Jesuit pope's celebrations in Calabria, hinting to Calabrian Vaudoises as morally comparable to Ndrangheta [Calabrian Mafia]?
Again, quoting the same article and the title, which as many others simply reports the facts, read the possible Catholic terrorist scheme behind the visit of the Jesuit pope in Calabria, the art of associating for guiltiness:
Papa Francesco in Calabria, met the relatives of the young Coco and railed against the Mafia: "They are excommunicated"
When you go in Calabria doing masses for the population, in giant-meeting recalling the ones of Mussolini, when you aim your 'pastoral' travel there to be for the "struggle against the Ndrangheta" (the Mafia of Calabria), when you excommunicate the Mafiosi for having slaughtered also children, and you do all this without to mention the blood you shed among that population in 1561, the one of children too, in the same month of June, it means only one thing.
That you are subliminally and satanically hinting that the Ndrangheta killing babies which you, with your giant-meetings claim to be "isolated from population", is the same as the Calabrian Vaudoises who "were alien [isolated] from the native population" [they came from Piedmont fleeing from your Catholic persecutions] and especially were - like today Ndrangheta - excommunicated....
Above image - not far from the Islamic and Christian 'fundamentalism' by guilty associated; also Vaudoises of Calabria and Mafia of Calabria, guilty for association - see the original post of Stiliyanov here:
".....Since June 1627 they were submitted to the abbè of S. Sisto (town), Matteo Rocco, delegate of Holy Office, a very hard time. Many the arrests and imprisonments. The exasperated Vaoudoises assaulted the castle of Fuscaldo in 1635 and three years later they killed the hated Matteo Rocco. All that provoked new condemnations and executions. The [Roman Catholic] priests of the area begun to bear guns and swords! The only seignior who tried to alleviate the conditions of the Catholicized ones [the survived among Vaudoises] was the Duke of Montalto who ordered severe laws to protect the honor of the women of S. Sisto who "often were targeted by the abbè and his minions who had no scruples in to imprison the women for the most trivial reason in order to sexually abuse of them". And this was not a lonely case. Also the Dominican convent of Guardia (locality) was transformed in a "red light" nest hosting women in the friar's cells".
Today's Vaudoises of Calabria (anyway of course they apostatized respect the old ones):

Saturday, June 21, 2014
"88" or Roman Catholic Cutthroaters.
Trying to cover blood with other blood. Everyone not subjugated under the pope is outside the law, a renegade, hence the Roman church continues to create vicious outlaws and organizations to present a world of "gnashing of teeth" outside the Romanist system. Any society without Rome is bound to be a doomed society (of course destroyed by Rome's learning against learning and social tactics). But for now Rome is in hiding, playing the victim of secular society, even a secular world, feeding with a large and open mouth on the blood of the priests and peasants and the social injustices and persecution, for example in China, but also, as you point out, in italy.
ReplyDelete"Pope Francis has visited a prison in Calabria, a region infested by organized crime, on a day trip to Italy’s underdeveloped south."
infested, a word to describe christians, who are always infesting the sewers of the grand and glittering cities of catholic europe.
From another link:
"Unemployment among the under-25s in the region stands at 56.1 per cent - the highest in Italy in 2013 according to Eurostat - and local mobsters thrive by offering idle youngsters well-paid work, luring them into their networks. "
The Waldenses/christians were "unemployed" by Satan, in other words, were not working for their salvation. They were not even allowed to grow crops, being starved to death by Rome. Satan's arrogance and perfidy again are eminent." If you don't want to work for your salvation, we will make sure you can't work for your bread either."
"Ps 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Yes, you are not allowed to live on the pope's earth, if you do not recognize him. He is a replacement of God, after all. . . .
"...............Plus, this Pope is the best thing that has happened to the Catholic Church since Jesus Christ himself. A good and righteous man. "
".....hence the Roman church continues to create vicious outlaws and organizations to present a world of "gnashing of teeth" outside the Romanist system."
ReplyDeleteCriminality acting as Christian-hunter-killers on the payroll of the Vatican, aided by the religious immigration. The strategy of the Catholic church is the one of "Operation Barbaric Invasion", let degrade and destroy the society, the New Barbarian will clean from it all the Christians, meanwhile we - chruch of Rome - who are a State Within the State in every corner of the world, will survive. When the mission will be accomplished we 'll exit from our convents, seminarires, school and swarm in the society.
"The visit [in Calabria] comes as the Vatican was forced to deny claims Francis is ill following an abrupt decision to cancel his popular morning Mass until SEPTEMBER, and all general mid-week audiences in JULY.".
Probably only a coup-de-theatre, a long absence of this Antichrist from the scene of the media, in order to arise tension and desire at the eve of 13th September:
Post of
ReplyDeleteavlesJune 24, 2014 at 11:35 AM
has been edited:
The arrest against the members of the same kind of criminal organization, 'Ndrangheta of Calabria, similar to the one which killed the child and his family, were coordinated with the travel of the pope in Calabria? If the answer is positive, it means that criminality is let to kill only in order to make appear the pope and the Vatican as "firmly opposed to the Mafia":
"........June 24, 2014
'Ndrangheta, blitz in various regions: 54 arrests. There is also an actor Stefano Sammarco
The objective of the ROS and police in Rome and Reggio Calabria alleged gang affiliated with the Molè gang, one of the most powerful, with branches all over Italy and abroad. Seized assets worth 25 million Euros........".
".......It was the Pope himself to reveal his plans: in a meeting with a delegation of the Carabinieri, Bergoglio said: "On September 13, I'll go to pilgrimage to the shrine of military cemetery opf Redipuglia to pray for the fallen of all wars.".....".