Friday, December 18, 2015

After 900 years the ghost of the Bogomils - part 3: paramilitary 'Arnoldists' terrorizing Brescia

>.....12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.....(Luke ch. 18)

*   *   *
Above image - ..... with his face partially "covered with a hood up".

"Jubilee, Pope Francis opens the door for the poor of Caritas of Rome: "The heaven is not bought with money"

The opening of the Jubilee hostel Termini station where every night 600 find a meal and 195 people find a bed. Bergoglio has indulgence for those who commit acts of charity [note: does Bergoglio belive to be GOD????]: "The Romans [today's citizens of the city of Rome] understand that the way of salvation is not through the luxury and power"

December 18, 2015 

 Therefore, Mr. Jesuit Pope YOU confessed that the way of salvation is NOT through your church - amen.

Indeed the Jesuit Pope praised the sinners as having free pass to heaven:

"Then he remembers: "Jesus is humility and open this door holy I want the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of all the Romans did and see what is the way of salvation: there is no luxury, there is no way of great wealth, of power. there is the way of humility: the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, but Jesus says even the sinners will precede us in the sky because they are willing to be embraced by the mercy of the Lord. ""

It a strange fact that six months later it is the anniversary of the martyrdom of an Italian who was not pardoned by the same Catholic church of the Jesuit pope, Arnaldo da Brescia:

"Arnold of Brescia (Brescia, 1090 - Rome, June 18, 1155) was an Italian religious.
It was a religious reformer characterized by considerable eloquence [1] and a strong aversion to the traditional ecclesiastical institution. The key points of his radical reform program, to be connected to the ideas of the movement of Paterines of Milan, were: the renunciation of the Church to the wealth and his return to evangelical poverty, the abandonment of the temporal power, preaching extended to the laity, the non validity of the sacraments administered by a clergy not worthy, confession practiced among the faithful and not to the priests.
These then went first in Zurich and then in Bohemia in 1143, welcomed the papal legate Guido di Castello, the future Pope Celestine II. Requested and received forgiveness from Pope Eugene III, Arnaldo then returned to Rome in 1145 where, with the expulsion of the pope followed the revolt of 1143, had been set up a free city governed by a senate and an oligarchic patricius.In this situation Arnaldo threw himself fully into the political arena, arguing hotly with rallies his theses anti-papal and revolutionary, intended to make Rome and new political entity detached from the Church; This led to the excommunication by the pope in 1148 but, enjoying popular support, Arnaldo was never persecuted.Failed experience of the free commune, Arnaldo and his many followers, called Arnoldists, moved by the spirit of anti-papal, thought then to revive a state of imperial Rome and turned to Frederick Barbarossa to get him to fall on Rome and to create a secular power opposite to that of the pope. In 1152 Pope Eugene III recognized the City as a political entity, but could not enjoy long for peace because he died shortly thereafter.After the brief pontificate of Pope Anastasius IV, he became Pope Adrian IV in December 1154. In 1155 Adrian IV struck interdict Rome, following the murder of a cardinal, with a promise to revoke the decision only if Arnaldo had been exiled from the city. At this point the city was against Arnaldo and rose up against the Senate. Arnaldo was forced to flee Rome and wander as a guest of some powerful families of the Roman countryside, including the Viscount of Campagnano. It was here when visiting the Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, in Italy to be crowned, he ordered the Viscount delivery of Arnaldo, who was then translated to Rome.

Probably around June 1155, but the exact date is uncertain, Arnaldo was condemned by the ecclesiastical court to be hanged, and his body was burned at the stake and his ashes were scattered in the Tiber, to prevent his mortal remains to be recovered ."


More than a true Bogomil or Vaudois, Arnaldo with his strong political and worldly view,  was an ante-litteram Protestant. But we can account him as a true outcome of the Bogomil wave coming from the Balkans [pls replace the word "heretic" with "Christian": in the greatest number of cases is a legitimate replacement]:

"The Arnaldistas were the heirs of Arnold of Brescia, a reformer
who had begun by attacking the worldliness of the Church, but who
had ended by challenging the pope’s right to temporal jurisdiction
in the city of Rome and the States of the Church. He was hanged 

as a rebel by the prefect of Rome in 1155. Otto of Freising accused
him of holding unsound views on baptism and the Eucharist, though
it is not clear in what ways they were unorthodox.
105 Bonacursus of Milan, writing between 1176–90, accused the Arnaldistas of teaching that a postolic poverty was a necessary, not an optional, part of the Christian life, and that sinful clergy had no right to administer the sacraments. 106 Except in the matter of rejecting the sacraments of sinful ministers, which was a widely discussed issue at the time even
in orthodox circles, there is no overlap in the teaching of the Arnaldistas and that of the Patarenes described by Hugh." 

From an introduction to : HUGH ETERIANO: CONTRA PATARENOS
Multiple authors; above contribution written by Bernard Hamilton
[free downloadable in the web - thanks to C. Stiliyanov for having sent to me the URL]

And Milano of Patareni, is very near to Brescia of Arnaldo:
"The Albigenses—so called from the province where they first appeared in considerable numbers—and the Patarenes—probably from the name of a suburb of Milan in which they were very numerous—were the spiritual descendants of the Bulgarian Bogomils and the first-fruits of their missionary zeal.  "
The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia:
The Early Protestants of the East.
 Do you remember the coreographed ghosts of Bogomils, only reversed by the Satan's director, to paint them with the color of the death? the ALLEGORY in Milano last November?

"...Jewelery robbed in downtown Milan. Grip band paramilitary RomanianCommentsEight men misrepresented, armed with guns, axes and machetes, broke into watchmaking Pisa, in full "fashion district", and took watches worth more than 820,000 Euros.
Friday, November 27, 2015
After 900 years the ghost of the Bogomils - part 2: paramilitary 'Bogomils' terrorizing Milano

Well, could have the Jesuitical "Paramilitary Arnoldists" , avoided to hit Brescia today? I mean in the same day,  just when the Jesuit Pope was praising the poverty - praising with a Pharisee's speech in  the same city where 860 years ago (June 1155) Arnaldo da Brescia was murdered for having being the leader of a movement who wiped away the papacy from Rome. Today the same exorcises the 900 years old ghost, with another allegory performed by the Catholic Social Terrorism network:

"Bomb at the police school in Brescia, following the track of anarchists
A pressure cooker full of gunpowder placed outside the entrance. Structural damage but no injuries. A camera would have taken a man masked
18 December 2015
Hours 4:37: Brazilians who live in the area of Via Veneto, north of the city of Lombardy, are awakened by a deafening roar that you feel well over a kilometer away.

It was a rudimentary bomb, consisting of a pressure cooker full of gunpowder, placed in front of the building Polgai, the training school of the State Police, attended by more than 200 police officers, and that damaged and blackened the armored door without being able to breach it. A bomb that to investigators and investigators "could kill" but, given the time it was chalked up to the attack, is considered the most "severe intimidation to the police," a gesture intended to injure people. And the Attorney General, Luigi Bone explains: "It is not an attack on the city, but a targeted attack."
Still not received a claim and has said it will not because, 'preventive', could be contained in a document on which they immediately focused the attention of agents of the Digos, directed by Luigi De Stavola. From November 14 circulates on the Internet in fact a policy paper in which the anarcho-insurrectionist promise a "Black December" and call for "placing explosive devices against fascists and bosses, display banners on bridges and roads, flood the city with posters and flyers, to blow up the houses of politicians, throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. " And the campaign "Black December" should serve as a "detonator recovery anarchist insurrection in and out of prisons."The anarcho-insurrectionist track therefore is more credited (excluded by the Interior Minister Angelino Alfano that of international terrorism) and the investigation took off immediately with the findings of the agents of the Cabinet of Scientific Police and checkpoints throughout the province. Looking for the man of average stature tall, with an athletic body that images of surveillance cameras resume arrive with a bag and put it in front of the door and then walking away.That person - must clarify whether she was alone or someone waiting around in a car - had his face covered with a hood up and a cap. ......  "....

Catholic Social Terrorism associating anarchist terrorism and Christian anti-Popish preach, through the work of Italian Intelligence etc.

See also:
   Sunday, May 3, 2015
"Cathars, Donatists and Patareni destroying the milano of EXPO" [= XP narrative].

[by C. Stiliyanov] - петък, 20 ноември 2015 г.
Woe to those who say God is the Devil

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
28th August, a day as many others.... [case closed].


  1. hood..... btw i remember that the bogomils were said to wear monk's clothes on their missions. I found an even more interesting article in bulgarian about how BULGARIAN thieves have INVENTED a master/skeleton key that can open EVERY DOOR!!!! :D :D :D :D

    1. WOW:

      Secondo una leggenda, lo strumento dei ladri sarebbe stato inventato dagli 007 di Sofia ai tempi della Guerra fredda. Parliamo della chiave bulgara, spauracchio dei proprietari di abitazioni. Infatti, come ricostruisce La Stampa, l'arnese è utilizzato da bande specializzate, principalmente dell'Est Europa. Unica soluzione? Dotarsi di una serratura di ultima generazione con chiavi piatte e tracciate.

      spauracchio dei proprietari di abitazioni

      spauracchio = scarecrow/BOGEYMAN?

    2. Just read the comments and you understand that the "Bulgarian" key could be a Jesuit key to open the door of the assassin slander:

      Mon, 08/18/2014 - 13:32
      Against thieves Europe, and their key Bulgarian, suggest the "American baseball bat" in the best tradition.
      Mon, 08/18/2014 - 13:58
      Seeeeeeeee good: so you take a nice series of complaints: illegally carrying object capable of offending, premeditated aggression, injury, attempted murder etc etc. The costs less be robbed
      Mon, 08/18/2014 - 13:59
      I am no distinction of sex, race or religion, but if you take many many will hang himself, and leave them hanging in the square, in three days the phenomenon no longer exists. And save a lot in the process, detentions, room and board.
      Mon, 08/18/2014 - 14:02
      They arrest them and within a few days to those who say evil are already out for a guarantor with the criminal justice too and little defense and justice by whom the offense suffers. So if you take them home, blows orbi and then put a knife while wearing gloves you doing to make him leave fingerprints. Then reported to the police that you have defended since the offender was armed and threatened you with death. Or so some semblance of justice exists.
      Portrait of stenos
      Mon, 08/18/2014 - 14:11
      The solution would be the thieves of 'east fuck out of the national territory. But I can not, sti caxxo of migrants are here to pay us a pension, and then I would never want the pope, priests, ds sel and jumble varies not sleep at night.

    3. Many thanks bro, tomorrow, not today ( i go sleep now) will do an upgrade with the links you posted in the comment.

    4. "spauracchio = scarecrow/BOGEYMAN?"

      [spau-ràc-chio] s.m. (pl. -chi)

      1 Fantoccio utilizzato nelle campagne per tenere gli uccelli lontani dai coltivi SIN spaventapasseri

      2 fig. Persona o cosa che incute timore: avere lo s. dell'esame

      • sec. XVII


      1 Puppet used in the countryside to keep birds away from cultivated SIN scarecrow 2 fig. Person or thing that strikes fear: have the s. • examination sec. XVII

    5. It seemed to me to have forgotten somtheing, then I added a link to your post about scarcrow/Bogomils.

    6. Yes, and the key is the keys of the kingdom or the mandate of forgiving of sins. The bulgarian and bosnian bogomils unlocked the hearts of the italians (Rev 3:7-8)

    7. Pope Francis' figure/part has another grim dimension - that of the adversaries of the church(the Franciscans many of whom caused trouble for the papacy in the middle ages aaaand... the patarenes, cathars etc.). So with the death of Francis in a sense they are saying that our doom is nigh.

    8. The link for the "contra Patearenos" doesnt work. Thankfully, I have it downloaded.

    9. Of course the Franciscans were the counter-Bogomil/Vaudoise offensive of the Catholic church, to beat them on their the same spiritual plane. It is the same like the "hybrid warfare" pursued for example today by the Kremlin in the Russophones provinces of Ukraine - with the difference of 800 years, but it all already here:

      Country Risk
      UPDATE: Russia's hybrid war in Ukraine 'is working'
      Reuben F Johnson, Kiev - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
      26 February 2015

      Once the Old Inquisition did crusades (hot war) and at the same time created movements stressing on certain elements of the cursed Bogomils (poverty for example) in order to create a competitor against the Vaoudoises, Bogomils etc. on well precise field of the Christian doctrine. Poverty was the best because a poor movement controlled by the Inquisition could have always survived, depending from the same Catholic Whore, meanwhile the Bogomils were let to starve. to confuse the populatin with also a psy warfare.
      This is the same war against myself, where they surrond you with Fascist and anti-Christian thugs and at the same time a strong control on your moves in internet, with plausible interferences within the personal communication with my wife.

    10. the link:

    11. Sunday, December 14, 2014
      On "dogs go to heaven" [pope FRANCIS SJ ---> Satanism]

    12. I always remember to myself that the blue print of the Gnostic Catholic hybrid war against Christendom, avoids the frontal ideological and spiritual clash, preferring the competitive propaganda. This is the reason for which the Gnostic Catholics fill their churches with plenty of Heathen and crypto-Satanic imagery and symbolical references, especially today, because they want to exhibit in an un-direct way their true heathen and Satanic heart, but then to exhibit also "how we heathen and worshipper of the Devil have the same features of your Christ". When the Pope and whoever else priest exhibits himself he is like he said "we heathen can perform your doctrine even better than you Christians". The core of the Catholicism is this, a comparative advertising, a continue 1700 years lasting spot "our heathenism has better performaces of your Christendom even in many of its fields of application".
      Therefore I have to understand the "Operation S. Francis" with this lenses and therefore from this it descend naturally that "saint" Francis of Assisi is the model of Antichrist.

    13. ".......Bergoglio has indulgence for those who commit acts of charity [note: does Bergoglio belive to be GOD????]: "The Romans [today's citizens of the city of Rome] understand that the way of salvation is not through the luxury and power........"

      the Catholic high priest at the same time reverse the Christian doctrine (only in faith salvation, not works/alms), and at the same time exhibit that the reversing is more effective than the Christian one, being the Christian one denied in the premises of the statement. Of course the Devil's trick performed by the High Scorcher Pope Francis SJ consist in to measure the effectiveness of the charity in the material world, not in the spiritual one, indeed when Bergoglio SJ pronounced that affirmation, he was super-duper aware to insult the Lord's words:

      Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

      2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward......etc from Luke ch. 6

    14. "I always remember to myself that the blue print of the Gnostic Catholic hybrid war against Christendom, avoids the frontal ideological and spiritual clash, preferring the competitive propaganda."

      But because now "evangelicals" have become quite different and have let go of the "alms and voluntary poverty" doctrine, the pope can triumph. Have you heard those churches in the USA? Some of them refuse to help the poor and blame them for their position, just because they don't want to become socialist. Do you perceive how the papacy has made the american christians close their hearts and become cold with his "communist threat" (1 John 3:17). I agree with you with the creation of the Franciscans as a satanic plastic copy of the true believers.

      I meant to say something a little different. The persona of Francis , as you know is rumored to be the last pope. I take that in a different way (as it is surely not literal). He is the last pope to exhibit this "meek" side of the papacy, whether to close the page and revert back to pre-franciscan times when the direct approach was more in focus, or to bury with Franscesco the franciscans, who went out of control many times and threatened the papacy.

      The exploration of the link between the later travelling and preaching monastic orders and bogomilism is an interesting endeavour.

      I would dare say that moderate asceticism is not without its merit for a christian servant, granted the person is granted with the rare powers to resist temptation and is always grateful to God.

    15. The devil not only uses his movements for "allegorical slander" for the unbelievers, but corrupts the christians themselves, by putting christian tenets into these evil movements, he is effectively step by step dechristianizing christendom. With communism, christians lost their collective thinking and alms-giving and generosity. With islam we are on the way of losing anti-lukewarmness, anti-idolatry and rebuking of sin. etc etc etc

    16. " Have you heard those churches in the USA? "

      Yes but don't remember where

    17. in 2008 the coming back of Middle Age was for me a matter of fact, only I was un-saved and helding Protestantism as milestone of history

      Wednesday, July 16, 2008

    18. I'm in the process of reading a lofty book about hte bogomils by one of the foremost bulgarian scholars (who has gathered much of the accounts against the albigenses and patarenes als), unfortunately a lengthy exercise of decoding inconsistencies in slander. I suspect the guy was a freemason, he studied in Lausanne, but cant find confirmation

      Im not aware if there is an english or italian version

      "Ivanov, Bogomil Books and Legends"

    19. Searching i found this book of early jewish christians, the author claims he was denied the quote from a work about them by Jewish scholars:

      Cover-up: How the Church Silenced Jesus's True Heirs
      By Lawrence Goudge
