Saturday, June 21, 2014

"88" or Roman Catholic Cutthroaters.

 You, damned Jesuit pope,  to you:

That vpon you may come all the righteous blood shed vpon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel, vnto the blood of Zacharias, sonne of Barachias, whom yee slew betweene the temple and the altar. 

Matthew 23:35  (1611 King James Bible)

 *   *   *

       Calabria, 21st June 2014. The Jesuit pope meeting the relatives of a family - also kids -  murdered by Ndrangheta. A way to try to clean the blood on proper, damned and destined to Hell, soul?

[No this guy was not Jesuit, simply friar, in any case Roman Catholic priest, Slovene]

The Roman Catholic essence, mostly hidden to the large Catholic sheep.
Roman Catholic Ustasha SewingThroat to Serb.

 I cannot access to this page:

From Facebook - the same Calabria, 453 years ago:
Avles Beluskes ".....e veniva il boia e li pigliava a uno a uno, ......." quick translation (not possible Google it Italian of 16 century of a mail of an inhabitant of the village: "and it came the executioner and tied them with a bandage over the eyes and then brought one in an open place, made him kneel and with a knife cutted his throat and abandoned him: then he gathered the bloody bandage and took the other and did the same; i followed this number till 88 and how much the spectacle was compassionate I leave it to your immagination (.....) in eleven days it occured the execution of 2,000 souls and there are 1,600 condemned; and it followed justice of 100 murdered in the land..." etc. ------>

See also:   

Massacre of the Vaudois of Calabria 

(chosen excerpts):

"..... The massacre of the Waldenses of Calabria was perpetrated by the end of May to June 1561. Populations of Waldensian religion, from the valleys of Piedmont who settled in Calabria from the thirteenth century, lived undisturbed until the sixteenth century, when they began to openly profess their faith reformed. Subjected to persecution by the Inquisition, and a system of repressive control, revolted causing the intervention of the Spanish troops of the Viceroyalty of Naples, who made thousands of victims.
 At the end of the fifteenth century there was a new immigration Waldensians from Piedmont valleys as a result of the persecutions of Philip II of Savoy and of Pope Innocent VIII ordered in 1487 by the bull Id cordis our vote, [17] and interested in Calabria, Puglia and Molise. [18] on this occasion, in 1497, King Ferdinand II of Aragon at the Waldensian renewed agreements concluded under the Angevin kingdom, [19] and even opposed the introduction of the Spanish Inquisition in the Kingdom of Naples struck them: rather it turned against the Jews to whom, in 1509, he ordered him to "bear the mark of red cloth, so in the chest, that they may be known to the Jews, and so held and reputed". [20]
The request to have new and well-trained pastors for the Calabrian community was welcomed by Calvin himself, and in March 1559 the province of Cuneo, Gian Luigi Pascale left for Calabria in the company of Ursello Filippo and Francesco Tripodi two catechists trained in the Calabrian-Waldensian school of Geneva, Marco and Giacomo Bonelli Uscegli. The latter left them in Campania, heading in Puglia, where also there were Waldensian communities. Then passed in Sicily, Bonelli was arrested and burned at the stake in Messina or Palermo, February 16, 1560. [29]
The governor ordered him to Castagneto Waldensian exiles from San Sisto to return to their homes and then, on May 8, 1561, to present "all, male and female, petioles and large, in Cosenza." They refused and, armed, gathered on the heights of La Guardia, counting on the support of the locals. When two of them, isolated, were captured by the guards, their companions rushed to the rescue and three guards were killed in the fighting. [71]On May 20, Castagneto and the Greek bishop invited the women and children of the exiles to return to San Sisto, providing them with impunity. Then, at the head of a thousand soldiers, the governor began the roundup of fugitives. Identified forty of them, the soldiers set off in pursuit shouting "kill gl'inimici of faith", but ended up in a narrow gorge, [72] were attacked by the Waldensian posted on the hillsides and had the worst: fifty soldiers, including Castagneto, were killed. [73]It was then banished the crusade against the Waldenses. At the head of the troops responsible for the repression of the Viceroy poses Marino Caracciolo, Marquis of Bucchianico, flanked by brother Ascanio Caracciolo, Prince of Alesia and the marquis of Brienza. The instructions [74] provided by the viceroy Caracciolo to the master predicted that along with the Spanish forces were operating companies and Southern soldiers were also enrolled criminals in exchange for total amnesty for crimes committed. Waldensian was placed on each size: one hundred ducats for every preacher captured alive, twenty ducats for each common heretic alive and ten ducats if dead. The prisoners then had to confess and be hanged, with the exception of children under seventeen years old, which would have been entrusted to the judges of Cosenza. For women, if relasse, [75] was expected death, as well as the facilitators of the fugitives. [76]
The old men were "to die happy, young people more fearful," [87] before the prosecutor Pansa who "stood on the steps of the Temple, with a cane in his hand, urging the esecutione," and the inquisitor Malvern, that the process "does not ever struggled to give beatings, slaps, punches, kicks and pelar beard, those petty, 'and everyone was" the greatest laughter of the world "feeling the condemned invoke" the name of Jesu Christ, "and recommend "the Spirit of them in the hands of God". [88]Why serve warning, all the bodies of the condemned men were quartered and hung on poles planted along the road that led from Cosenza Morano, near the border of Basilicata. [89] On June 12, the Jesuit Lucio Croce told the father provincial of Naples Alfonso Salmerón execution of the Waldenses first 88 of a total of 150 death sentences. [90] It was supposed to follow the execution of "percent of older women", tortured and executed by "to have the perfect mixture '. [91] but the sentences were suspended by the intervention of two Jesuits sent to confess the condemned ones, Lucio Croce and Juan Xavier . [92] The latter was astounded by the moral sense of the Calabrian-Waldensian, "Do not you ever saw to blaspheme; the things [probably personal objects] they left in the street; between them there were no troubles, nor accusing the one to the other, and the same about other things and the moral virtue ". [93]

 ".........In those days, January 5, 1559, was promulgated by Pope Paul IV, on a proposal from the inquisitor Spaniard Fernando de Valdés, a bubble for which the confessors were required to deny absolution to penitents who admitted to reading or owning banned books, unless you autodenunciassero the Inquisition. Pain of excommunication, the confessor must also question the penitent if he knew of others who read these books or would hold. [31] He followed this in February by the bull Cum ex officio apostolatus with which it is threatened, between the 'alia, confiscation of property of those noble that favor the heresy in their lands. [32]..........." - [same URL of Massacre of the Vaudois of Calabria]

      The spiritual descendants of Roman Catholic cutthroaters who assassinated in 1560 two thousands Vaudoises of Calabria, always come back on the scene of the Satanic bloodY ritual:

And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
[Matthew, chapter 23, KJB]

Above image - see below article.
Papa Francesco Calabria, met the relatives of the young Coco Campolongo in prison Castrovillari
The Huffington Post

Posted: 21/06/2014 11:37 PM EDT

 Visit in Calabria for Pope Francis. First stop the prison Castrovillari, reached by the Pope with the helicopter. Two wings of the crowd welcomed him before Bergoglio made its entry in the penitentiary, welcomed by the director and a picket of the prison police. Immediately after the visit began in the structure.In prison inmate Castrovillari is also Campolongo Nicola, father of Coco, the three year old child killed and burned in Cassano allo Ionian alongside his grandfather and his companion of the latter. Pope Francis met with the father and other family members to Coco Campolongo: "Never again happens that a child should have these sufferings," the Pope said "I pray for him continually, do not despair.""The theme of respect for fundamental human rights and the need to match the conditions of serving the sentence is essential," the Pope said, explaining that when the purpose of the rehabilitation of prisoners "is neglected, the execution of the sentence degrades an instrument of punishment and retaliation only social, in turn detrimental to the individual and society. " "The Lord - he added the Pontiff - is a master of reintegration: takes us by the hand and leads us back in the community."Second leg of the trip, the Ionian Sea Cassano, visiting the sick hospice "San Giuseppe Moscati," the palliative care center.Even before the episcopal seminary of Cassano allo Ionian there was a huge crowd cheering for the pope Better World. The pontiff after leaving the Cathedral, where he met with the clergy, arrived at the diocesan seminary, where he has lunch at the same table with the poor of Caritas and some community representatives Saman Mauro Rostagno Cassano. "There is a strongone who once fell manages to get up, "said the Pontiff, eating typical appetizer Calabrian salami and cheese macaroni with sausage gravy and meatloaf and roast veal with vegetables and potatoes. And finally fruit salad and ice cream.Finally, Bergoglio has reached the plain of Sybaris for mass. A cheering crowd greeted the Pope on his arrival, would be 200 thousand faithful. Francis has reserved harsh words to the Mafia: "The 'Ndrangheta is this: worship of evil and contempt for the common good. This evil must be fought, it should be removed, you have to say no," he said, adding that "those who are not in this road well, like the Mafia, they are not in communion with God, are excommunicated. "
  "There are no Christians outside the church" by pope Francis SJ
 Friday, May 30, 2014


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