Wednesday, June 22, 2016

After the Big Bang, the Big Bribe. Still a "great achievement" of Evolutionist physic


Evolutionist science, among the Greates Briberies in human history

A self-justification system of lies, the Evolutionism. The lie, for evolution-ism, is only a "strategy" to survive or to overcome the adversary.  What in a not human field is the work of the pawns and teeth, in the human world becomes daily job for the lie and the deception. Evolutionist science, is compelled to fulfil this moral premise. Being at war against any form of upper determinated form of moral and ethic, which could too much resemble the idea of a Creator, i.e. the Godhead of Christianity, in every deceptive breath of her institutions, members, organizations, academies, Evolutionist science must continually deny any moral with the lie. Covered by a thick layer of hypocrital claims to work for the "progress", the lie is at the core of Evolutionism, both of its conceptual foundation as well of its daily practice. Not only so the Darwinian science of the Nazism or of the Stalinism, Democracy is not less a redoubtable competitor of those two historical example, just in front of every one having clear in mind the connections between political world, business world, academic world: joined by the THIRSTY of money, power and fame (pride).

Even the Evolutionists scientists seem to perceive the Greatest Bribery in human history - give a look at the colossal bribery of CERN:

"...Big money projects need a lot of hype for justification. Thus, the Higgs boson is persistently called “God Particle”, although it has relatively little relevance to fundamental physics – in fact, theoreticians have long hedged their bets. This means that it is not nearly as fundamental as hyped and possibly there are other universes and even parallel worlds (not the same!) that are perhaps even quite similar to ours except for that they do not have Higgs bosons."
Physicists Demand LHC Shut Down After Higgs And Higgs Nonsense
By Sascha Vongehr | July 4th 2012 02:44 AM | 47 comments | Print | E-mail | Track Comments

If you have time to deepen the billions Eur  Evolutionist waste to search the "God's particle", see the Creationist critic at:

Dark Matter and the Standard Model of particle physics—a search in the ‘Dark’

Published: 28 September 2014 (GMT+10)


  1. Strangely my latest post at CCR does not show up on your feed:

  2. the lie is at the core of Evolutionism, both of its conceptual foundation as well of its daily practice. Not only so the Darwinian science of the Nazism or of the Stalinism, Democracy is not less a redoubtable competitor of those two historical example, just in front of every one having clear in mind the connections Phd essay writers

  3. My definition of democracy is "a woman pregnat with the foetus of totalitarism".
    Dictatorship & Democracy are not in opposition, but linked through a child-mother relation.
