Disclosure.flv" - URL:http://youtu.be/6lYDI_TZPrY


Saturday, November 16, 2013



Saturday, November 16, 2013



The channel Focus, of the magazine scientific Focus, makes open propaganda of the Alien agenda : "ALIEN CREATED MAN".

Incredible!!! David Icke propaganda at the hour of maximum audience, when people has dinner!!! At 7 PM!!!

I just watched part of "documentary" today Saturday 16th November 2013 where many of "experts" were telling the spectator about the Zecharia Sitchin and his Sumerian, Nibiru, Annunaki, ALIEN KIDNAPPING, and everything of the most trendy fashion you can remember to have ever herd about Aliens and UFO in the last thirty years! The format was repeating the Alien agenda without to put a serious doubt, practically a brainwash filled with lies and super-evolutionism  religion and this by the the most "rationale" and "scientific" channel existing in TV!!!


We are now facing the most complete farce, equal only to the ones of the National Socialist propaganda on the "superior race" (Aryans and Aliens are equivalent) or "superior class" (Marxism).

Remember that as it is evident that life was not generated spontaneously, they have to move the creation of life on another planet. THIS IS WHY THEY CREATED THE ALIEN AGENDA, AND JULUS VERNE AND HG WELLS WERE THE ANCESTOR WORKING FOR SUCH AGENDA (just mind they were contemporary with the BIRTH OF EVOLUTION THEORY OF C. DARWIN....).

More to come in the next days!

See video promotional of FOCUS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch2iedwAs1g

"FOCUS | Canale 56 Digitale Terrestre" 


Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Mafia of Evolutionism

".....J: "Just stop right there. To be a molecular biologist requires one to hold on to two insanities at all times. One, it would be insane to believe in evolution when you can see the truth for yourself. Two, it would be insane to say you don't believe in evolution. All government work, research grants, papers, big college lectures - everything would stop. I'd be out of a job, or relegated to the outer fringes where I couldn't earn a decent living."........". [excerpt from: http://www.bible.ca/tracks/textbook-fraud-biologist.htm]


Often they tell you about X ray or Gamma ray in the sky as sign of monstrous objects like black holes, quasars, neutron stars, etc.

"Only in-immaginable bursts of energy can produce such high frequencies" they tell you.

But what if the same X and Gamma rays would be produced in natural processes on earth? If a thunderstorm and its lightning produce X and Gamma rays, does it mean they have a black hole inside???
"Japanese team sees gamma-ray pulse before lightning flash" [references]



".....As the researchers used several detectors, they were also able to work out where the gamma rays were being produced, finding that photons with energies greater than 10 MeV were created in a region stretching across about 180 m in the thundercloud. This suggests that the gamma rays are produced in a relatively small section of the much larger cloud. Furthermore, the 800 ms delay between the end of the gamma-ray pulse and the lightning flash suggests that the lightning is initiated some distance away from the acceleration – although the process that connects the two is still unknown. ......." .
A neutron star? You dont know what happens in a thundercloud 25 000 feet above your head and you pretend to know what happens 25 000 light-years far away in the center of the Galaxy??

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

God created also the distances


"........How can we revise these sets of equations in a way that can be reconciled with current observations while simultaneously accounting for the ability to see distant stars in only six-thousand years?........." [references]

The problem doesnt exist as Universe was created as it is. Light didnt travel million or billions of year in force of the fact it was just created along her path. 6000 years ago the light of Andromeda was just hitting planet earth. Because if God creates astronomical distances He can also fill them with light in the same true very instant of creation.

Comment of Robert Byers:

"......If the stars have a function then God would make them instantly useful and seeable........".

If we have to believe in the Saint Miracle of Big Bang when something popped out of nothing, why not to believe in an instant creation "ready to use"? God didnt create a single cell and then let her to manage herself through evolution, so God didnt create stars and then let them to wait some billions of years (time requested to light to travel between galaxies etc.)  in order to be visible one each other.


Above excerpts coming from below article which completely misses the point of creation.


Distant Starlight, the thorn in the side of YEC — can there be a middle ground?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Footprints hidden by mainstream conspiracy source of information


Ask yourself why a digital tv channel like FOCUS specialized in scientific documentaries in Italy, linked to rationale magazine FOCUS, spreads documentaries on the UFO where openly the lies are affirmed like truth (Oak wood sighting, clearly UFO created by using remote controlled model helicopters with lights and flying in formation in order to give impression of a giant triangle in the sky ... "mile long starship").

And at the same time meanwhile aliens are enjoying the maximum of cover by media,  alternative or not, the below arguments are completely darkened also by the "mainstream counter-culture media" and by great part of conspiracy sources of information.

That betrays an hidden agenda of the manipulation of information (aliens, time-travels, Black holes travels, etc.) consisting in to present an universe "billion years old" and the life on planet "million years old" and generated in spontaneous way from mud. Genesis book Denial.

Assuming that aliens created life on earth it implies only to push the problem of creation of life away from earth and relocate it on another planet far away from the attention. 


Alien agenda has been developed in order to counter the definitive crack of the EVOLUTIONIST/ATHEIST AGENDA, it only hid the contradiction of the latter. If life is impossible to arise spontaneously on earth, for the same reason it is impossible to arise spontaneously from mud on every other planet of this universe:

Above image - "..The human footprint had been made first, and shortly thereafter (before the mud turned to stone), a dinosaur stepped in the mud with its middle toe stepping on top of the human track. You can actually see the displaced mud from the dinosaur's middle toe inside the human footprint..."  http://www.bible.ca/tracks/delk-track.htm