Tuesday, February 11, 2014

SJ Federico Lombardi


Above image - SJ Federico Lombardi:, the current director of the Holy See Press Office. And  "...Since 2001, [until 2013] Director General of the Vatican Television Center  . As of 5/11/2005 Director General of Vatican Radio " - [as regard the image and duties see below links. ]



The new spokesman for the Pope takes the place of Joaquin Navarro-Valls is Father Federico Lombardi. Born in Saluzzo in 1942, he attended high school in Turin. In addition to the inevitable degrees in Philosophy and Theology (a Jesuit!), Father Lombardi also boasts a degree in Mathematics. It is 1969, from the University of Turin.

The relationship of Father Lombardi with the scientific world also affect the family and his uncles. We do not think uncle father's side (the Father Lombardi went down in history as the mouthpiece of God for his anti-communist speeches in the 50s) as to that part of mother: Giancarlo Vallauri (1882-1957).

Giancarlo Vallauri
An engineering graduate, in Naples in 1908, Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin, a member of the Accademia dei Lincei, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Academy of fascistissima [= hyper-fascist, super fascist] Italy, during the Fascism, in his later years (since '41 to '43), Vallauri was also president of the CNR.

[from:  http://matematica-old.unibocconi.it/losapevateche/losapevate-lombardi.htm ]

 Curriculum vitae of SJ Federico Lombardi, 


        He was born in Saluzzo (Cuneo) , Italy on 08.29.1942 .
        Training school in Turin . Middle Schools at the Institute "Social" of the Fathers
        1960s. To enter the novitiate of the Province
        rinese of the Society of Jesus to
        Avigliana (Turin) .
        From 1962 to 1965 . Philosophical Studies at the Phaco
        lity philosophical " Aloisianum " of the Jesuits in
        Gallarate (Varese) , concluded with a Licentiate in Philosophy .
        From 1965 to 1969 . Student Assistant of the Hill
        Thu university run by the Jesuits in
        Turin . Degree in Mathematics at the University of Turin.
        From 1969 to 1973 . Licentiate in Theology at the Theological Faculty of the Phil. - Teol .
        Hochshule Jesuit St Georgen in Frankfurt am Main.
        1972. Ordination to the priesthood .
        From 1973 to 1977 . Member of the Board of the Writers of the " Catholic Civilization " .
        1977. Vice - Director of the " Catholic Civilization " .
        From 1984 to 1990 . Provincial Superior of the Italian Province of the Society of Jesus
        1991 - 4/11/2005 Program Director of Vatican Radio.
        Since 2001, Director General of the Vatican Television Center .
        As of 5/11/2005 Director General of Vatican Radio

".....Lombardi was named program director (1991) and later general director (2005) of Vatican Radio. He was also made general director of the Vatican Television Centre in 2001; a position he held until 2013 and in which he was succeeded by Dario Edoardo Viganò......." [Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federico_Lombardi]
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

CEO of Discovery Channel linked to Fordham University and Energy Corporations interests 


 Friday, January 24, 2014 


  1. Alien conventions becoming more and more credible and "scientific"


    "We have a lot more credible speakers than what the general public would expect for a UFO event," said Alejandro Rojas, one of the co-organizers and the master of

    Theologian Ted Peters, who has publicly stated that many religious leaders are ready to share a pew with aliens.

    Once upon a time, UFO conventions or seminars primarily attracted the lunatic fringe crowd -- those who arrived wearing alien costumes, tin foil hats and hoping to meet the alien man or woman of their dreams. Certainly, it was not the kind of event where serious scientists showed up.

    That's all changing now, as evidenced by this week's 23rd(!!!) annual 2014 International UFO Congress near Scottsdale, Ariz.

    While there still exists a "purchase-an-ET-trinket" mentality fostered by an ever-present vendors room, the overall credibility climate has evolved where the topics presented during the week include government coverups, conspiracy theories, crop circles, alien abduction and former NASA scientists speaking out on how close we are to extraterrestrial contact.

  2. "....."We have therapists who put together [UFO] abduction experiencer groups. These are like group therapy where people can get together with others who have similar experiences. It is headed by therapists, and we have a lot of people who participate in those sessions, which are closed to the media because they’re just for therapy and for people sharing their stories," Rojas told The Huffington Post......"

    Socializing the collective possession of soul by spirits?

  3. Of course, they would choose a Lutheran guy - Ted Peters, the Catholic church is innocent and aaaalways last to know everything.

  4. A star of the radical left wing culture is the MATHEMATICIAN Communist Piergiorgio Odifreddi asking the removal of Vatican to Jerusalem...

