Христо СтилияновJanuary 15, 2015 at 4:11 PM
from ukrainian news: curious coincidences,
"Paris terrorists turned out to be prorussian Kadyrovites"
...... fired with AK103, a weapon used in duty by the policeforce of Ramzan Kadyrov"
"....Obama create militia in Jerusalem
Israeli report says US Consulate violate agreements; guards say the chief security officer is establishing ‘a militia. (.....)
The US Consulate in Jerusalem is training a force of 35 Palestinians from East Jerusalem to serve as armed guards, particularly for consular trips to the West Bank’s Area A, which is off-limits to Israelis, it was reported on Wednesday
The arrangement violates a 2011 agreement between Israel and the consulate, the Hebrew daily Yedioth Ahronoth stated, whereby only IDF combat veterans would be authorized to carry arms as consulate guards.
Reported in:
Roman Catholic Obama has the mission to stir Israel against USA. Obama, puppet of the Jesuits. The timing for this decision is telling, having being taken on the immediate aftermath of the terrorist attacks in France.
The game of these despicable Jesuitism is well clear: Jews will start to hate even more USA. US Christian Zionists, in order to not betray their Zionism, will start to follow the Jews in order to not become enemies of the Jews, and shall end to accept the new Geo-political and Geo-religious choices of "Zion": Putin's Russia.
* * *
"35" connection:
I posted some comments under Stiliyanov's
неделя, 4 януари 2015 г.
Manichean papism - sun and moon worship
Philippines seizes Chinese boat in dispute
Release of fishermen sought after capture of boat with haul of endangered turtles in contested area of South China Sea.
Last updated: 07 May 2014 11:22
I then posted them also under my :
Above image - in red line caught the maritime expansionism of China. Notice the Geo-political aggression against both Philippines and Vietnam. Note how near Malaysia - allied of China and Putin's Russia, the pretenses are significantly softened.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
ISIS, Philippines
I reported those comments also here. If necessity will dictate, this post will be upgraded with the comments which will be posted there. The situation is dramatic. All smell as soon will happen something 'big'.
Do you remember the "35-connection"? Well if the answer is positive try the label on the right side of this post.
Don't forget that if the number "37", reverse of the year 73 when Jesuit Society was disbanded, and therefore it can be viewed as the sum of 20 and 17 (20 + 17 = 37) and therefore a childish allusion to the year 2017, so also the number 35 can be viewed as the sum 20 + 15 = 35 therefore an allusion to the year...:
Dont forget that the visit of the pope in Philippines is a perfect scenario for an "Islamic" terrrorist attack against his figure - possible with dozens of assassinated Philippinos, in order to impose Roman Catholicism as the ONLY religion in the Philippines and start a Jesuit-Communist purge of all the Christians in China who don't bow down to the Satanic figure of the Pope
Have a nice reading and don't forget that soon or later it comes the Final Judgement. May Jesus Christ the Lord come soon to destroy this army of Satan.
* * *
Below, the comments under: Thursday, September 25, 2014ISIS, Philippines
I report here some comments under:
неделя, 4 януари 2015 г.
Manichean papism - sun and moon worship
ReplyDeleteнеделя, 4 януари 2015 г.
Manichean papism - sun and moon worship

Above quoted article:
"Two German hostages who were being held by Islamic militants in the Philippines have been released in return for a ransom sum of £3.5million (€5.65million), their captors have claimed. "
See from this perspective another psychological-ideological operation of spin for the mainstream opinion in order to present Germany as "backing ISIS":
"........ Q&A: German journalist on surviving ISIL
Al Jazeera spoke to Jurgen Todenhofer who embedded with ISIL fighters - and lived to tell about it.
Hester Maria Greyvenstein Last updated: 25 Dec 2014 08:54
German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, 74, embedded with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and spent 10 days in Mosul in northern Iraq with its fighters.
Todenhofer is the first western reporter to do so and live to tell about it.
ISIL has vowed to kill anyone who does not convert to Islam and has not welcomed foreign journalists. So how did Todenhofer survive travelling through ISIL-controlled areas?
Jurgen Todenhofer, German journalist
Al Jazeera: How did you find the right person to make contact with ISIL?
Jurgen Todenhofer: We wrote to all the German jihadists we could find on Facebook, there were more than 80 of them. I asked them if I could interview them about the reasons why they left Germany and so on. We got 15 answers ... and one of them told me that he is not allowed to speak for ISIL but that he can put me in touch with someone from the media department.
For seven months I was in discussion with this person, at least 20 hours of discussion. During these discussions we spoke about ideological problems, war situations and the assassination of James Foley. We also spoke about the guarantee. I said I'll go to the country only if I get a realistic guarantee of safety. ...".
Now all that can be sold for example by The Unhived Mind/Craig Oxley pro-Putin disinfo as "German intelligence involvement" with ISIS.
It comes with a perfect timing with the framing of German canchellor Angela Merkel as "supporting Islam fundamentalism":
".............Angela Merkel joins Muslim rally against German anti-Islamisation protests
Chancellor Merkel joins thousands of people in Berlin at Muslim solidarity rally for victims of Paris attacks
By Justin Huggler, Berlin
6:42PM GMT 13 Jan 2015
German chancellor Angela Merkel joined thousands of people at a Muslim solidarity rally for victims of the Paris attacks in Berlin on Tuesday evening, in what was widely seen as a public rebuke to the anti-Islam protests that have gripped Germany in recent weeks. ....".
ANGELA MERKEL IS FINISHED. STOP. She opposed the anti-Islam rally of Dresden on 19 December only to be framed as "pro-fundamentalist Islam" two weeks later when the ISLAMIC terrorist attack murdered 17 people in Paris:
"............. What the Chancellor Angela Merkel didn't know was that the rally has allegedly programmed having in mind an already planned Massacre in the neighboring France. She shouted against the rally and now the blood in Paris is shouting against her. A perfect Jesuit trap.] ....." [see above comment - from my post: http://control-avles-blogs.blogspot.it/2015/01/islamic-terrorism-as-diversion-to-hide.html]
Now the next terrorist "Islamic" attack COULD HAPPEN INVOLVING THE POPE IN PHILIPPINES AND GERMANY, ....
ReplyDelete"Two German hostages who were being held by Islamic militants in the Philippines have been released in return for a ransom sum of £3.5million (€5.65million), their captors have claimed. "
See from this perspective another psychological-ideological operation of spin for the mainstream opinion in order to present Germany as "backing ISIS":
"........ Q&A: German journalist on surviving ISIL
Al Jazeera spoke to Jurgen Todenhofer who embedded with ISIL fighters - and lived to tell about it.
Hester Maria Greyvenstein Last updated: 25 Dec 2014 08:54
German journalist Jurgen Todenhofer, 74, embedded with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and spent 10 days in Mosul in northern Iraq with its fighters.
Todenhofer is the first western reporter to do so and live to tell about it.
ISIL has vowed to kill anyone who does not convert to Islam and has not welcomed foreign journalists. So how did Todenhofer survive travelling through ISIL-controlled areas?
Jurgen Todenhofer, German journalist
Al Jazeera: How did you find the right person to make contact with ISIL?
Jurgen Todenhofer: We wrote to all the German jihadists we could find on Facebook, there were more than 80 of them. I asked them if I could interview them about the reasons why they left Germany and so on. We got 15 answers ... and one of them told me that he is not allowed to speak for ISIL but that he can put me in touch with someone from the media department.
For seven months I was in discussion with this person, at least 20 hours of discussion. During these discussions we spoke about ideological problems, war situations and the assassination of James Foley. We also spoke about the guarantee. I said I'll go to the country only if I get a realistic guarantee of safety. ...".
Now all that can be sold for example by The Unhived Mind/Craig Oxley pro-Putin disinfo as "German intelligence involvement" with ISIS.
It comes with a perfect timing with the framing of German canchellor Angela Merkel as "supporting Islam fundamentalism":
".............Angela Merkel joins Muslim rally against German anti-Islamisation protests
Chancellor Merkel joins thousands of people in Berlin at Muslim solidarity rally for victims of Paris attacks
By Justin Huggler, Berlin
6:42PM GMT 13 Jan 2015
German chancellor Angela Merkel joined thousands of people at a Muslim solidarity rally for victims of the Paris attacks in Berlin on Tuesday evening, in what was widely seen as a public rebuke to the anti-Islam protests that have gripped Germany in recent weeks. ....".
ANGELA MERKEL IS FINISHED. STOP. She opposed the anti-Islam rally of Dresden on 19 December only to be framed as "pro-fundamentalist Islam" two weeks later when the ISLAMIC terrorist attack murdered 17 people in Paris:
"............. What the Chancellor Angela Merkel didn't know was that the rally has allegedly programmed having in mind an already planned Massacre in the neighboring France. She shouted against the rally and now the blood in Paris is shouting against her. A perfect Jesuit trap.] ....." [see above comment - from my post: http://control-avles-blogs.blogspot.it/2015/01/islamic-terrorism-as-diversion-to-hide.html]
Now the next terrorist "Islamic" attack COULD HAPPEN INVOLVING THE POPE IN PHILIPPINES AND GERMANY, ....
ReplyDelete" The game of these despicable Jesuits is well clear: Jews will start to hate even more USA. US Christian Zionists, in order to not betray their Zionism, will start to follow the Jews in order to not become enemies of the Jews, and shall end to accept the new Geo-political and Geo-religious choices of "Zion": Putin's Russia. "
"COINCIDENTALLY" all those zionist christians don't believe the pope is the antichrist. The catholic church and jews co-martyrs from USA sponsored islamic terrorism...... That is why Rome invented dispensationalism in the first place. This is the crazy idea that helping the jews settle in an ocean of rabid cutthroats will help and hasten their conversion to christ..... yes it will help their conversion to papaganism cathorthodoxy.
Now it is more dangerous to love the jew than to hate him (for your soul that is). A christian shouldn't be a respector of persons, i care for a chinese as much for a norwegian or a spaniard or a jew.
look at the jesuitical tongue of Francis, preparing his herd for the inquisition of Maryolatry deniers:
The Pope said that one can react violently when being offended. He offered an example, referring to his trip planner saying that if his “great friend says a swear word against my mother, then he is going to get a punch. But it’s normal, it’s normal.”
Offending one's mother . . . deserves violent answer . . .WONDER WHO WOULD THAT BE? Mother MARY?
“Religious fundamentalism, even before it eliminates human beings by perpetrating horrendous killings, eliminates God himself, turning him into a mere ideological pretext,” he said.
Delete"........"......The stakes of the Pope on freedom of expression: "FIST to those who OFFEND my MOTHER"
During the flight that took him to the Philippines Bergoglio focused on the violence of terrorists, suicide bombers and the limits of freedom of expression
Raffaello Binelli - Gio, 15/01/2015 - 19:16
To us this is happening now amazes us, but always think of our history, we had great religious wars. As you understand, we too are sinners, but you can not kill in the name of God. "And again on freedom of expression:" Everyone has not only the freedom or the right but also the duty to say what he thinks if it considers that aid the common good, a deputy, a senator, if he does not say what is the good way is not good. Having this freedom, but without offending, because it is true that you can not react violently, but if Dr. Gasbarri, my dear friend, says a bad word against my mother, expect a punch. Because you can not provoke, insult, ridicule, the faith of others. "
Yes they are prepared to murder Christians, the pope is only the Roman emperor decreeing the murder of million of people. Nothing new.
Delete""COINCIDENTALLY" all those zionist christians don't believe the pope is the antichrist. "
DeleteNot only, I believe that once the fusion Eastern-Western Roman empires will take place, both Jews and Christians will face the Beast, the Antichrist (N° 1 as there ever are many Antichrists, i believe millions) aka the pope. And probably will die not saved.
“great friend says a swear word against my MOTHER, then he is going to get a PUNCH. But it’s normal, it’s normal.”
33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my MOTHER, or my brethren? [Mark ch. 3]
67 Then did they spit in his face, and BUFFETED him; and others SMOTE him with the palms of their hands, [Matthew ch. 26]
the pope defending the sentiments of muslims. . . makes their "act" against him all the more vile and provoking
ReplyDelete".....A Tablet Exclusive Interview With Marine Le Pen, Head of the National Front
ReplyDeletePart 4: Is the queen of Europe’s Far Right, and possible future President of France, an enemy of Islamists, Jews, or both?
By Marc Weitzmann|August 12, 2014 12:00 AM|Comments: 6
from ukrainian news: curious coincidences,
ReplyDelete"Paris terrorists turned out to be prorussian Kadyrovites"
...... fired with AK103, a weapon used in duty by the policeforce of Ramzan Kadyrov
In addition, the French press reported that the two assailants allegedly belong to the so-called police Kadyrov, whose fighters recently wrote a report to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya Ruslan Alkhanov that "ready to execute any order of the Supreme Commander - Russian President Vladimir Vladimir Putin, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia VA Kolokoltseva and the Head of the Chechen Republic RA Kadyrov to protect the interests of the Russian Federation, anywhere in the world. "
It is worth noting that among the caricatures of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has also found work on the subject pseudo-referendum, which took place in March 2014 in the Russian troops occupied the Crimea and the aggressive policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, for which most likely has been compromised and Chechen militants. In particular, one of the drawings of caricaturists of the magazine shows the whole point of the Crimean "referendum" and the subsequent annexation of the peninsula - a man throws a ballot in the tank gun.
In this case, we recall that the leader of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, due to resonance crimes, cover the supporters of the "Islamic state" and other jihadi groups that claimed responsibility for the attack.
Also worth noting is that on January 7, Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria Akhmed Zakayev has sent an appeal to the President of France Francois Hollande, which accuses the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin as the main "customer" of the attack:
forgot the link which has the cartoons(indluded):
The letter of Zakaev:
"There has been a very dramatic change in international politics last year. In connection with the occupation of the territory of Ukraine Western countries have imposed economic sanctions against Russia. Today, Russia is on the brink of economic crisis, which, in turn, will inevitably lead to a political crisis. In this situation, in order to maintain the current criminal regime in Russia, the Russian special services must find a common enemy with the West, which will lead to the cancelling of sanctions against Russia - a country aggressor. According to a plan of the Kremlin in the role of a common enemy would have to come out again "Islamic terrorists.""
Some Background of Zakaev - he was a friend of Litvinenko.
During the interwar period, he opposed the rise of radical Islam in Chechnya and co-authored a book entitled Wahhabism - the Kremlin's remedy against national liberation movements, alleging an association between Islamist extremism and Soviet global "pro-terrorist" policy and support for dictatorships in the Muslim world.
In London, Zakayev became friends with the Russian dissident and former FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, later murdered by radioactive poisoning in November 2006;[40] Zakayev accused the Russian President Putin of ordering the death of Litvinenko.
More from Zakayev :
Boston Bombings a ‘Gift’ to Putin, Says Chechen Opposition Leader
Russia’s president now gets to tell the West ‘I told you so’ about Chechens after the Tsarnaev brothers were revealed as the bombing suspects, Chechnya’s opposition prime minister, Akhmed Zakayev, tells Michael Moynihan.
When it was revealed that the two suspected Boston Marathon bombers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, were ethnic Chechens, the schizophrenic American media quickly shifted focus to the Caucasus’s recent history of Islamist terror, recalling the 2004 massacre in Beslan, North Ossetia, where Islamists killed hundreds, almost half of them children. (The New York Times quickly carried an opinion piece describing the Boston bombings as “Beslan Meets Columbine.”)
The finger-pointing at Russia is unsurprising. When I met Zakayev in 2010, he made it clear that he believed Moscow was involved in almost all major terror attacks attributed to Chechen Islamists, in an attempt to inflame Russian public opinion. It is widely believed by Chechens—and Sen. John McCain, slain Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, former Economist Moscow correspondent Edward Lucas, and many others—that the notorious 1999 Moscow “apartment bombings,” which precipitated the Second Chechen War, were not the work of Chechen radicals, but of Russian intelligence.
Djohad Dudayev predicts the takeover of Crimea
more on the subject (from comments below article):
Not the same thing at all. –Ayman al-Zawahiri, the reputed Number 2 chief in al-Qaeda and the man second only to Osama bin Laden on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, was trained by the Russian FSB (formerly known as the KGB). That’s the story told by ex-FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who fled Russia in 2000. According to Litvinenko, as reported in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, on July 17, “Ayman al-Zawahiri trained at a Federal Security Service (FSB, former KGB) base in Dagestan in 1998.” “He was then transferred to Afghanistan,” the defector says, “where he became Osama bin Laden’s deputy.”
Putin The Peaceful?
Mr. Litvinenko’s brief revelation in Rzeczpospolita provides confirmation for suspicions many counterterrorism analysts have held concerning al-Zawahiri, whom federal authorities have called the “mastermind of 9/11.” As reported in THE NEW AMERICAN in 2001, al-Zawahiri had been very active as the purported top leader of Islamist terrorist operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina during Yugoslavia’s civil war. Throughout that period, he operated from a special headquarters in Sofia, the capital of Communist-run Bulgaria, which had been for decades a primary surrogate for Soviet training and sponsorship of terrorism. It was apparent that the Russians were playing both sides in the conflict, openly supporting the Serbs and covertly helping the Iranian-backed Muslims. After helping establish Iranian control over the Bosnian military, al-Zawahiri embarked on a mysterious trip that took him first through China, where he conducted financial dealings with one of the Communist government’s banks. Then it was on to Chechnya. Al-Zawahiri then crossed the border from Chechnya to Russian-controlled Dagestan, where he was arrested and “imprisoned” for six months. More likely, his “detention” was a cover for a period of training, planning, and debriefing.Through some supposed miracle of Allah, he escaped and made his way to Afghanistan, where he hooked up with bin Laden.
ReplyDeleteIs al-Zawahiri an Islamic fundamentalist or a Russian (Soviet) agent? Litvinenko’s disclosures undermine the former and support the latter. After all, why would a devout Muslim do his banking in China, choose Bulgaria for his headquarters, and sojourn in Russia? And why would he be obsessed with jihad against the U.S. when it is Russia that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his co-religionists in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and when it is Russia and China that continue to oppress and persecute millions of Muslims today?
This is an incredibly compelling article, giving evidence of the direct knowledge of the KGB/FSB awareness of 911 prior to its’ occurence, as well as implications that Alexander Litvinenkos’ murder was performed because he was leaking his knowledge of the event. Could 911 have actually been a joint operation, designed to start a chain of events leading to the destruction of America, as planned by the Russians and possibly the Chinese? -
ReplyDeleteSecond point the conspiracy theorists claim, and I admit this one is also pretty good: they claim that the FSB agent spotted in Doha, Qatar after Yandarbaev’s assassination, even though he had significantly changed his appearance, is the same guy who was spotted years earlier as Zawahiri’s KGB “handler”. They claim they have video proof (computer facial recognition software), I would love to see this proof, can they please post it on you-tube? (Being a computer programmer myself, I am a bit dubious of the capability of this type of software…)
ReplyDeleteAnyhow, not sure I believe all this skullduggery, like I said, above 2 points are your strongest arguments, I recommend you focus on them and not waste your breath on Litvinenko’s ravings. But let us assume for a moment that it is all true: Then KGB would have infiltrated Al Qaeda at highest level and inserted their double agent, Al Zawahiri, into its upper ranks. Then Z would have worked his magic on bin Laden and somehow convinced him to change from pro-American to anti-American terrorist acts, including the African embassy bombings, USS Cole, 9/11, etc. Okay, suppose this was true. But then what? After bin Laden’s assassination, Zawahiri was promoted to AQ leader. So whey did they not suddenly go on a pro-Russian rampage all over the world? When and why did Al Qaeda switch back and become an American asset again by helping NATO invade and conquer Libya?
read also the "opposition" or the traditional "truthseeker" response
ReplyDeleteyalensis says:
November 21, 2011 at 5:26 am
Thanks, Oleg, very interesting comment and background information. Not being very familiar with the Islamic mode of thought, I nevertheless had a hunch that secular nationalism (of the Nasser, Ataturk, Gaddafy type) does not fit into the worldview of the Basaev/bin Laden type, and is anathema to them. Your discussion of the “umma” and so on confirms this. Hence the never-ending insurgencies against these secular regimes.
I dispute your contention that the Soviet Union assisted these Islamist fundamentalists in any way. On the contrary, they had to fight them (particularly in Afghanistan). The idea that bin Laden was a Soviet agent is ludicrous, the ties of the entire bin Laden family to Saudi government and CIA are quite well documented. Main Soviet policy was to support Arab nationalist/secular dictators like Nasser, Gaddafy, the Baathists (Iraq, Syria), etc. Okay, I am not naïve, I am sure there were some shenanigans going on behind the scenes in the “dark world” of spies, infiltration, double-agents, and so on. If the KGB had not infiltrated Al Qaeda in some fashion, then I would be very disappointed in the KGB. At any particular Al Qaeda cell meeting of 10 men I would expect to find at least 2 KGB agents, 2 CIA agents, and the remaining 6 actual sincere jihadists. But putting that aside, Soviet policy was clear, it supported secular nationalist Arab regimes; and in fact Russian Federation inherited those alliances. Russia took a big geo-strategic hit when friendly regime of Saddam Hussein was taken down in Iraq; also took a hit with defeat of Gaddafy regime in Libya, although Medvedev was too busy playing with his new iPhone to notice this; but now Russia has apparently drawn a real line in the sand and will stand up for the Syrian (secular nationalist/Baathist) regime. Which is next on the menu for the pro-American team.
"Al-Zawahiri then crossed the border from Chechnya to Russian-controlled Dagestan, where he was arrested and “imprisoned” for six months. More likely, his “detention” was a cover for a period of training, planning, and debriefing."
ReplyDeletelike Paolo Dall' Oglio?
anyway, you probably have read a most of this, having reasearched Litvinenko
ReplyDeletewe should be aware that this information in no way gives a very large picture. it just shows the duplicity and the dirt beneath the clean face of the "east"
No I didn't read this really.
Delete" From what I understand, Z had sneaked into Chechnya to assist Wahhabists, but was arrested by Russian police, spent a few months in prison, then was released. Conspirary theorists deduce from this that during his imprisonment Z was worked on and “turned” by KGB, then sent back to Middle East to infiltrate Al Qaeda. Given that Z rose through the ranks of AQ and became bin Laden’s second-in-command, this would have been quite a coup for KGB. "
yalensis says:
November 19, 2011 at 7:59 pm "
They continue to hide and ridiculize the fact that Z turned to work for FSB/GRU. And if the arrest was only faked? If they were already BEFORE in agreement? It is evident that Litvinenko and Zawahiri disturb very much and probably this is the TRUE reason for which Thyerry Messian was put in motion in France, to hide French connections with GRU and therefore Al Qaida. Remember that Ayatollah Komeyni arrived in Tehran from Paris.
"Remember that Ayatollah Komeyni arrived in Tehran from Paris."
DeleteYes, this is a well known fact. Somebody blamed france for the european sleeper cells the other day, giving iran for an example of a French muslim creation.
FRANCE and BASAYEV and GRU - I quoted from Wikipedia in my:
Delete"The Russian government newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta reported that Basayev was an agent of GRU, and another publication by journalist Boris Kagarlitsky said that "It is maintained, for example, that Shamil Basayev and his brother Shirvani are long-standing GRU agents, and that all their activities were agreed, not with the radical Islamists, but with the generals sitting in the military intelligence offices. All the details of the attack by Basayev's detachments were supposedly worked out in the summer of 1999 in a villa in the south of FRANCE with the participation of Basayev and the Head of the Presidential administration, Aleksandr Voloshin. Furthermore, it is alleged that the explosive materials used were not supplied from secret bases in Chechnya but from GRU stockpiles near Moscow."[15][16]"
So the collaboration with the French intelligence DSGE of which Thyerry Messian and his Voltaire Network seems to be a product:
"....... To give one characteristic example, David Ray Griffin’s book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor, describes Thierry Meyssan as the head of an organization “which the Guardian in April 2002 described as ‘a respected independent thinktank whose left-leaning research projects have until now been considered models of reasonableness and objectivity.'” This is a masterpiece in disingenuousness, given the full Guardian quote: “The French media has been quick to dismiss [Meyssan’s] book’s claims, despite the fact that Mr. Meyssan is president of the Voltaire Network, a respected independent thinktank whose left-leaning research projects have until now been considered models of reasonableness and objectivity. ‘This theory suits everyone — there are no Islamic extremists and everyone is happy. It eliminates reality,’ said Le Nouvel Observateur, while Liberation called the book ‘The Frightening Confidence Trick . . . a tissue of wild and irresponsible allegations, entirely without foundation.’ ” Not the same thing at all. –Ayman al-Zawahiri, the reputed Number 2 chief in al-Qaeda and the man second only to Osama bin Laden on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list, was trained by the Russian FSB (formerly known as the KGB). That’s the story told by ex-FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko, who fled Russia in 2000. According to Litvinenko, as reported in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita, on July 17, “Ayman al-Zawahiri trained at a Federal Security Service (FSB, former KGB) base in Dagestan in 1998.” “He was then transferred to Afghanistan,” the defector says, “where he became Osama bin Laden’s deputy.”
Oleg says:
November 18, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Meyssan the Conspiracy theorist of the Siloviki ?......"
avlesJanuary 16, 2015 at 12:38 PM
DeleteFRANCE and BASAYEV and GRU - I quoted from Wikipedia in my:
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Has popish Chuck Hagel helped his buddy, Waldimir "the Killer" Putin?
It continue with the above quote of Oleg:
"....Is al-Zawahiri an Islamic fundamentalist or a Russian (Soviet) agent? LITVINENKO’s disclosures undermine the former and support the latter. After all, why would a devout Muslim do his banking in China, choose Bulgaria for his headquarters, and sojourn in Russia? And why would he be obsessed with jihad against the U.S. when it is Russia that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of his co-religionists in Afghanistan and Chechnya, and when it is Russia and China that continue to oppress and persecute millions of Muslims today?..."
Then hear the agent trying to confuse the waters and spread mud over the figure of Litvinenko:
"...........yalensis says:
November 19, 2011 at 7:59 pm
I am familiar with this particular conspiracy theory. The testimony and poisoning of Litvinenko prove nothing, since he has been discredited in so many different ways (including recent revelations that Litvinenko had been recruited as double agent by British secret service).
Anyhow, not sure I believe all this skullduggery, like I said, above 2 points are your strongest arguments, I recommend you focus on them and not waste your breath on Litvinenko’s ravings."
I repeat the same quote you posted above, because there are no more doubts:
"......After helping establish Iranian control over the Bosnian military, al-Zawahiri embarked on a mysterious trip that took him first through CHINA, where he conducted FINANCIAL dealings with one of the Communist government’s BANKS. Then it was on to Chechnya. Al-Zawahiri then crossed the border from Chechnya to Russian-controlled DAGESTAN, where he was arrested and “imprisoned” for six months."
Zawahiri "miraculously" escaped Iran with the help of the army of guardians of islamic revolution
Members of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution (KSIR) in Iran have helped to escape abroad a number of detained al-Qaida leaders, says the Saudi newspaper "Ash-Sharq Aly-Awsat", citing informed sources.
According to the newspaper, Ayman I Zavahiri who is the right hand of the leader of Al Qaeda - Osama bin Laden, the June live in a villa, guarded by KSIR, in the Iranian city Staring, located near the border with Pakistan and Afghanistan.
After the spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei knew about it by the Minister of Information Ali Younes, he ordered Zavahiri be arrested and brought to prison in Tehran.
But to the newspaper "guards" have helped Zavahiri to escape arrest and fled the country. Two days ago Zavahiri flew to Turkey on a private jet, the newspaper reported, as it were, and Amad fly, responsible for security of Al Qaeda, and Saad, the eldest son of Osama bin Laden. Experience in law enforcement officers to detain terrorists City Airport Mehrabad, "guards" were able to disarm the police and the plane took off smoothly.
The three leaders of the terrorist organization had a large amount of currency and several forged passports - Iranian, Western European and Canadian.
According to the Saudi newspaper fly the organizer of the action by taking hostages in Lebanon and the terrorist attack on the barracks of US Marines in Beirut, and Saad bin Laden is considered the successor of his father.
Meanwhile, official Riyadh requested the extradition of 15 Al Qaeda-related terrorist attack on the night of May 12 in the Saudi capital, known to the Saudi side, were arrested in Iran. In this regard Riyadh accused Tehran that delayed the transmission of terrorists.
doesn't FSB ever get tired of the same trick?
(.......)Several Jewish schools in Belgium have been closed amid warnings that they are a potential target for Islamist militants following a major counter-terror raid that left two suspected jihadists dead and foiled an imminent terrorist atrocity.(.....)
(.......) The wounded suspect, arrested and taken to Brussels, was said to be a CHECHEN known to the Belgian authorities.(.....)
In Ephesians we read of the mystery of the church - Christ's body, which he purchased with his blood, making a people of no people (1 Pet 2:10; Rom 11:17; Acts 11:18 etc.).
2:12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:
13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us;
So in Satan's story the pope's blood will destroy the WALL between the east and the west. The elect "jews" or STAUNCH Catholics will be united with the animated (before being dead and unknowing - Eph 2:1) gentile orthodox, who were without "pope" in the world(v12)
The sea beast will create out of the earth (Eurasia) the second beast to serve him and do his will. An earth golem, so to speak. A golem that will defend the jews like the prague golem did, in the lore:
The most famous golem narrative involves Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the late 16th century rabbi of Prague, also known as the Maharal, who reportedly created a golem to defend the Prague ghetto from antisemitic attacks[12] and pogroms
As you know in Evolutionary theory the SEA is the source of life for the EARTH. Nevertheless, the sea beast being a crocodile or another hideous monster (the blemishes in the history of Rome), it needs an EARTHLY avatar, a lamb-looking creature, to rule by proxy. Like Moses used eloquent Aaron to speak to the nation of Israel. And in contrast to God's glory that shines and illuminates all and is too bright to handle (Exodus 34:35), popery's darkness needs a clean shroud to be able to communicate the will of Satan. Life begins in the sea, then progresses to land and finally to air (Satan ascending).
It fits very much the context, only it remains China, probably at this point the conversion of China will happen:
Delete8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. [Rev ch. 13]
"Христо СтилияновJanuary 15, 2015 at 4:11 PM
ReplyDeletefrom ukrainian news: curious coincidences,
"Paris terrorists turned out to be prorussian Kadyrovites"
...... fired with AK103, a weapon used in duty by the policeforce of Ramzan Kadyrov"
Do you make a post about? I m sorry i m very hurry now and only started to read what just only i quoted above about your new comments.
Don't want to do another post about the explosive news of your comments untill you don't do one about first.
no, i dont intend to, use them later, if you want
DeleteI upgraded the post with an header in red to catch the attention, just refresh the page of the post and you see it on the top under the title:
You can put all the comments now the reader is warned about to focus on them. Sorry too busy now, hope to be able read them all today, bro.
avlesJanuary 17, 2015 at 11:27 PM
ReplyDelete"on a PLANE at 35,00-
Old Waldensian Paths
English-speaking supporters of: "Sentieri Antichi Valdesi" ("Old Waldensian Paths"), for the recovery of the original message and spirit of the ancient Waldensian and Reformational movement in the Waldensian Church and beyond.
Friday, 16 January 2015
The Blessing of the Insult
No one would deny that Pope Francis is a man of sensitive feeling for others and spontaneity. His willingness to demonstrate the emotional body blow of a gratuitous religious insult, on a plane at 35,00- acting out the effect of someone insulting something someone holds dear - is a reflection of the Pope's warm and responsive personality. ...".