Monday, December 28, 2015

War crimes Chechnya victims footage - Russia wars in North Caucasus [graphic video]

 > EDITED 30 Dec. 2015
A precisation about that "Israel of today created by Satan" I wrote below. Surely it is not my intentions to give the least support to the Islamic, Sunni or Shia, claims on Jerusalem, and their curse on Israel as "creation of Satan". All in all Islam is a creation of the Catholicism of the third century [see Alberto Rivera], in order to oppose the word of God incarnated by the Christian martyrs, especially the Donatists, and to try to put Old Testament against New Testament [further comments under this one]:
  1. ''ka fleshy Israel, the fake Israel of today built by Satan''.

    This is deeply unrighteous for Israel of today which is NOT a creation of Satan, but wanted by GOD the same, using well the mist devilish cicles of power in the wirld (CFR, UN, etc) in order to re-create the first little Israel announced in Numbers without portions of Egypt and not till Euphrates). As a sort of 'rewind' of history, GOD want to put Hebrews again in the same ideally position when they were to conquer the Promise Land, in order to 'check' (take this in a predestinarian sense) if they have learned from their history to respect His word and His Son.


    1. ...and especially to love God.
----------------------------------------[end editing]

> Beware, graphic content. In the above header you see two persons belonging to the same circle of religious Gnostic power responsible - at the order of Satan -  of the facts described in the below video. May God have pity of those above two wicked persons.
Above image - "torn apart by tanks"

Footage of Russian crimes of war in Chechnya - people buried alive, tortured, torn apart, mass murder of civilians, children etc. 
This is the strategy of the assassins in the Kremlin today  as regard Syria - to purposely bomb Sunni civilians in order to instigate them to embrace the Jihadist ideology cause desperation, then to send them in Europe where the Worm of Satan, the Pope Francis, has already prepared his parties, Front National of Marine Le Pen in France or Lega Nord of Salvini in Italy and which will exploit the fear of the population to win the elections and to inaugurate Catho-Fascist dictatorships in the EU countries (the only truth of EJP). All with the consent and participation of the "damsel of distress", aka fleshy Israel, the fake Israel of today built by Satan to try to oppose to the Coming of the Lord on Mount Zion and to drag millions of Christian Zionists in to accept the sins of the un-saved leader of Israel. Don't forget that Fleshy Israel support the Russian military intervention in Syria and hence this strategy of the Kremlin in Syria.
All that anyway has an ultimate culprit, which, beyond the mastermind Satan, sees the high hierarchies of the Roman Catholic "Apostolic" church as the greatest inspiring mind of such bloodbath, together with the high hierarchies of the Orthodox church and their KGB ("FSB") protectors. 

Pay attention: it not excluded that all this will occur in Europe, after some millions of Sunni will be forced to emigrate in EU cause the "intelligent" bombing of the Kremlin's airplanes - you, Eurasianists, you will bear the atrocity of all this torned flesh and poured blood in front of the Almighty GOD:

War crimes Chechnya victims footage - Russia wars in North Caucasus

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Italian Catholic Corporations helped Putin to strenghten his dictatorship over Russia.

Thursday, October 29, 2015
FSB/GRU significant mingling with SADDAM's regime in the years of FEDAYEEN SADDAM [further evidence of ISIS as FSB/GRU/Saddam creature]

Sunday, December 6, 2015


  1. Many Turks are now fearful of Russia and are embracing the caliphate thinking. Erdogan has millions of suporters over the entire middle east and africa, including many Afganis, Pakistanis etc. Turkey is sinking in aggression fast, because of Putin. We have a little over one year of normality. May the Lord protect His.

    1. "May the Lord protect His."

      Amen. Here also I need of Lord's protection because with the Catho-Fascist parties waiting the next tide of Sunni immigration the Inquisition will come back in full.
      All this is awaiting the moment to be presented as "righteous", but perhaps only after the fall of the Villain Archon, Putin. I fear he will remain longer at power, just preparing to anticipate the election to 2016:

      "In an article for Vedomosti, Eugene Gontmaher suggested that the rearrangement of the 2016 parliamentary elections from December to September indicated the intention of the authorities to transfer the presidential elections in the spring of 2016.[1]",_2018

      I was going to post a post about Panslavism but I had not the time then I stumbled in those videos.

    2. I repented a little for this post, because we cannot do nothing to avoid that, but anyway it is right to show it to the ones who want not to see it, because the way God chooses His ones are precluded from our understanding.

    3. You know better, may be any form of symbology in to torn apart a girl, I mean allegory of Sophia?

    4. I doubt it. This is very low profile journalism.

    5. "This is very low profile journalism."

      I mean the witness of the young military.

    6. "Many Turks are now fearful of Russia and are embracing the caliphate thinking. "

      The anticipation of the Russian presidential election from 2018 to 2016 means maybe that in the next years it will come the worst, therefore plenty of massacres and sacrifice for war, a time not fitted to held elections. The Kremlin is managing to exploit this initial moment of glory for Putin the defender of Russia, in order to elect him without to held elections in 2018, when probably the blood will flow in great quantity.

    7. I don't remember this precise incident in the sophia sagas. Maybe, if this is shown specifically to europeans, or if there is another work referenced.

    8. Well I want soon to come back to Biblical topics. Too much corrosive the Geo-politic, a true quagmire of Satan.

    9. "The anticipation of the Russian presidential election from 2018 to 2016 means maybe that in the next years it will come the worst, therefore plenty of massacres and sacrifice for war, a time not fitted to held elections. "

      Perhaps. I believe the Tzar must arrive by 2018. I think Putin will make his moves in 2017, after Trump gives him the green light. (US presidential elections 2016)

    10. The entire muslim world is infested with KGB agents, who, after Putin is removed will suddenly find themselves deserted and the muslims will be able to freely unite under the sunni flag. And Turkey is the only country(like Shoebat said) that isn't compromised too much with the west, even if the leadership is changed.

    11. ''Maybe, if this is shown specifically to europeans, or if there is another work referenced.''

      These video have been CENSORED in the EU. You maybe don't know, but since after 911 in EU etc, the blame on Russian Federation for human rights violation i_ practically DISAPPEARED. No tv news, no alterative website presented such footage. Since 15 years there 's only a continue bashing of USA cause the ''war crimes'' in Iraq'', and a continue praise of Putin as ''savior against the USA''. Here the pattern of ''villain archon '' doesn't work. Putin is an hero here, and now every crime he or his predeccessor committed, are completely justified in the eyes of a great part of EU public opinion.

    12. In the Italian parliament there's no one criticizing Russia, but ALL parties, for a reason or another, support Putin. The party of government ask for stop to sanction. The Berlusconi party has a leader who is intimate friend of Putin. The opposition party are opposed to the government party also because they are even more supporter of Putin, in rallies with sometimes colored by Russian flags. You don't conceal those video in order then to ''frame'' Putin, but waiting the right moment when the EU-Russian nations will APPROVE those mass executions and graves, to apply sgainst Sunni and the ones like us who don't bow down to the Jesuits & the pope.

    13. You can already photoshop our faces on those buried corpses, they are not to ''frame'' Putin.

    14. THERE Are 2 opposite categories for the Slavonic p3ople in Catholic Italy.

      1) The immigrates from eastern europe, from Poland to Balkans: against them it is cultivated the ''good old'' anti Slavic hate of nationalistic/fascist origin, representing such Slovane people, the hated Bogomil.

      2) The presence of Russian tycoons, businessman, young girls seeking Italian boys, tourists is wellcomed and even praised, together with the Russian muscular policy against terrorism.

      The Russian and the other Slavonic people - two completely opposite perceptions. Stay sure if Putin invades the Balkans many Italian will applaude him.

    15. Yes, it is the same in northern Europe. Bulgarians, Poles, Serbs very hated in Netherlands, England, Scandinavia. Whereas Russians are always looked as "funny" or "interesting", as a sort of a masochism where you worship your former enemies. You can see the Putin/Russia worship everywhere. Their brutality, alcoholism, comic ignorance of culture etc is admired in a twisted way, like they are some kind of noble savages. And even the american freedom loving "CHRISTIANS" think the ONLY problem of Russia is the communism. But russia's problem is not communism at all, i'd say the bigger problem is the mindset of total and complete surrender of personal rights and identity of the person and of others for the empire and a degree of moral decadence, which you can't find even in the deepest pits of western cities.

      But the west is so ungodly and bored with its monotonous culture, like i said, they starve for blood and guts and iron boots.

      I have always perceived the ancient southern slavs as more tolerant, educated, peace-loving than the other nations. Same goes from the britons, who were eradicated by the vikings. But especially the first bulgarian tsardom which harboured the bogomils under Samuil (now mocked with his glowing eyes statue), and the britons under their ancients kings.

    16. Russians are pretty much like that pathetic, debased friend you have, who lives from one day to the other, but still goes to work for his boss and licks his boots.

    17. The sad thing is that many within Russia and the eastern block know exactly what the Kremlin is up to and how it controls everything through its propaganda, but it will never make the news.

    18. Btw the Russians have always wanted to go venture into Europe, but enemies like the pechenegs, mongols and so forth have prevented that. But now the back of Russia is secure, at least until islam goes on the offense.

  2. ''ka fleshy Israel, the fake Israel of today built by Satan''.

    This is deeply unrighteous for Israel of today which is NOT a creation of Satan, but wanted by GOD the same, using well the mist devilish cicles of power in the wirld (CFR, UN, etc) in order to re-create the first little Israel announced in Numbers without portions of Egypt and not till Euphrates). As a sort of 'rewind' of history, GOD want to put Hebrews again in the same ideally position when they were to conquer the Promise Land, in order to 'check' (take this in a predestinarian sense) if they have learned from their history to respect His word and His Son.

    1. ...and especially to love God.

    2. Tel Aviv is the sodomite capital in the world. The orthodox jews are extremely bitter to the gospel. You don't have to worry in calling the state system of israel satanic, as it clearly isn;t of God, there is no middle ground. But it would be hateful to say it is worse than the other satanic systems. God wants the jews to see the fall of babylon to believe, until then whatever happens to them, it is of no consequence.

    3. I did an editing adding my comments. I would have started a new post on that but I have no time.

    4. "If we are going to analyze the origins of Islam, what must be first comprehended is the innate focal point of Islamic theology: Islam is a religion of a book; it is primarily revolved around the Koran, and secondarily fixated on what interpretation Muslim authorities deduce on the Koran. "

      Interesting how Gnostic Catholicism comes outside but trying to wear the mask of "Christianity". Just substitute the words "Islam" with "Christian faith", "Koran" with "Bible" and "Muslim" with "Bible-believer" to understand to whom the slander of Shoebat is aimed to.

    5. "he [Muhammad] was believed because a certain Arain, who pretended to be a monk, testified falsely in his support for love of gain. (4) "

      A monk ... a gnostic monk from Egypt perhaps? The Islam-catholic fight is a spectacle of frankenstein and his monster.

    6. The catholic gnostic core think that they can avoid God's wrath by hiding behind his name and part of his doctrine. As did the philistines, who kept the ark with Dagon. But it didnt end well for them, did it?

    7. I wanted to expand in the post the argument with Old Testament interesting verses, they are like a warning for these days:

      shall inherit.

      55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein ye dwell.

      56 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.
      Numbers ch. 33

    8. I have the impression that the "inhabitants" today seems to be the sins of Israel.

    9. "The catholic gnostic core think that they can avoid God's wrath by hiding behind his name and part of his doctrine."

      indeed, see also how the old schorcherers were aware of that and tried to hide it:

      [Shoebat] "But when one reads the verse in conjunction with the subsequent verses, one finds that the Christians it is commanding to war with, are in fact Catholics. Here is the full verse:"
      [Koran] "They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they! They have taken as lords beside Allah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One God. "

      Very careful these monks..... to hide their fingerprints in the origin of Koran! Indeed to deserve ONE (or even two, three) verse against themselves is the most cheap and effective way to build solid fake alibis!

    10. [Shoebat] "How do we know this? Let us look to the interpretation of this verse by Abu Bakr, the successor to Muhammad,"
      [Koran] "You will meet people who have shaved the crowns of their heads, leaving a band of hair around it. STRIKE THEM WITH THE SWORD."

      Of course, the monks knew the truth about the Catholic origin of Islam. Therefore once Muslims became powerful they had to wipe away the ones who could blackmail them - the Catholic monks.

    11. [Shoebat] "Furthermore, the idea that Islam was invented by the Catholic Church is void of any evidence in the writings of the Church Fathers

      Do you want a plain confession, undersigned by Augustine? "I Augustine, a fake Christian and true Gnostic teacher, am the responsible for having invented the heresy of Islam - undersigned Augustine of Hippo".

      We surely have the proof that Augustine was a liar:

      " ...............It is a fact worthy of notice that in all Augustine's descriptions of the foul deeds ascribed to the Circumcellions, whether by themselves or in the reputed company of the Donatists, that he has never mentioned one name, nor the time, nor place, nor any of the circumstances connected with their lawless transactions........................"
      Quoted in:

    12. Yes, mafia cleanup. It is well known that Abu Bakr spoiled the original scheme of islam - the shia one. He was the most bitter enemy of the gnostic "celestial family worship" of Shia. He was the renegade who God put to stop the beast opening his mouth too wide open.

    13. You see where the issue lies? The protestants trust the church fathers, who in mind had only one goal - to expad the empire at any cost

    14. "Abu Bakr spoiled the original scheme of islam - the shia one"

      This is why the religious leader of ISIS must be an Abu Bakr:

      07:23, 30 Dec 2015
      Updated 11:49, 30 Dec 2015
      By John Shammas

      Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a rare message demanding Muslims "rise up against the apostate tyrants" - but now he's wishing he hadn't
      ISIS call on all Muslims to overthrow Israel and the West... but it backfires hilariously

    15. "He was the most bitter enemy of the gnostic "celestial family worship" of Shia."


      Iran's Rouhani to visit Vatican in January
      December 22, 2015 - 3:35:20 pm
      Vatican City: Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (pictured) will make his first visit to the Vatican and meet Pope Francis in the second half of January, a spokesman for the tiny city state said Tuesday.

      While no date has been set, the visit is likely to take place towards the end of the month, spokesman Ciro Benedettini told journalists.

      Rouhani, a self-declared moderate who was elected in 2013, had been scheduled to visit the Vatican in November as part of a tour which would have taken him to Italy and France. But the trip was cancelled following the Paris attacks.

      The previous official visit by an Iranian president to the Vatican was in 1999 when Mohammad Khatami met John Paul II, followed by another visit in 2005 when he attended the Polish pope's funeral.

      While it is forbidden to convert to Christianity in Iran, the country's small minority of Eastern Catholics enjoy greater religious freedom than in many Sunni Gulf states.

    16. "While it is forbidden to convert to Christianity in Iran, the country's small minority of Eastern Catholics enjoy GREATER religious freedom than in many Sunni Gulf states."......

    17. Russians call the ukrainian baptists and protestants "unclean spirits". A-la the Pharisees blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

    18. Bro, give me your opinion about this. First give a look to this guy, Abu Atheer al-Absi (real name: Amr al-Absi), a guy of ISIS and allegedly linked with Assad's intel:

      If you want a better image look at this one:

      OK, to me Abu Atheer/al-Absi has a familiar face, maybe I am wrong, but has a vague resemblance to this type:

      Has al-Qaeda really turned against Iran?

    19. I think they are different, one's eyes (Zakah) are drooped, like eeyore
