#1 NATO flag
#2 Anders Behring Breivik
Some of mine ruminations:
"...SMOLENSK & UTOYA -----> Ah the Il Piccolo [newspaper of the city of Trieste] should have noticed also that there are not only films about partisans [about Partisans' guerrilla film of 1972 filmed in Tito's Yugoslavia and restored today thanks to China] ..... Two years ago the old Pahor government (center-left) Slovenia – member of UE and NATO – signed military agreements with China (also economic ones).....Practically in the case of Slovenia NATO is collaborating with Communist China which, in her turn, is enjoying her model layout, not of model railroads but of living humans, a 'model' layout named "North Korea"..... the next head of NATO is probably the most strict friend of Putin in Europe, the Norwegian Stoltenberg.... at Utøya – Norway - participants of a camp for the anti-Israeli indoctrination were murdered.... they have been termed also "pro-Russian"....Following the rule of the "false flag" logic, thanks to that massacre, today, the ones to be on the moral accusation's bar are every pro-Israel and pro-USA subject.... Practically this silent tactic is aiming to transform NATO in a sort of "New Warsaw Pact" and to use it as cage to imprison USA (exactly like UE is the cage where to imprison Germany inside the Counter Reformation Oder-Neisse line and to squeeze Poland & neighbor).....For this reason Lech Kaczynzky and other 95 people have been assassinated.... Kaczynzky was searching help from America in order to escape the crushing by the European Union and her New Imperialist Russia ally and in fact the refined minds gave green light to Anders Breivik after Smolensk, when Lech Kaczynsky could no more defend his cause....This is the reason why the Utøya Massacre and the Smolensk 2010 air crash are linked and are visibly part of the same strategy finalized in to eliminate both morally (Utøya ) as well physically (Smolensk) any possible ally of USA within the NATO.... Does all that come from Moscow? I seriously doubt about it even if there's more than a clear evidence that the Kremlin enjoys very much it and often materially participates (Smolensk) in the implementation of this slow process of isolation of USA within NATO.... But once the American continent will be completely led under the feet of the Rome's pope, Orthodox Russia (and China) will do the unpleasant discovery to be encircled, this time not by "US imperialism" but by the Zouaves of the pope...."
* * *
The news is of the same day of the anniversary of the Smolensk 2010 air crash:
Norway Interested to Invest in Slovenia
Business, 10 Apr 2014 / By STA, T. M.PM Alenka Bratušek met her Norwegian counterpart Erna Solberg and took part in a business conference in Oslo on Wednesday as part of a visit designed to boost economic cooperation between the nations and raise Norwegian investors' interest in the ongoing privatisation in Slovenia.
URL: http://www.sloveniatimes.com/norway-interested-to-invest-in-slovenia
See Slovenia and Norway two months before the attack at Utøya :
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Spectacular fireworks at 22.11 hours
In case you forgot it, the month before the attack at Utøya, Slovenia, NATO member, signed military collaboration with Communist China. [see References].
A Webster Tarpley
They had to fire more than one island. A tutorial on the bomb attacks in Oslo just ended. Maybe a revenge for the NATO Norway's decision not to bomb Libya more?
The tragic terror attacks in Norway have a number of telltale signs of a false flag provocation (false flag NDT). It is reported that - although the world media are attempting to focus on Anders Behring Breivik as a lone murderess in the tradition of Lee Harvey Oswald - many eyewitnesses agree that a second shooter was at work in the massacre at the youth summer camp on Utøya outside Oslo.
Etc. etc., readily translated in Italian and then posted at the Comedonchisciotte site where you still can find it:
But the original page of Wester Tarpley from where the article was translated does exist NO more... Why? But maybe because the same Norway Prime Minister 'punished' by NATO for having withdrew the troops from Libya then became the head of the same NATO?....
above image - Webster Tarpley page: disappeared.
In the same page of Comedonchisciotte site where there's the translated (in Italian) and disappeared article of Webster Tarpley, there's the link to the articles quoting the Prime Minister friend of Putin and Hamas, four years ago opposing the same organization of which today he is going to be the head:
Even the original page where the article was translated in Italian and from where it was reported by Comedonchisciotte disappeared:"...OSLO, May 13 (Reuters) - The solution to Libya's bloody uprising must be based on political action and not only military might, Norway's Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday.
"The solution to the problems in Libya are political, they cannot be solved by military means alone," Stoltenberg told reporters on the sidelines of a conference in Oslo.
"We are very much supporting all efforts to find a political solution to the challenges we are facing in Libya," he added.
Norway's government this week pledged to scale down its role in NATO-orchestrated air strikes on Libya after its current three-month commitment ends on June 24. [ID:nLDE7481ET] (Reporting by Oslo newsroom; Editing by Louise Ireland)".
See the article in: http://www.trust.org/item/?map=libya-solution-more-political-than-military-norway
above image - Megachip page: disappeared
Both Wester Tarpley and Megachip are cunning guys.... They were ready to wipe away the compromising reference to NATO as true mastermind of Utøya Massacre. Even if or, better, just because they attributed at the beginning in July 2011 a purposely deceiving goal for that massacre. See again the URL of the Tarpley article then translated by Microchip and reported by Comedonchisciotte, it has been written two days after the massacre: http://tarpley.net/2011/07/24/norway-terror-attacks-a-false-flag/ 24.07.2011. Megachip published it immediately, only the day after. But what makes to think is the fact that among all the 'alternative' information given in the last decade, right this one involving NATO disappeared....:
to the Arctic circle.Friday, April 4, 2014
From the Strait of Hormuz
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Poland and Lithuania members of EUROGENDFOR [case closed]
Monday, August 15, 2011
T minus 25 days: China creates military schools for Slovenia [= NATO]
Slovenia is a N.A.T.O. member.
N.A.T.O. is bombing Libya against the apparent will of China (& Russia).
But you know that it is also just thanks to that Libyan war - rigorously N.A.T.O. produced – and consequent rumors on the “race for Libyan oil” that China can continue undisturbed and not observed to occupy the rest of the African Continent south of Islamic North Africa.....
The historical visit occured 25 days before the Massacre of Oslo
.............. . . . . . .
Monday, 27.06.2011, 19:06
Gantar and Jelušič with high-level talks launched visit in ChinaBEIJING - President of the National Assembly Pavel Gantar and Defence Minister Ljubica Jelusic started a separate visit to China.
Gantar has met with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinpingom, Jelusic with the Deputy Head of the Central Military Commission Xu Caihouj. Both also attended a reception at the Slovenian National Day.As reported in the National Assembly, Xi and Gantar in a conversation that lasted longer than originally anticipated, highlighted the excellent and friendly relations between the two countries, Vice President of China congratulated with Slovenia on 20th anniversary of independence. As estimated in the past few years, Slovenia has made significant development, a factor of peace and stability and plays an active role in international organizations.President of the National Assembly DZ (Slovenian parliament – avles) about the areas where China and Slovenia could strengthen economic cooperation, mentioned in particular the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, transport and infrastructure, telecommunications and science and research. Although Slovenia is the largest economic partner of China in the Western Balkans, there are still open possibilities for closer cooperation with the harbour of Koper and high-tech and other companies.Gantar has also met with the Chairman of the Standing Committee of Chinese People's Congress Wu Bangguojem by which they agreed that relations between the two countries in the past two decades developed into close cooperation. Political contacts are looking at the highest level, Gantar expressed his belief that there is mutual interest in strengthening, in particular economic cooperation.Wu thanked Slovenia for supporting the one-China policy and its active role in the dialogue between China and the EU. He highlighted China's interest for Slovenia's participation in the automotive industry, development of infrastructure and in education and tourism.
The Defence Minister whose the most important meeting - a meeting with Chinese Defence Minister Liang Guangliejem - namely waiting on Tuesday, has since met today with Deputy Head of the Central Military Commission, a three-star generals Caihoujem Xu.He explained that this commission is the highest decision making body of the military and defense matters in China. The talks were focused mainly on bilateral defense cooperation, and it was expressed much willingness to continue and strengthen this cooperation in the future. The most important "export point" of Slovenia as regard the words of the Minister, is the center of excellence for mountain warfare in Bohinjska Bela.Jelusic also visited the National Defence University in Beijing, where they attend school together highest military-political, defense and civil-political structures. As explained in Slovenia we do not have anything like that yet, but it is in preparation such a course for general staff in which they could also invite representatives of civil policy. The university also had a lecture in which the Slovenian Minister of Defense highlighted the main security challenges facing both Slovenia and China.The statement by the Minister reminded that this visit is the first visit by a Slovenian defense minister to China, while adding that it was also the first visit of a female Defence Minister to China in the last five years. She further stated, "It's already very successful visit."
Both Prime Minister and Slovenian National Assembly president Gantaras in the Kempinski Hotel in Beijing attended the commemoration on the 20th years of Slovenian statehood, which was prepared by the Slovenian Embassy. Gantar in his address to more than one hundred guests at the reception - diplomats, businessmen and other distinguished guests - underlined that Slovenia and China have shown that the differences between territorial distance are not hindering mutual understanding and cooperation.
Sunday, 24 July 2011The arms embargo the European Union ChinaChina People's Liberation Army, with nearly 2.3 million active soldiers largest army in the world, and these, according to the rules does not depend on weapons imported from the European Union. The European Union has teamed up with the United States by the events in Tiananmen Square in 1989, an embargo on arms sales to China of the Member States. The main reason for such a move could find in the fact that the European Union did so to show disapproval for the events, but also prevent repression of the state over its own people.(….......)A source close to EU High Representative outside Ashton says he is nearing the end of the embargo. Embargoes are already since many years loudly criticized, among others, have been criticized by Gerhard Schröder and Jacques Chirac. Both were of the opinion that it is completely absurd. Former French president see mainly the nonsense that equates the China embargo to other countries, to which also applies the European Union embargo on arms sales. Myanmar, Zimbabwe and Sudan, in his words, can not be compared with China. Former German Chancellor Schröder has also seen the embargo nonsense, since China today is no longer the one in 1989. Both France and Germany with the withdrawal would obtain a large gain, as it promises arms exports to China, although both countries are trying to reject the view that they want to cessation of the embargo only in order to trade weapons.
Despite the eventual elimination of the embargo it would remain subject to certain restrictions. In 1998, the European Union adopted a Code of Conduct on Conventional Arms Exports. The Code consists sufficiently thorough and comprehensive and could still theoretically stop the sale of weapons in different situations. Among the many articles in connection with China is particularly important article, which prohibits the sale, if there is a "clear risk for internal repression." This article would prohibit the sale in case of suspicion of weapons for purposes that would constitute a violation of human rights. Another, in the case of China, an important article is one that prohibits the sale, if there would be a "clear risk that weapons will be used aggressively against another country or to occupy other countries." This article would prohibit arms sales, if it could remain the suspect that China wanted to take Taiwan. This is strictly against the embargo, but by the rules contained in the code, the risk would be greater. However, this requires a certain degree of skepticism, because the European Union does not officially recognize Taiwan. However, the problem of the Code lies in the fact that it is - as told by Lithuanian MEP Justas Paleckis - in practice ignored.Because of possible complications related to Taiwan are against the embargo and the United States. Recently it came to media related documents, which it sent the Wikileaks. This document was written with the intention of the U.S. to mobilize its embassy in the European Union and to prevent Spain's intention to abolish the embargo. Member of the Iberian Peninsula has taken the presidency of the European Union in the first half of last year clearly called for the abolition of it, but despite its favorable prospects experts have failed to do.The United States already firmly defends the embargo, since, according to former President Bush, in a case the tightening relationship between China and Taiwan, U.S. are also those who were "forced" to protect Taiwan. The European Union as an ally of the United States in this area would not like to afford complications. This is particularly relevant because in 2005 China adopted a so-called "anti-secessionist" law that gives the military the power to prevent by force the independence of Taiwan ..(read: use tensions USA-China as alibi to put troubles between USA and Europe... - avles)(…............)The question is what would actually constitute a lifting of the embargo? I guess this would be more than not only an indicator of closer relations between China and the European Union as well as an indicator of the EU China acknowledges some positive changes. China, nevertheless, it still violates some human rights, however, is no longer the China, as it was in 1989 on the implementation of the embargo.(…............)
European Union, should the embargo end, would came one step closer to China. To desire mutual participation by both, especially in the economic field, we clearly see the recent visit of Chinese delegation and President Hu Jintao in Europe. China clearly wants lifting of the embargo, but not due to any greater need for European weapons, but because of the aforementioned symbolic importance. The Asian superpower has repeatedly underlined the anger, but also the sadness because of this document. The latter speaks about the embargo "reluctantly" referring to it to as slap to her politics, and often spoke to the European Union about the abolition. President Hu Jintao said that the removal of European embargo would signal the acceptance of China as an equal force on the world scene. Particularly because China believes that it is not in the same position as other countries with the same restriction, especially after the European Union in October 2009 withdrew the embargo on arms sales to Uzbekistan.(…............)
.............. . . . . . .

ReplyDeleteV4 Co-operation within NATO: Looking to the Future
12:45, 26 Mar 2014
RUSI, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2ET
Link to map: multimap
SOLD OUT: Members only
About the event:
The Visegrád Group (V4) is an alliance comprising four Central European countries, including Hungary,V4 Logo the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Poland. It is a living and well structured regional partnership composed of four member states of the EU and NATO, which adheres to shared values and has a common history, culture and geographical situation.
Since becoming members of NATO, the V4 states have been staunch supporters of strong transatlantic co-operation. They have contributed significantly to NATO operations, particularly in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. On the occasion of the anniversaries of their accession to NATO, fifteen and ten years respectively, RUSI is organising a panel discussion with Deputy Foreign Ministers of the V4 countries to discuss priorities for the alliance in the run-up to the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales.
In this discussion, panelists will address issues related to the future of NATO, enhancing partnerships, improving capabilities, how to further improve transatlantic cohesion and the role of Central Europe in these matters.
Confirmed panelists include:
Mr Zsolt Németh MP, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Hungary
Mr Peter Burian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovak Republic
Mr Jiri Schneider, Director of Prague Security Studies Institute (PSSI) and former First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic.
Mr Boguslaw Winid, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Poland
The discussion panel will be chaired by Sir Paul Lever KCMG, Vice President, RUSI.
An optional £10 sandwich lunch shall be available from 1215.
This event is open to all RUSI members. To become a member, please click here.
To attend this event please register online using the "Book your place" button above. If you have any queries please contact Sarah Morrison, Members' Events Co-ordinator, at sarahm@rusi.org or call +44 (0)20 7747 2600.
Event manager: Sarah Morrison, +44 (0)20 7747 2600
ReplyDeleteThe Visegrád Group, also called the Visegrád Four, V4, or European Quartet is an alliance of four Central European states – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – for the purposes of furthering their European integration as well as advancing their military, economic and energy cooperation with one another[citation needed]. The Group's name in the languages of the four countries is Višehradská čtyřka or Višehradská skupina (Czech); Visegrádi Együttműködés or Visegrádi négyek (Hungarian); Grupa Wyszehradzka (Polish); and Vyšehradská skupina or Vyšehradská štvorka (Slovak). It is also sometimes referred to as the Visegrád Triangle, since it was an alliance of three states at the beginning – the term is not valid now, but appears sometimes even after all the years since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993.
The Group originated in a summit meeting of the heads of state or government of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland held in the Hungarian castle town of Visegrád[2] on 15 February 1991 (not to be mistaken with Vyšehrad, a castle in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, or with the town of Višegrad in Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The Czech Republic and Slovakia became members after the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993. All four members of the Visegrád Group became part of the European Union on 1 May 2004.
N.A.T.O. deception working with the 'alternative' information - see below an example and please cfr. this article of Global Research, April 27, 2012 "sand in the eyes" and the above mentioned Russian-NATO summit about the Visegrad group - NATO & Russia with unified policy:
".......NATO ENCIRCLEMENT OF RUSSIA. The Strategic Role of the “Visegrad Four”: Poland, Hungary Czech Republic, Slovakia
By Vladislav Gulevich
Global Research, April 27, 2012
Strategic Culture Foundation 26 April 2012
I remember on that 4p site where americans are told that to be true american patriots they should seek independence from the EU like(read isolationist/forsaking of key geopolitical levers). Especially Great Britain(remember propaganda movies like "the Patriot" that pictures the British as evil beasts).
White Americans, with their disproportionate privilege and power, must claim their identity as Americans and not Europeans. -
A distinct American and “non-western” identity is essential for modern times. For over the past century, the executive branch, in the fashion of an old fashioned European Monarch. Consider Obama’s war of aggression IN LYBIA. It is a crime for which he must be impeached....
Okay this clown guy Stoltenberg is really an amazing puppet:
"Stoltenberg is married to diplomat Ingrid Schulerud and has two children; a son, Axel Stoltenberg (born 1989) who is studying CHINESE at the Shanghai Jiaotong University
Stoltenberg persisted in supporting the committee despite Beijing's threats about the consequences, and relations between the two nations have been essentially frozen since, with some Norwegian firms, such as energy group Statoil (STL.OL), essentially shut out from the country.
Norway's diplomats helped bring Colombia's government and Marxist FARC rebels to the negotiating table in 2012 and mediated between the Taliban and the West, once even bringing Taliban leaders to Oslo to engage them on democratic rule
As prime minister, he also backed NATO's military campaigns in Afghanistan and Libya, and his government was also an unwavering supporter of LOCKHEED MARTIN Corp (LMT.N) Joint Strike Fighter programme, despite delays and a cost blowout.
Former Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg ( Labour) rapid decision to take a leading role in the bombing of Libya, was crucial that he is now highlighted as a candidate as new NATO secretary general , said Danish researcher.
ReplyDeleteChina makes no secret of its interests in the Arctic. The country has had a permanent research base in Norway since 2004 and conducted four expeditions of the region, according to the website of the government's Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration.
The potential is enormous. If the ice clears sufficiently for reliable summer navigation, ships could drastically cut the time needed to carry goods from China to Europe, and Chinese academics believe the Arctic could become the most important trade route in the world.
Although much of this is within territory that has already been claimed, emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil seek influence over these opportunities through observers seats at the Arctic Council, which currently has eight full members – Norway, Canada, Russia, the US, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark.
The Danish ambassador to Beijing, Friis Arne Peterson, said in October that China has "natural and legitimate economic and scientific interests in the Arctic".
Denmark hopes to benefit from the shrinkage of Greenland ice with the extraction of major deposits of rare earths, uranium, iron ore, lead, oil and gems. China is likely to be a key customer for these resources.
In connection with the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s visit to China on the 20th-25th of October 2008, Denmark and China entered a comprehensive strategic partnership.
Ladies and gentlemen,
It is being predicted that the 21st century will be the century of Asia. Denmark wants to be a part of that.
Could Rasmussen and Alton have the same prophetic capabilities?
Jacques rightly contends that Confucianism was at the heart of Chinese civilisation and that it still shapes what is the very best of China today. But here he makes a miscalculation. He has nothing to say about the rise of Christianity in China and by many calculations during this century China is set to become the biggest Christian(read jesuit) nation in the world.
Stoltenberg and Putin to watch the world burn together, while China is sharpening the blades behind the back
YES this link Stoltenberg-CHINA-NATO etc. is telling!
Ingeniøren (full name: Nyhedsmagasinet Ingeniøren, literally The News Magazine "The Engineer") is a Danish weekly newspaper specialising in engineering topics.
Funny how denmark and Norway seem to be exact opposites in their relations with Russia and China. . .
"Until now, it had been thought that RUSSIA and Canada were the strongest OPPONENTS of expansion, while Denmark has been the most supportive of a greater role for China in the development of the Arctic"
Thank for the news, you brought just the right one... the iceberg where the alliance Russia-China could in the future sink.
As regard Stoltenberg-Tusk it even without shame now, typical "stick & carrot" policy, to award the policy of Tusk and his involvement in the assassination of LK. ... I observe that NAZI apostate and pro-Islam Norway is at the North controlling North Sea and the NAZI Catholic Hungary (plus some apostate Calvinists who collaborated during WWII) is controlling both Poland as well Ukraine.... Then after Lech Kaczynsky was assassinated Poland was buried inside EUROGENDFOR like Romania...
As regard the argument of the Danish engineer, you can go to the links i added yesterday below "THE Bible King James Bible online" link, see "A Danish Engineer Rejects etc." link:
ReplyDeleteSmolensk Crash
Polish President's Plane Crash Analysis
A Danish Engineer Rejects Explanation of Polish Plane Crash
Yes it seems, Norway, Hungary and Germany are pillars in the Catho-EU
Link doesn't work for me for some reason - black screen
"....Funny how denmark and Norway seem to be exact opposites in their relations with Russia and China....."
ReplyDeleteyes but Slovenia seems to be the Hegelian synthesis.
In fact I never published the posts related to very important agreements of Slovenia with Russia some months before the military agreement with China and the important agreements with Iran immediately after, at the beginning of July 2011.... I remember well that I intended to make a post but had no time ... anyway I saved in a folder somewhere links and pages if in the future it could be of use.
I have problems with Firefox now, a question of "script"... NATO cyberwarfare? Who knows....
ReplyDeleteA Danish civil engineer’s calculations have attracted a lot of attention in connection with a national trauma in Poland. 10 April 2010 - a Polish governmental plane crashed during a landing approach in Smolensk, Russia. All 96 persons on board, including President Lech Kaczynski, were killed. Spurred by the desire to find the correct explanation, Danish Glenn Jorgensen repeatedly participated in conferences on the plane crash in Poland, has communicated with Poland’s leading expert in aircraft accidents, and in late January 2014, took part in a hearing before the Polish Parliament. The reason his analysis arouse much commotion is because it supports conjecture that the accident was not an accident but an assassination. Glenn Jorgensen says to “Ingeniøren” that his analysis does not show the cause of the crash, only shows that it could not have occurred as indicated by AAIB.
Glenn Jorgensen
Now the words of Brzezinski are perfectly understandable, it seems to live inside a SF horror:
ReplyDelete"....His remarks [of Zbignew Brzezinski] come a week after Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of opposition party Law and Justice described the 2010 plane crash “as an unprecedented crime” that amounted to “the murder of 96 people, including the Polish president [Kaczynski's late brother Lech Kaczynski].”
“This is terribly vicious work done by a couple of people suffering from psychological difficulties – perhaps understandable from the human point of view – but this has no place in politics,” he [Zbignew Brzezinski] said.
Brzezinski also argued that political divisions in Poland “suited Russia,” and that attempts made by Polish politicians to “divide society” over Smolensk were “revolting” and “worthy of contempt.”....."
Zbignew Brezinski books have titles referring to the "great chessboard" that are the logical continuation of Pilsudski Prometheism
but only in appearance because to be coherent with his discussed public figure he should be the first to ask international investigation on Smolensk.
DeleteBut he supports Tusk, friend of Putin and Stoltenberg.
ReplyDeleteAt first glance, the link between evangelicals and Catholics seems like a political match made in heaven, with the U.S. Bishops cultivating a new evangelical flock to compensate for the loss of lay Catholic support on cultural issues like abortion and same-sex marriage. Francis is mindful of this other flock. On March 31, for example, he met with 18 members of the Green family, staunch Southern Baptists and owners of the billion-dollar Hobby Lobby empire that is suing the Obama Administration over the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act.
Yes, most Baptists are apostates and politically gullible (leavened with Herod leaven), the baptist UNIONs especially so.
"Who would have guessed that conservatives would be begging for a way to introduce Sharia law into America?"
The hug of death of Ecumenism?
ReplyDeleteThe NEW WORLD ORDER represents in itself an eschatological, MESSIANIC project, much exceeding in scope other historical forms of planetary utopias - such as the EARLY PROTESTANT movement in Europe, the Arab Khalifate, or communist plans for a World Revolution -
Thirdly, MOSHIAH, whose coming the far-flung mondialist institutions are supposed to facilitate, is, from the point of view of such diverse religious tendencies as Orthodox Christianity and Islam, clearly and without any doubt associated with the sinister figure of ANTICHRIST. As follows from the very logic of apocalyptic drama, in the course of the last struggle, the clash will occur not between the Sacred and the profane, nor between Religion and atheism, but between Religion and pseudo-religion. That is why Moshiah of the World Government is not simply a "cultural project," new "social myth," or "grotesque utopia," but is something much more serious, real, terrible. -
4. Religious: devotion to original and traditional religious forms - most importantly, ORTHODOX Christianity and ISLAM, which clearly identify "new religiosity," New World Order, and MOSHIAH with the most sinister player in the eschatological drama, the ANTICHRIST (Dadjal in Arabic.)
And, finally, allegiance to the Church, the teachings of Holy Fathers, Orthodox Christianity is a necessary and MOST IMPORTANT element of anti- mondialist struggle, since the substance and meaning of this struggle is in choosing True God, the "right side," the "blessed part." And noone will be able to save us from false charm, sin, temptation, death on this terrible journey, except for the Son of God. We must become His host, His army, His servants, and His missionaries. World Government is the last rebellion of the nether world against the Divine. Short will be the instant of their triumph. Eternal will be the joy of those who will JOIN THE RANKS of "last fighters for Truth and Freedom in God."
The True Judge will "come unexpectedly."
".........1. Economical: the ideology of the New World Order presupposes a complete and mandatory establishment of the liberal capitalist market system all over the planet, with no regard to cultural and ethnic regions. ......and market liberalism is becoming the single economic dominant on the planet, ruled by the World Government.......".
ReplyDeleteYea Alexander Dugin (see the vague bully posture in his photo) is the clerck of the Second Beast and the origin for the hate for the free economy is well described more accurately here:
11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; ...etc...
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that NO MAN man might buy or sell, SAVE he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
I think it clear that Alexander Dugin is only explaining the ideology and religion of the Eastern Roman Empire, the specular one of the Western Roman Empire. Behind him is perceivable satanic minds at the guise of the Jesuit ones. They are preparing for the incoming tribulation, mass-assassinations of righteous Christians and righteous Jews.
This would confirm the triple consecration of Russia to the Immaculate virgin of which you brought information; if we agree with A. Hislop :
ReplyDelete"....[Chapter VII Section IV The Image of the Beast].......December, 1854. Then bishops from all parts of Christendom, and representatives from the ends of the earth, met in Rome; and with only four dissentient voices, it was decreed that Mary, the mother of God, who died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, should henceforth be worshipped as the Immaculate Virgin, "conceived and born without sin." This was the formal setting up of the IMAGE OF THE BEAST, and that by the GENERAL CONSENT of "the men that dwell upon the earth." Now, this beast being set up, it is said, that the beast from the earth gives life and speech to the Image, implying, first, that it has neither life nor voice in itself; but that, nevertheless, through means of the beast from the earth, it is to have both life and voice, and to be an effective agent of the Papal clergy, who will make it speak exactly as they please......".
"General consent": is this why Communism NOT based on general consent, has been pulled down in Russia, in order to be substituted by 'democracy', where the "general consent" will welcome the Image of the Beast/Immaculate virgin fulfilling Revelation book??? A process which could plausibly involve Communist China transforming her in another authoritarian democracy like Putin's one???
@Douglas Andrew WillingerApril 18, 2014 at 7:56 PM
ReplyDeleteI imaging how Vatican's was afraid of Pilsudski as the guy was a serious threat to their Jesuitical Bolshevik Russia... Prometheism was aimed against the Russian Empire and Communist successor, not Germany. Aka not useful to crush German protestantism.
independence of Baltic countries betrayed by Western coalition and Crimea asking to be made protectorate of Poland:
"....In 1917–21, according to Charaszkiewicz, as the nations of the Baltic, Black and Caspian Sea basins were freeing themselves from Russia's tutelage, Poland was the only country that worked actively together with those peoples. In these efforts, Poland met with opposition from the western coalition; the latter backed the (anticommunist) "White" Russians in their endeavor to rebuild the erstwhile Russian Empire.
,...... the naming of a military mission to Caucasus, and the CRIMEAN REPUBLIC'S MOTION at the League of Nations (May 17, 1920) that Crimea be made a protectorate of Poland.[14]...."
"............The Crimean People's Republic (Crimean Tatar: Qırım Halq Cumhuriyeti) existed from December 1917 to January 1918 in the Crimean Peninsula, located in the south of the present-day Ukraine. The Republic was the first attempt in the Muslim world to establish a state that was secular[1]
"........The Crimean People's Republic was declared by the initiative of the Qurultay of Crimean Tatars,[1] which stipulated the equality of all ethnicities within the peninsula; the majority of the people living in the Crimea at the time were Russian (then comprising 42% of the population of the Crimea) or Ukrainian (11%).[2] However the Crimean Tatars were for a while the dominant political and cultural force on the peninsula. Noman Çelebicihan was the first President of the nascent Republic.[1
".....By the end of January 1918 the Bolsheviks had captured the whole of Crimea and dissolved both the Qurultay as well as the Council of National Representatives. A mass terror engulfed the peninsula based on class struggle and ethnic cleansing.
I think in this general scheme, it is very clear that the "west" already represents the NWO in the eyes of the WDG, which will gladly substitute this liberal/protestant NWO with a NWO of their own. The North Korea is only a sample of the future worldwide deification of a figure be it pope or the absolute dictator/alien - whatever they have come up with. In Revelation 13 the beast has all the features of the previous 3 beasts(of Daniel 7), most notably lion mouth(lion being USA), which might or might not be the same "zionist media" which only a cretin would believe is trying to further a Zionist/pro american agenda OR the military of the USA as taken over by a counterreformed government. It has bear feet, probably the logistics/bases/transportation capabilities of Russia relative to their proximity to the middle east(see bases in Syria) OR simply their proxies. And it looks like a Leopard. My guess is that would be China, with the similitude given for the vast amount of people China represents as "spots" on the Leopard(see Jude 12). The military capabilites/media of USA, the proximity/corridor of Russia/Syria and the multitude of the Chinese. Only question is - where does islam/Catholicism fit? Maybe the Leopard isn't China.
ReplyDelete7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth(teeth of Lion - Media propaganda/USA army): it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it(Russia - Syria and Iran vs Israel): and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.(future WDG coalition?)
Please give a look at the book published in 2002 with a collection of varius topic, Alien-evolutionism and Bible denial, to end with an involvement of the Jesuits but in order to present them (i suspect) as part of others' plan... a book of anti-Christian pedagogical deception to introduce the present days ( i was searching Jesuits - Haushofer)?
DeleteThey Cast No Shadows: A Collection of Essays on the Illuminati, Revisionist ...
By Brian Desborough
Here another motive to assassinate Lech Kaczynzky, his open reference to the Prometheism (see Yakimenko's confession to fight coming back of Commonwealth) - it is pagan allegory but I would focus on the geo-politic of Kaczynsky, hated by the Kremlin (he was also betrayed by those pagan entities/LEGION who indisputably preferred to see alive a Putin):
"....On November 22, 2007, at Tbilisi, Georgia, a statue of Prometheus was dedicated by Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and Polish President Lech Kaczyński. Erected in the land where, according to Greek myth, the Titan had been imprisoned and tortured by Zeus after stealing fire from Olympus and giving it to man, the statue celebrates the efforts of Poles and Georgians to achieve the independence of Georgia and of other peoples from the Russian Empire and its successor state, the Soviet Union.....".
Have you ever heard Vatican mourning about Lech Kaczynzki, a devoted Roman Catholic?
Titan is Satan... in Kaczynski, his Roman Catholicism prevailed on his Christian sense and led him to worship Satan thinking that "it's only political allegory!", ... :
ReplyDelete[Chapter VII Section V The Name of the Beast, the Number of His Name-- The Invisible Head of the Papacy]
".....Here, then, in Rome was Teitan, or Satan, identified with the "serpent that taught mankind," that opened their eyes (when, of course, they were blind), and gave them "the knowledge of good and evil." In Pergamos, and in all Asia Minor, from which directly Rome derived its knowledge of the Mysteries, the case was the same. In Pergamos, especially, where pre-eminently "Satan's seat was," the sun-divinity, as is well known, was worshipped under the form of a serpent and under the name of Aesculapius, "the man-instructing serpent."......"
A gay guy defending Putin. . .
There's a scheme behind... Obama is clearly blackmailed cause his homosexuality but as you saw he asked a gay bishop to held mass... In the Western world the political class is destroyed and homosexuality spread all over... The only true charismatic leader in the world are two: Putin & pope, or: P2. ,... I think Putin is loved by homosexuals and by all the protesters who cannot find a true leader in the western world.... They wiped away Chavez and here you have the motive.
ReplyDelete".......Russian President Vladamir Putin referred to territories in east Ukraine as "Novorussia," or "New Russia," and asserted Russia's ties to the area in a televised question-and-answer session on Thursday.
“Can a compromise be found on the Ukrainian question between Russia and America?” Putin asked. “Compromise should only be found in Ukraine. The question is to ensure the rights and interests of the Russian southeast.
"It’s new Russia. Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk, Odessa were not part of Ukraine in czarist times, they were transferred in 1920. Why? God knows. Then for various reasons these areas were gone, and the people stayed there — we need to encourage them to find a solution,” Putin said......."
ReplyDeletePrime Minister Erna Solberg told reporters on Monday that the refusal to meet with the Dalai Lama had been motivated by a desire to improve diplomatic relations and dialogue with China, which has been angry with Norway since the Peace Prize, which is administered by a Norwegian committee, was awarded in 2010 to Liu Xiaobo, an imprisoned Chinese dissident. Mr. Liu was represented by a vacant chair at the ceremony in Oslo.
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No thank you Harry John, we enjoy already in Jesus Christ our Lord.
DeleteGod bless you.