Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hypatia: ...and heathenism changed forever.


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".......After this letter, in the case you would still have the inspiration to do such conferences, prepare yourself to live under guard both You and every single member of the family. A guard which, unfortunately, will be not forever........"
From my:

     The bullet sent to Mauro Biglino, inspired by the past?......a well calculate start of a spiral of provocations  and counter-provocations, aimed to create in the country and in the world a general resentment against everything and everyone smelling of "fundamentalism" or "Sola Scriptura" attitude? Like the chain of events which led to the victimization of the heathenism in Alexandria.

     Give a look here in order to perceive a perfidious first Catholic stirring up hate against Jews and Christians, presenting the pagan rationale philosophy of Greece as "victim of Jewish and Christian fundamentalism" and giving alibi to the foundation of supersessionism:

Orestes, the Roman governor of Alexandria, and Cyril, the Bishop of Alexandria, were involved in a bitter feud in which Hypatia became one of the main points of contention. In 415 AD, the feud began over Jewish dancing exhibitions in Alexandria. Because the exhibitions attracted large crowds and were commonly prone to civil disorder of varying degrees, Orestes published an edict that outlined new regulations for such gatherings. When crowds gathered to read the edict shortly after it was posted in the city's theater, it angered Christians as well as Jews. At one such gathering, Hierax, a devout Christian follower of Cyril, read the edict and applauded the new regulations. Many people felt Hierax was attempting to incite the crowd into sedition. Orestes reacted swiftly and violently out of what Scholasticus suspected was "jealousy [of] the growing power of the bishops…[which] encroached on the jurisdiction of the authorities." He ordered Hierax to be seized and tortured publicly in the theater.
Hearing of Hierex's severe and public punishment, Cyril threatened to retaliate against the Jews of Alexandria with "the utmost severities" if the harassment of Christians did not cease immediately. In response to Cyril's threat, the Jews of Alexandria grew even more furious, eventually resorting to violence against the Christians. They plotted to flush the Christians out at night by running through the streets claiming that the Church of Alexander was on fire. When Christians responded to what they were led to believe was the burning down of their church, "the Jews immediately fell upon and slew them" by using rings to recognize one another in the dark and killing everyone else in sight. When the morning came, the Jews of Alexandria could not hide their guilt, and Cyril, along with many of his followers, took to the city’s synagogues in search of the perpetrators of the massacre.
After Cyril rounded up all the Jews in Alexandria, he ordered them to be stripped of all possessions, banished them from Alexandria, and allowed their goods to be pillaged by the remaining citizens of Alexandria. With Cyril's banishment of the Jews, "Orestes [...] was filled with great indignation at these transactions, and was excessively grieved that a city of such magnitude should have been suddenly bereft of so large a portion of its population." Because of this, the feud between Cyril and Orestes intensified, and both men wrote to the emperor regarding the situation. Eventually, Cyril attempted to reach out to Orestes through several peace overtures, including attempted mediation and, when that failed, in an appeal to Orestes' allegiances as a Christian Roman,[28] showing the Gospels to him. Nevertheless, Orestes remained unmoved by such gestures.
Meanwhile, approximately 500 monks who resided in the mountains of Nitria, and who were "of a very fiery disposition," heard of the ongoing feud between the Governor and Bishop and descended into Alexandria armed and prepared to fight alongside Cyril. Upon their arrival, the monks intercepted Orestes's chariot and proceeded to bombard and harass him, calling him a pagan idolater. In response to such allegations, Orestes countered that he was actually a Christian and had even been baptized by Atticus, the Bishop of Constantinople. The monks paid little attention to Orestes’ claims of Christianity, and one of the monks, Ammonius, struck Orestes in the head with a rock, causing him to bleed profusely. At this point, although Orestes’ guards fled in fear, a nearby crowd of Alexandrians came to his aid. Ammonius was subsequently secured and ordered to be tortured for his actions. He died of the torture.
Following the death of Ammonius, Cyril ordered that he henceforth be remembered as a martyr. Such a proclamation did not sit well with "sober-minded" Christians, as Scholasticus pointed out, seeing that he "suffered the punishment due to his rashness…[not because] he would not deny Christ." This fact, according to Scholasticus, became apparent to Cyril through general lack of enthusiasm for Ammonius's case for martyrdom.
Scholasticus then introduces Hypatia, the female philosopher of Alexandria and the woman who would become a target of the Christian anger that was inflamed during the feud. Daughter of Theon, and a teacher trained in the philosophical schools of Plato and Plotinus, she was admired by most for her dignity and virtue. Of the anger she provoked among Christians, Scholasticus writes, Hypatia ultimately fell "victim to the political jealousy which at the time prevailed." Orestes was known to seek her counsel, and a rumor spread among the Christian community of Alexandria blaming her for Orestes's unwillingness to reconcile with Cyril. A mob of Christians gathered, led by a reader (i.e., a minor cleric) named Peter, whom Scholasticus calls a fanatic. They kidnapped Hypatia on her way home and took her to the "Church called Caesareum. They then completely stripped her, and then murdered her with tiles." Socrates Scholasticus was hence interpreted as saying that, while she was still alive, Hypatia's flesh was torn off using oyster shells (tiles; the Greek word is ostrakois, which literally means "oystershells" but the word was also used for brick tiles on the roofs of houses and for pottery sherds). Afterward, the men proceeded to mutilate her and, finally, burn her limbs. News of Hypatia's murder provoked great public denouncement, not only against Cyril, but against the whole Alexandrian Christian community. Scholasticus closes with a lament: "Surely nothing can be farther from the spirit of Christianity than the allowance of massacres, fights, and transactions of that sort."......"

  Who was Hierax?

 He became leader of the so-called sect of the Hieracites, an ascetic society from which married persons were excluded, and of which one of the leading tenets was that only the celibate could enter the kingdom of heaven.

Hierax may be called the connecting link between Origen and the Coptic monks. A man of deep learning and prodigious memory, he seems to have developed Origen's Christology in the direction of Athanasius. He held that the Son was a torch lighted at the torch of the Father, that Father and Son are a bipartite light. He repudiated the ideas of a bodily resurrection and a material paradise, and on the ground of 2 Tim. ii. 5 questioned the salvation of even baptized infants, "for without knowledge no conflict, without conflict no reward."

      No bodily ressurrection to allow reincarnation? And salvation through "knoweledge" instead faith? A perfidious mixing of true heresies with true sounding doctrine in order to contaminate the latter?
     Here, Origen the Platonist:

"The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics follows the tracks of the wolf pack down to the twentieth century: Clement and Origen, by which...Platonism...was incorporated into Christianity...[M]odern thinkers, for example Westcott, are in sympathy with Clement and Origen. The Encyclopedia closes its article on 'Alexandrianism' citing Hort's opinion of Clement: 'In Clement, Christian theology, in some important respects, reaches its highest point...There was no one whose vision of what the faith of Jesus Christ was intended to do for mankind was so full and so true.' .(The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Page 318,319.)
T he McClintock and Strong Encyclopedia records Origen: saying, "[T]he scriptures are of little use to those who understand them as they are written. "Hidden Wisdom vaults Origen's allegorical method of bible interpretation saying: Disciples of Saccas and the neo-platonists of Alexandria and their successors [Clement and Origen] down to this present day [Westcott, Hort, and Blavatsky] have all regarded world scripture as being largely, but not entirely allegorical. The hidden sense lies concealed. (New Age Bible Version, By Gail Riplinger page 527 and The Esoteric Basis of Christianity, Page 149.)


Westcott repeats the New Age Bible Interpretation's view:
It must be remembered that the book (Origen's on First Principle) was not for simple believers but for scholars for those who were familiar with the teachings of Gnosticism and Platonism...question which...become urgent when men have risen to a wide view of Nature and life. He aimed at presenting the higher knowledge. (Religious Thought in the West, Page 225.)
In the philosophical milieu of Alexandria there grew up the Christian Platonist school whose most important represntatives were Clement and Origen. Origen barrowed from the platonic tradition the doctrines, sharply at variance with the general tradition of Christiaqnty, Of the soul's pre-existance, of a cosmic Fall, and of reincarnation. ( The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 6 Page 338,339)....
 Origen barrowed from the platonic tradition the doctrines, sharply at variance with the general tradition of Christiaqnty, Of the soul's pre-existance, of a cosmic Fall, and of reincarnation. ( The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Vol. 6 Page 338,339)....".

Platonist Hypatia murdered by Platonist monks:

"......Described as "the spirit of Plato and the body of Aphrodite," Hypatia was turned into a martyr immortalized when local monks stripped her alluring body and tore it to shreds. ......"

Excerpted from "War Against the Pagans," in Secret History of the Witches © 2000 Max Dashu
... The Roman state gave free rein to Christian extremists who destroyed pagan shrines and images, or who committed violence against pagan leaders. They attacked people at pagan services and destroyed their temples. Arson was a favorite tactic.  From the late 300s on, monks stand out as the primary aggressors in the battle to suppress pagans in the east. Even Christian documents describe them as violent and crime-prone, beating people they considered sinful, stirring up sectarian strife. [MacMullen, 171-2] The pagan Eunapius remarked that these monks looked like men but lived like pigs, "and openly did and allowed countless unspeakable crimes." [Eunapius, 423] He added bitterly, “For among them, every man is given the power of a tyrant who has a black robe and is prepared to behave badly in public.” [Hollland-Smith, 170] Some were not above murder.
One target of the fanatical monk was Hypatia, an astronomer, mathematician and philosopher of international reputation. (......)
Hypatia was a Neoplatonist. Some have claimed that she does not really qualify as a pagan, only as a rationalist philosopher."

      Alexander Hislop gives a confirmation about Egypt as one of the cores of the early Roman Catholicism:

 "....The first form of that which is called the Christian Cross, found on Christian monuments there, is the unequivocal Pagan Tau, or Egyptian "Sign of life."...(...)... The drift of this statement is evidently this, that in Egypt the earliest form of that which has since been called the cross, was no other than the "Crux Ansata," or "Sign of life," borne by Osiris and all the Egyptian gods;..." [The two Babylons, Chapter V Section VI The Sign of the Cross].
      This was simply the process of trasferring the old heathenism/paganims inside the monopoly of the Roman Catholic church.  Remember that the New Styled Heathenism (Catholicism) had to destroy all the apparent esplicit pagan cults (Old Styled Heathenism) in order ....:

1) to concentrate the pagan blasphemy directly in the core of Christendom labeling as "Christian" a large part of the population who then, after being brought inside the church of Rome at the guise of men and women who were "with the dresses Christian, with the heart Heathen", they decisively changed the mainstream Christian movement making it a nest of disguised heathenism, vaccinating in such a way the rest of the population in front of the new religion, truly then smelling exactly like the old one;

2), even more important, destroying ALL the open public pagan/heathen/satanic cults and the material temples, images, etc. no one then could identify, after a comparison, the "new" cult or the Roman Catholicism as truly pagan. Remember that the putting the Roman Catholic theology and the pagan one side by side, it immediately exposes the church of Rome as pagan sect. But if you have no more a pagan milestone of comparison the church of Rome can be smuggled as "Christian". This is the true reason for which the old pagan world was wiped away by the "Christendom" (= Catholicism), till the last crusades of the popes against the American natives whose rites and ceremonies were perfectly aligned with the heathenism of all the world and therefore with the one of the papacy.

    Of course the best aid in to keep hidden the true reason for the crusade of the New Heathenism (CATHOLICISM) against the Old Heathenism, comes from that large ideological and cultural area labelled as "atheist", "materialist", "open minded", "progressive", etc., imbued by a banal anti-clericalism and whose aim is to not waste a single opportunity in order to shot at point blank against anything smelling as "Christian" and recalling the faith in God. This area is the first one to accept Catholicism as the best expression of "Christianity" and therefore is the first one to counter with Stalinist determination any attempt in to expose the truth behind the liquidation of the old ancient heathen world. Better than them cultural mercenaries of the Jesuits are hard to find in today's democratic societies (World Democratic Government) therefore you have to expect a still long life for radical leftist ideological and cultural organizations, infiltrating every corner of the intellectual and academical world:

Or see Stiliyanov's:

петък, 4 юли 2014 г.
Guilty by Association - Are you a Fundamentalist, the verdict (appendix)

    In to confirm all that, it comes  the industry of idolatry today as help, or the cinema. There are not many films  today about the slaughter of Christians by the Vatican Inquisition in the Dark Ages, and all in all - believe me! - this is even good. Only imagine a day when they'll make a film on the Inquisition: stay sure they'll do the best efforts to present the "heretics" or true Christians as freak, weird a-social individuals, as "psychopaths" or in the best cases affected by the syndrome of "failure in the life", and their opposition to the church of Rome as "fruit of their frustrations" . Well, waiting the next Jesuitical slander on their the same victims, you can enjoy the idolatry of the pagan martyr Hypatia, surely a Jesuit heroin because she - as well the I.H.S. acronym (Isis, Horus, Seth) - are both Egyptian.


  1. "But if you have no more a pagan milestone of comparison the church of Rome can be smuggled as "Christian""

    The beast "evolves". Really evolution is the satanic concept of the development of the antichristian system. The "traits" of the preceding animals - Rev 13. Not a development per se, but rather a revelation, much like the progressive revelation of Christ in the Old Testament up to the Gospels.

    And similar is the reason (blemishes, impurities, bad reputation) Islam had to happen, to conceal the pagan roots of Catholicism by murdering the witnesses of the original and true christianity in the middle east. This is the reason the Catholic church can only now take over the world in its entirety. It lost face and appeal in the days of the Reformation and several hundred years of puppet enemies and secular heretics seemingly worse than her had to give her room to breathe and clean herself.

    The farther we go in history, the more she can "paint her face" like Jezebel (2 Kings 9:30) and throw dust in the eyes of the world. Time is an enemy of Satan as much it is his ally. And as Christ makes His Bride spotless and pure by His Word (Ephesians 5:25, 2 Cor 11:2; John 15:3), so does Satan with his craftiness. . .

    For example, those protestants/baptists fleeing to the USA knew who the N1 enemy was. But among them were the freemasons and the catholics which undermined the christian character of that nation as much as they could and diverted the attention to the cruel and barbaric oppression by the english crown.

    This led to a policy of isolationism and general ignorance to european history, because the english roots of the USA always bring about painful memories and bitterness. So the USA lost sight of who the enemy is, and the logical conclusion to this short-sightedness is soon to be manifested.

  2. "......Described as "the spirit of Plato and the body of Aphrodite," Hypatia was turned into a martyr immortalized when local monks stripped her alluring body and tore it to shreds. ......"

    This is very reminiscent of the purges that the communists undertook against the partisans and true anti-nazi fighters in the balkans. Also, the same dirty tactic that now is unfolding in the middle east - survival of the fittest, but with ISIS having the blessings of the pope (until it has done its job)

    "Of course the best aid in to keep hidden the true reason for the crusade of the New Heathenism (CATHOLICISM) against the Old Heathenism, comes from that large ideological and cultural area labelled as "atheist", "materialist", "open minded", "progressive", etc., imbued by a banal anti-clericalism and whose aim is to not waste a single opportunity in order to shot at point blank against anything smelling as "Christian" and recalling the faith in God."

    We are seeing the work of the atheists, the modernists, the ecumenists etc. really doing the job of antichrist. Because the gospel hurts and the Pope doesn't. Because the blessing of the gospel is not of this world, and the popes blessings are very tangible. And all these "traits" put on the backs of the duck dynasty and the "christian" right are same baggage put on the backs of the ISIS terrorists etc. And as these events are unfolding they are giving more provocations to the fundamental christians with gay parades, ridiculous policies and statements of Obama etc, etc, to seal the guilt by association. Finally, the recent reemergence of the Ottoman skeletons is only a hint as to what is to be expected in the middle east. A reshuffling, this time by Rome theological loyalists and fellow anti-semites.

    1. ".....Also, the same dirty tactic that now is unfolding in the middle east - survival of the fittest, but with ISIS having the blessings of the pope (until it has done its job)........" ----->

      Saturday, July 5, 2014

      ISIS taking orders from the Jesuits via Father Paolo Dall'Oglio S.J.?

  3. This movie is very relevant to the current situation.... Will comment on it later

  4. ".......The beast "evolves". Really evolution is the satanic concept of the development of the antichristian system. The "traits" of the preceding animals - Rev 13. Not a development per se, but rather a revelation, much like the progressive revelation of Christ in the Old Testament up to the Gospels.......".

    This is why they sometimes use the term "primitive" for early churches. They before gave it a NEGATIVE value with Evolutionist Science, and Darwin & C. But if they can they don't use this term, they use it only scholarly. When it deals with the attack to the Christians they suppressed the term "primitive" and substituted with "FUNDAMENTALIST". This is because they fear that the term "primitive" outside the academic context, could arise a comparison between early Christendom (true Christendom) and early Catholicism, with a negative result for the latter. Worth of a post :

    "........What Makes Primitive Baptist Churches 'Primitive?'
    Which Beliefs Set Primitive Baptist Churches Apart?......Primitive Baptist Churches Are NOT Protestant

    Primitive Baptists say they are not Protestants. They state that their church is the original Christian church, founded by Jesus Christ himself, 1,500 years before the Reformation. They try to follow the practices of that New Testament church as closely as possible.
    Primitive Baptist Churches Accept the King James Bible Only

    Primitive Baptist churches believe the 1611 King James Bible is the superior translation of Scripture. It is the only text they use. Further, they take all their doctrine from the Bible. If they cannot support it solidly with the Bible, they do not practice it............".

  5. Again Coptic monks in action, from Alberto Rivera's exposition of Jesuit order with considerations about Fatima:

    Tuesday, November 20, 2012
    Forgot Alberto Rivera? [today confirmed by the Coptic pope].

    ".....After his mother and grandfather also died, Muhammad was with his uncle when a Roman Catholic monk learned of his identity and said:

    “Take your brother’s son back to his country and guard him [Muhammad the future prophet] against the Jews, for by God, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother’s son of yours.”

    The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecutions at the hands of the followers of Muhammad. The Vatican desperately wanted Jerusalem because of its religious significance, but was blocked by the Jews.

    Roman Catholics worldwide began praying for the conversion of Russia, and the Jesuits invented the novenas to Fatima, which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good public relations to the Muslim world. The Arabs thought they were honoring the daughter of Muhammad, which is what the Jesuits wanted them to believe. .........[by Alberto Rivera]".
