“The journey of jihad taught us not to easily trust people outside our denomination, no matter how much they claim to support the jihad. Lying and treachery are basic traits among those people.” Therefore, suspicion hovered around the priest, especially when he insisted on meeting the leaders of ISIS."
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Jesuits and ISIS
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Also from Barry Chamish' article a confirmation [see entire article in References]:
".....What a fun month for wacky frame-ups that led to war. It all began in mid-June when 3 Israeli teenagers were kidnapped. One of the abductees, somehow, cell phoned the Police and was brushed aside as a prankster. But his phone recorded them being shot and Arabs heard gleefully celebrating. Israel had a motive to go to war when a Hebron faction of ISIS took responsibility for the crime......
With both sides angry as hell, Hamas started bombarding Israel with rockets. You talk about an irresponsible government, they did so without expecting retribution?? But I'll bet they didn't expect that all their allies would desert them. On the fifth day of the war, 3 rockets were shot at Northern Israel from Lebanon, most likely by Hizbullah rebels. And they were arrested by the Lebanese. The last time Hizbullah rained missiles on Israel in 2009, practically all the Jews of Northern Israel abandoned their homes for three weeks. Israel was humiliated. If Hamas with their 20,000 rockets was joined by Hizbullah with it's 125,000 this would have been a very different war. But no Hizbullah...or Iran, or Assad or any of its "allies" helped Hamas in its hour of desperate need. This war was Hamas fighting Israel, basically by itself. Who knows what understandings were reached to get to this lucky point. But there appear to be agreements between the combatants.
If not a genocide, at least the definitive sunset for the benefit of the Eastern RC empire's Shia - read Stiliyanov's comment under my [see link under the comment]:
"And just for the purpose to morally hide a probable coming massacre of Sunni in Iraq there's need to find a moral veil to cover it, with a new victimization of the Sunni of Gaza or Hamas:"
It is already happening. A few weeks ago i watched a video(probably shouldn't have) of Shia torturing Sunni's and killing them. The title said it was ISIS soldiers, but almost all of them were wearing civilian clothes.... now they can kill everyone sunni, just label them ISIS or an ISIS coadjutor and no trial is needed. Recall the purges? Every enemy of the Communist party is a fascist?
Shia are just as brutal as Sunni, if not more. After all, if they split their babies scalps open to gush out their blood as a part of a religious festival, how much more would they do to their enemies?
And if IRAQ and SYRIA are devoured by the Shia and this time no puppet Maliki, but a true pro-Iran Shia power and the Arab states are decisively subdued, then Turkey will suddenly become more isolated than ever. Which may give rise to that war/revolution for Constantinople.
Iran Supreme Leader: The Islamic Messiah Is Coming Soon To Kill All Infidels
The supreme leader’s representative in the Revolutionary Guards, Ali Saeedi, in a meeting with Guard commanders on Friday, said the coming of Imam Mahdi cannot take place under the current circumstances, and in order for that to happen THE MIDDLE EAST NEEDS TO WITNESS MAJOR CHANGES. To create those changes, there is a need for “regional preparedness” and that the Islamic revolution in Iran “without a doubt will be connected to the worldwide revolution of Imam Mahdi.”
The warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan is one example of what the hadiths predicted [note by Christo - read "hadiths DECIDED"], according to Shiite theology. The fighting in Syria and the current infighting in Iraq and even THE LIKELY INTRUSION of the Islamic Republic’s army into Iraq TO COUNTER THE SUNNI REBELLION, as per Shiite understanding of the hadiths, point to the IMMINENT COMING OF MAHDI, BUT NOT BEFORE ISRAEL IS DESTROYED.
Well, two dogs - Sunni and Shia, fighting for the bone - Israel, but I think the third dog (Rome) has more tricks up its sleeve. Bear in mind that this Mahdi guy may as well be perceived as the "antichrist" by the christians expecting such a future figure (even now many people predict the mahdi is the antichrist/man of sin, which we know it isn't so). Moreover, muslims expect that at the very end they will turn against their "roman" allies (after defeat of USA etc) and conquer the world. I don't think Rome agrees with that scenario. . . . Far more likely for the Roman church to subdue Islam and devour or simply destroy it when this Mahdi goes to Jerusalem, thus appearing as the "liberator" of the Jews, only to gain their trust.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
A Shia genocide of Sunni in sight in Iraq?
Now again, go back to my post of March, about the liquidation of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt by the military coup, openly supported by the Catho-Islamic administration in the White House in order to hide the true geo-political beneficiary of that coupe, Jesuits' Putin's Assad's Syria, and the provisional geo-religious gainer, Shia Islam:
"..... Sawiris is at the service of Putin. Morsi and the Islamic brootherhood were asking for an "holy war" of Egypt against Syria's boss, Bashir al-Assad, a member of the Roman Catholic Francis I order. In order to avoid the danger to see Assad overtrhown, Sawiris and Obama immediately entered in action and pulled dow the Islamic brotherhood as wanted by Putin and his Vatican Masterminds. Please, appreciate the 'alternative' information how is working to confuse minds and souls......"
Monday, March 24, 2014
The spy who came - III
[PS - Barry Chamish is worried by the coming war between Syria and Israel, so what is the logic of the actual events from the perspective of such worries? but when there will no more Hamas, with which to play the game of David surviving thanks the enmity between two Goliaths (= Shia's Hezbollah and Sunni's Hamas), the Final Attack of the Jesuits' Western and Eastern RC empires on Israel could start.]
by Barry Chamish
What a fun month for wacky frame-ups that led to war. It all began in mid-June when 3 Israeli teenagers were kidnapped. One of the abductees, somehow, cell phoned the Police and was brushed aside as a prankster. But his phone recorded them being shot and Arabs heard gleefully celebrating. Israel had a motive to go to war when a Hebron faction of ISIS took responsibility for the crime. Go to my website; www.barrychamish.com for the details. That was the first act of the set-up. The police certainly appeared complicit in the murders and Israeli Jews, a ripple so far, are asking questions:
What if the hours' delay in reporting the kidnapped boys' disappearance was NOT a royal foul-up? Why would there even be a policy in place where the person who took the emergency call had to run it up some chain of command? What if they were anticipating something like this and the delay was all part of some master plan? What if the Arabs are right about some of this? Maybe "Jews" did kidnap the kids. Maybe the kidnapping was a ploy to enable the government to take out Hamas operations in Judea and Shomron; to eliminate the PA "unity government," as the Arabs are claiming. Why did the government keep reiterating that phrase "we're operating under the assumption that the boys are still alive?" (Because they already knew they were dead.)
With Israelis on board, it was time to infuriate the Arabs. Now the frame-up was so obvious, you wouldn't think it would work. An Arab, 16 year old Muhammed Abu Khdeir, was kidnapped and burned alive in a car. But luckily, two of the murderers were video-taped, and this tape went viral on the arab internet. But not viral enough to get an irrational war moving in high gear. So Khdeir's fifteen year old cousin was filmed being beaten senseless by three very atypical soldiers. In all the riots, the one filmed beating was Khdeir's American cousin who, released from jail, had all his lines scripted. "Why did they beat me? I was just enjoying the riot." Followed by his American mother talking of her sweet boy who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Pardon me for not accepting the scenario of an American cousin of the murder victim accorded an especially vicious arrest with every kick and blow taped for the viewing attention of the Arabs. The police were not as derelict in finding Muhammed's killers as they were for the Jewish abductees who gave them a GPS location of their crime via cellphone. They found the Jewish murderers within days and have since denied them counsel because they are "terrorists." Here's the wack wack wacky crime being accepted by Israelis:
Like so many of the narratives beamed out of the Middle East by pale Western journalists who know so painfully little about the region and its inhabitants, this story, too, is difficult to understand. If you want to understand the gruesome murder of 16-year-old Muhammed Abu Khdeir in the hands of six young Israelis last week, don't turn to Bibi or the Bible or Hamas or Abbas: turn to Beitar Jerusalem, the favorite soccer team of Israel's undivided capital.
All six suspects are fanatical Beitar fans. Members of the murderous cabal are all affiliated with La Familia, a small group of several thousand Beitar fans known for their anti-Arab opinions and a more general penchant for thuggery. The truth is that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Palestinian Authority, settler rabbis and Hamas all have nothing to do with the terrible events that unfurled after six lowlifes forced a sweet-faced kid into their car and burned him alive. Soccer does. So please, enough with the ancient hatreds and the cycle of violence. The death of Muhammed Abu Khdeir is a terrible tragedy, but it's not one unique to Israel. Anyone who watches soccer more frequently than a few matches every four years understands that intuitively. (Tablet)
Here is where the wackiness just doesn't end. Israel called up 40,000 reservists who are now threatening Gaza. But Gaza is a death trap for Israel's soldiers as they found out a few years back when they mounted a failed deadly incursion. There is no reason to endanger our young men when Gaza can be starved into submission.
Danny Danon: No Gas, Electricity for Gaza
MK Moshe Feiglin: Don't Enter Gaza,
Cut Off Electricity, Supplies
When Lawyers Run the War, You Can’t Win
PM Netanyahu said that the lawyers won't let him shut off Gaza's water and electricity.
And these lawyers think killing 200 Arabs in a week of bombing is more humane than cutting off power and water? As the rocket war expanded what did wacky Israel do? It supplied the goods needed to keep the war amovin' forward:
Israel Permits Supplies into Gaza (Hebrew)
On Tuesday, July 8, 148 trucks carrying supplies and 221 tons of natural gas entered Gaza. The trucks went via the Kerem Shalom crossing, in coordination with the Gaza coordination and liaison office. (Office for Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories - Israel)
To the point that one Israeli, who didn't get the joke, had enough:
An Israeli truck driver, fed up at near-incessant Hamas rocket fire into Israel, took matters into his own hands on Sunday and used his truck to block an aid convoy from entering the coastal enclave, Israel’s Channel 2 reported.Israel’s Civil Authority (COGAT) has continued to allow hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid in, in order to alleviate daily conditions for the strip’s 1.6 million residents inhabiting the 139 square mile area.But on Sunday, Kerem Shalom resident and married dad, Daniel Meteri, 27, snapped.He’d had enough of the hundreds of rockets in the sixth day of Operation Protective Edge, and the thousands before then, and for three hours refused to move his vehicle parked across the two-lane road leading to the crossing point, at the southern end of the Strip.His wildcat strike halted a several-kilometer-long line of trucks carrying goods to the Palestinians.
As noble as this act was, most Israelis, not all mind you, but a significant majority, have resorted to perverse rationalizations. One sent me a report of how an Israeli hospital was caring for Gaza's wounded. This, I suppose, at an infantile level, was proof of how compassionate the Jews are. I wrote the sender:
After the IDF bombs the crap out of them. an Israeli hospital gives them a bandaid? Don't send this obvious photo-op propaganda to anyone with a brain in their heads. Sift, darling, sift.
Another found solace in the fact that since the rockets began falling in earnest from Gaza, 65 Americans chose to make aliyah or immigrate to Israel. Now my sources aren't official, but I'm informed that since this outbreak began, some 1500 have left Israel permanently, many to America. The Jews have lost sensibility. They choose what they want to believe is reality and dismiss facts or any logic that disproves their "facts."
I have no idea what the motive for this war is, maybe the rumors that it was the greatest commercial ever for the Iron Dome system have some truth behind it. Maybe the biased lies of the political left have some merit: http://www.prisonplanet.com/justified-vengeance-the-pretext-for-bombing-gaza-was-the-netanyahu-government-behind-the-killings-of-the-three-israeli-teenagers.html
Yes, Hamas is attempting a mass murder of all the Jews they can get their rockets to fall on, but don't let that fact blind the Jews to another awful fact: We've been had again.
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ReplyDelete"Had Hamas accepted the Egyptian proposal, it could have saved the lives of at least 40 Palestinians," said Sameh Shoukri, Egypt's FM, as reported by Egyptian state news agency MENA.
Knife in the back of Hamas....the tides are turning