
Above images #1 and #2 - over the placard of Hezbollah saluting pope Ratzinger, the image of recently murdered SJ van der Lugt. For the placard see References.Well it seems that till now the war in Syria was not so greedy of success for Assad,.... Ok you can turn the head away how many times you want but reality is a matter of facts you cannot change turning the head on the other side."....... Why the Jesuit bishop of Aleppo let know in public his (= of his evil order) political secular opinion on the uprising in Syria?..... Maybe because Jesuits knew all in advance, they knew that the "Zionist terrorism" in Syria had to work as justification for Assad's massacre and therefore, exposing it as "foreign infiltration", they would have with the time gained benefit from it like it is gaining Assad from it today??! ...... If that Jesuit bishop of Aleppo and his order weren't totally sure on how thing would have developed after one and more year of bloody civil war, if they weren't sure that their NATO would have kept their bombers in the hangars, they would have never opened the mouth. They knew it all, stay sure.
.........." [from: Sunday, July 15, 2012: Un-employed Al Qaeda found second job with [Jesuit-Marxist masterminded] China?]
Even I was not aware of the future development of the matter and didn't know about the aggression to Ukraine, to Commonwealth by Putin, his visit to the Jesuit pope just-in-time for the aggression.... Oh, don't be afraid, soon or later also for Putin's Russia the death bells will song, but not before he will be used like an hammer to crush nations of other millions of 'heretics' or "undesired" Catholics.....
Ok, this was only the first part of the plan which I at those times didn't see entirely... Now we can finally understand that vague shape that the war was indicating in the future-now. If you are tired to read my words, go directly at the end of the below ruminations, to the enlarged bold characters words, there you'll find the juice of the reality.
"...The murdering of SJ Frans van der Lugt? I believe it has been implemented in order to cement with blood the Catho-Islamic Pact. In order then to make fall the guilty on Mossad and Israel. An homicide which wants to be a message: "don't you see that the ones who are struggling for reconciliation between Christians and Muslims are murdered?". Really such word "Christians" is an hypocrisy, you should tell "Catholics" and "papists"...In fact two years ago pope Benedict XVI/Ratzinger went in Lebanoon, and was welcomed all along the road by festive giant placards welcoming him in the country of "peace and connivance". I recall to ladies and gentlemen eventually deprived of memory that the militia of Hezbollah does the Roman salute like the Nazis – as a simple search in Internet can prove with pictures. So stop with blatant chatting. If Hezbollah is for the "connivance" and the Jesuits are for the "connivance" it means that Hezbollah and Jesuits are allied. Therefore the Society of "Jesus" does politic, a dirty politic, and sustain the regime of Assad and, for the transitive property, the regime of Putin.....at the end of all, doesn't the 'honored' society support the coupe of the military July 2013 in Egypt??.... The Muslim Brotherhood wanted the holy war against Assad (against Putin).... but a providential coupe of Egyptian military wiped away the Muslim Brotherhood (maybe forever) and rescued Assad (Putin) together with Jesuits' ecumenical "connivance".... Qod Erantum Demostrant.... In fact three years before (April 2011) the Jesuit bishop of Aleppo, mons. SJ Audo, literally repeated the regime's propaganda, underlining, together with the best of the 'alternative' information (which since 13 years obsessively informs us on how "Mossad and CIA are responsible for the thermite inside the Twin Towers"), that "here by us in Syria we are all quiet and peaceful people and the problems come from abroad", so widely alluding to the neighboring Israel....Now the assassination of SJ Frans van der Lugt comes as magic to confirm the words of SJ mons. Audo, and if it has really been the Mossad there are no other alternatives than to conclude that the Mossad is doing his best efforts in to satisfy the great schemes of the Society.... Since I was pushed away from the 'alternative' site Comedonchisciotte (with the trick consisting in the manipulation of my comments) I never had the least doubt on how much the 'alternative' information and the Geo-politic and Geo-religious finality of the Society of "Jesus" are a perfect marriage.... And now, now when pro-Russian secessionists are occupying in the East Ukraine governmental buildings asking the annexation to Russia, and Putin is heating the motor of his tanks, where's the "connivance" of SJ mons Audo and SJ van der Lugt???? ..."Yes, in fact.... as you can see to stuff the trenches of Syria with Jihadist warriors who bite the hearth of the enemy with their teeth is a wonderful way to convince Israel that a Syria in the hands of Assad (= of Putin) is better, much better than a Syria in the hands of the Jihadists and, if in this picture you add the image of the continuous enlargement of properties given up by the government of Israel to the Russian Orthodox church in the last years and the Vatican dream to put the hands on Jerusalem, so, maybe, you could start to understand....".
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Obsessed with the Flood - 6
Saturday, September 15, 2012
"Hezbollah welcomes the pope in the homeland of coexistence"
"......Hitler nevertheless provided the Mufti, who later sponsored Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, with a budget of 750,000 Reichsmark per month to foment Jihad in Palestine. In an example of ideological flexibility, the SS even recruited Muslim volunteers and declared that the Muslims living in the Balkans belonged to the "racially valuable" peoples of Europe....."
Above four/five images - captions:
1) doc
Ratzinger - the pope, welcomed in Lebanon by Hezbollah's banner, in: "Billboards and
flags erected by Hezbollah depicting Pope Benedict XVI decorate a
bridge on the main airport road in Beirut
2) A
Dragon intimidating a French Reformed Christian (Hueguenot) – From: Musée internationale de la Réforme protestante, Geneva" - URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonnade
See it retaken in my post: ".....and a dragon in sheep's clothing entered in Potsdam" - URL: http://avlesbeluskesexposed.blogspot.it/2012/09/and-dragon-in-sheeps-clothing-entered.html
2-bis) Please note the colors - yellow and green - of the above uniform of Dragons' soldier and the colors of the Hezbollah's [ḥizbu-llāh] flag: identical - URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hezbollah
3) "26-May-11: "Lebanon's terrorist forces have more missiles than most sovereign states" - URL: http://thisongoingwar.blogspot.it/2011/05/26-may-11-lebanons-terrorist-forces.html
4) "4 Americans including ambassador killed in Libya attack
".....Even the militant Shi'ite movement Hezbollah has hung banners along the airport highway greeting Benedict with a picture of him and texts in Arabic and French saying: "Hezbollah welcomes the pope in the homeland of coexistence"
Nearby, the movement - which Israel and the United States consider a terrorist group - put up Arabic-only banners for local consumption with a different message: "Welcome to you in the homeland of resistance."........"
[Excerpt from: see References below]
Remember that all that Muslim killed in the "Zionist" and "American"
aggression are only the "Islamic inside job", the alibi with which the
Romish-Masonic Islamic elite is seeking to instigate the fanatic
anti-Jewish and anti-Christian hate. Remember that the elite of Hamas
and Tehran is the first one to 'bless' the "Zionist oppression".
Remember that just this is the mechanism with which the Jesuit
order/Vatican basically controls the Islam, aside various second figures
as the Pallavicini, Masonry etc.: i.e. the Islamic elites, I mean
the perverted Romish Masonic core of it, needs of an external "Zionist"
and "American" aggression in order to instigate to fanatism and
therefore to easily rule, dominate and oppress the largest Islamic -
both Sunny as well Shia - masses. Yes, in this simple point there's
enclosed the secret of the true leverage of Vatican/Jesuits command on Islam. Only
here there's the difference: meanwhile in the case of 9-11 the
authority who needed of an aggression and the authority who could supply
with it were coinciding ("Bush administration"), in the
case of Islam, at the opposite, the authority who need of an aggression
(Romish Masonic corrupted Islamic elites) is unable to provide for it and needs of another external subject
(Vatican controlled Western authorities) who could supply with it
("Zionist" etc. anti-Islamic aggression). In their turn the Romish
Masonic Islamic elite will repay the 'service' with political and religious concessions and collaborations with the true controller of the requested aggression: Rome
This is only the 100th time I 'm repeating the concept in this blog. Never forget
that the "9-11 inside job" was done also to obscure the fact that the
same mechanism is applied, tens of times in larger scale due to the
larger population and larger rate of demographic increase,
to the
Islamic galaxy. My terminology ("pacif(asc)ism") referring to the
casualties among Arab civilians as the needed blood to keep high the
flame of the anti-semitism was 100% right.
welcomes the pope
in the homeland of coexistence":
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Pope Benedict arrives in Lebanon on Friday to bring a message of peace to a region torn by civil war in neighboring Syria and strained by violent Islamist protests against the United States in Libya and Egypt.
While those tensions overshadowed preparations for the religiously sensitive visit, security was low-profile in Beirut and the only protests expected against his presence were due to take place far from the capital.
Even the militant Shi'ite movement Hezbollah has hung banners along the airport highway greeting Benedict with a picture of him and texts in Arabic and French saying: "Hezbollah welcomes the pope in the homeland of coexistence".
Nearby, the movement - which Israel and the United States consider a terrorist group - put up Arabic-only banners for local consumption with a different message: "Welcome to you in the homeland of resistance."
Beirut-based Rev Samir Khalil Samir, a leading Catholic expert on Islam, did not expect major security problems despite anti-U.S. protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen because he said all Lebanese communities saw the trip as a gesture of peace.
"He will bring a spiritual message - one with political consequences, of course, but spiritual," he told Reuters.
The 85-year-old pope, on his fourth trip to the Middle East as pope, will stress unity among the different Christian churches in the region and peace between Christians and Muslims during the visit, which will be restricted to Beirut and its surroundings and end on Sunday....."
.........etc. etc. continue for yourself on the original page.
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Pope Benedict arrives in Lebanon on Friday to bring a message of peace to a region torn by civil war in neighboring Syria and strained by violent Islamist protests against the United States in Libya and Egypt.
While those tensions overshadowed preparations for the religiously sensitive visit, security was low-profile in Beirut and the only protests expected against his presence were due to take place far from the capital.
Even the militant Shi'ite movement Hezbollah has hung banners along the airport highway greeting Benedict with a picture of him and texts in Arabic and French saying: "Hezbollah welcomes the pope in the homeland of coexistence".
Nearby, the movement - which Israel and the United States consider a terrorist group - put up Arabic-only banners for local consumption with a different message: "Welcome to you in the homeland of resistance."
Beirut-based Rev Samir Khalil Samir, a leading Catholic expert on Islam, did not expect major security problems despite anti-U.S. protests in Libya, Egypt and Yemen because he said all Lebanese communities saw the trip as a gesture of peace.
"He will bring a spiritual message - one with political consequences, of course, but spiritual," he told Reuters.
The 85-year-old pope, on his fourth trip to the Middle East as pope, will stress unity among the different Christian churches in the region and peace between Christians and Muslims during the visit, which will be restricted to Beirut and its surroundings and end on Sunday....."
.........etc. etc. continue for yourself on the original page.
"...The international community is exaggerating the crisis in Syria which has been staged mainly by outsiders,.." (by Caldean Bishop of Aleppo, SJ Antoine Audo)
by Edward Pentin | April 28, 2011
URL: http://www.terrasanta.net/tsx/articolo.jsp?wi_number=3030&wi_codseq=%20%20%20%20%20%20&language=en
From my:
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Un-employed Al Qaeda found second job with [Jesuit-Marxist masterminded] China?
SJ Hans Peter Kolvenbach, one of the two general superiors of today, linked with Lebanon:
".....Peter-Hans was born on November 30, 1928, in Druten, a small town in South-eastern Holland, not far from Nijmegen. He was fortunate to have spent his childhood and adolescence close to the German border where he was able not only to use his native Dutch language, but German as well. It gave him a certain linguistic bent and later he was able to acquire several other languages including Arabic and Chaldean. He was able to switch rather easily from one to another without missing a syllable.His early schooling was at Canisius College, and he soon felt the call to become a priest. He entered the Novitiate at Mariendaal on September 7, 1948 and studied Philosophy and Theology in Nijmegen. He was ordained in Beirut, Lebanon, on June 29, 1961 in the Chaldean Rite. He became professor of Linguistics and Armenian at St. Joseph's University and was at home in both Oriental and Occidental communities. He was named Vice Provincial of the Near East Vice-Province made up of three Regions—Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. During his term as Vice-Provincial, Lebanon was engaged in a destructive and bloody civil war and Kolvenbach managed to keep his equilibrium, his altruism, and personal tranquility in the face of opposing factions.
URL: http://www.reformation.org/general-number29.html
Roman Catholic Scotland baning Jewish books [in our days]:
"......Friday, May 27, 2011
27-May-11: On boycotts and banning books - and the screaming silence of the humanitarians
URL: http://thisongoingwar.blogspot.it/2011/05/27-may-11-on-boycotts-and-banning-books.html
The pro-Israel blogosphere - and practically no one else from what we can see - has been agonizing over reports about a decision by the West Dunbartonshire Council, a regional Scottish local government, to ban Israeli books and other made-in-Israel goods from its realm. Other Scottish cities and local government councils are said to be planning to follow suit....."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
In General - Some of the groups - Pan-Arabism & Nazism - Irony of non-Aryan "inferior" Arabs', Bosnians' races - Arab Nazi Parties - Grand Mufti - Rashid Ali - Ummar - Al-Banna / Muslim Brotherhood - Reza Pahlevi - Iran - Ibn Saud / S. Arabia - King Farouk / Egypt - Shakib Arslan - Young Egypt - Baath - Khairallah Tuflah - al-Miqdadi - Al-Sabawi - al-Muthanna Club & al-Futuwwa - SSNP - Najjada - Handschar - Admiration & worshipping
An Urgent Wakeup Call Jihad and Jew-Hatred: Islamism, Nazism, and the Roots of 9/11, by Matthias Küntzel, trans. Colin Meade, Telos Press, 2007, 180 pp.
Reviewed by Amnon Lord [2008]"We were the first to think of translating Mein Kampf," wrote Sami al-Jundi, a leader of the Syrian Ba'ath Party in the 1930s. "Whoever lived during this period in Damascus would appreciate the inclination of the Arab people to Nazism, for Nazism was the power which could serve as its champion" (26). Al-Jundi also confessed that "we were racist, admiring Nazism, reading its books and the sources of its thought, particularly Nietzsche, Fichte, and H. S. Chamberlain" (25).
How many people know that Arab delegations and senior political figures were invited to the annual Nazi rallies in Nuremberg during the 1930s? Such details are not simply random anecdotes from the remote past. Indeed, in his new book Jihad and Jew-Hatred, German scholar Matthias Küntzel argues that the origins of the Islamist terror of recent years, which culminated in the attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001, and of the radical anti-Semitic ideologies of Hamas, Hizballah, Iran, the Palestine Covenant, and al-Qaeda, lie in the lethal link between Islamism and Nazism. http://www.jcpa.org/JCPA/Templates/ShowPage.asp?DRIT=3&DBID=1&LNGID=1&TMID=111&FID=253&PID=0&IID=2330&TTL=Amnon_Lord_on_Jihad_and_Jew-Hatred:__Islamism,_Nazism,_and_the_Roots_of_9/11,_by_Matthias_K%C3%BCntzel
The Nazi-Islamist Connection – Herbert Eiteneier, JCPA
Palestinian maps, including in textbooks, do not show Israel at all; Palestinian sources omit the Mufti’s role in Nazism and deny the Holocaust, …
Der Spiegel, 05/23/2007
World War II
New Research Taints Image of Desert Fox Rommel
By Jan Friedmann
Arabs Shouted "Heil Rommel"
Hitler was celebrated in large parts of the Arab world, and some newspapers even likened him to the Prophet. The Desert Fox was almost as popular as Hitler. "Heil Rommel" was a common greeting in Arab countries.
Many Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. Hitler had shown how to burst the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles. After Germany defeated France in 1940, chants against the French and British echoed around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."
Adolf Hitler assured the exiled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Amin al-Husseini, at a meeting in Berlin in November 1941 that his goal was the "destruction of Jewry living in Arabia." The Führer had racist objections to Arabs as well, though. He declined to shake the Mufti's hand and refused to drink coffee with him.
Hitler nevertheless provided the Mufti, who later sponsored Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, with a budget of 750,000 Reichsmark per month to foment Jihad in Palestine. In an example of ideological flexibility, the SS even recruited Muslim volunteers and declared that the Muslims living in the Balkans belonged to the "racially valuable" peoples of Europe.
http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,484510,00.html Indigenous Indians: Agastya to Ambedkar, by Koenraad Elst, [Voice of India] 1993, 483 pages, Page 353 [8185990042, 9788185990040]
Young Fidel Castro would imitate Mussolini in front of the mirror. The secularist Baath Party in Syria and Iraq was modelled on Mussolini's Fascist Party. The Iranian Shah Reza Pahlevi was an open admirer of Hitler (for which he was forced by the British to abdicate in favour of his son).
nbsp;The Muslims in particular were enthusiastic. ...Muslim nations rallied to ally with Hitler: the Bosnian Muslims, the Kalmuks, the Chechen and Ingosh, the Balkans, the Meshkets, and the Krim Tatars. In West Asia, prominant leaders like the Druze leader Shakib Arslan (Walid Jumblatt's father) and the Mufti of Jerusalem allied themselves with Hitler.
The war aims and strategies of Adolf Hitler - Page 161 - Oscar Pinkus - 2005 - 537 pages
The sympathies for Hitler extended all the way from the Islamic Bosnians and Albanians in Europe to the Arab countries in Africa and...
Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 - Pages 10-11 - Matthias Küntzel - 2007 - 180 pages
Male supremacy, sexual repression, the celebration of jihad and the glorification of a martyr's death in war with unbelievers (al-Banna celebrated "the art of death") and hatred of the Jews all created points of commonality with fascism and Nazism...
Arab-Jewish relations: from conflict to resolution? : essays in honour of Moshe Ma'oz, Elie Podeh, Asher Kaufman - [Sussex Academic Press] 2005 [ISBN 1903900689, 9781903900680] - Page 136
King Faysal I was far as can be imagined from anti-Semitism.... Faysal was highly popular with Jews, who saw in him their protector. But soon after King Ghazi (1933-39) took over things deteriorated. The young king, while not explicitly ant-Semitic, moved very close to radical pan-Arab and pro-Nazi circles. At least two of the royal family's members outdid even the Nazi senior representative in Baghdad, ...
Independent Iraq, 1932-1958: a study in Iraqi politics - Majid Khadduri - 1960 - 388 pages - Page 240
They held a conference late in October in which it was decided that their struggle to achieve the pan-Arab mission should be continued in collaboration with the Axis Powers
The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini By Chuck Morse – Page 28 – 2003 – 186 pages
The pan-Arabist seeks a world empire based on the Islamic faith with the Arab language and culture serving as the centerpiece. Likewise, the Nazi pan-Aryan sought a world empire with a mystical concept of the Germanic race serving as
- The Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc).
- The League for National Action (headed by Abdu al-Huda al-Yab, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others).
- The An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd Al-Fattah al-Imam).
- The Councils for the Defense of Arab Palestine (head by well known pro-Nazi leaders, such as Nabi al-Azmah, Adil Arslan and others)
- The Syrian People's Party.
- The Istiqlal.
- The Muthana Club.
- Moslem Guidance Society.
- The Palestine Defense Society.
- The Tajaddad Club.
- The Arab Rover Society.
- Arab High Committee (Haj Amin el Husseini's).
- Najjada [Najjadah] in Lebanon (pan-Islamic, pan-Arab).
- The Futuwwah in Iraq (Hitler-youth type).
- The Blue Shirts and Green Shirts in Egypt.
- League of National Action.
- The Lion Cubs of Arabism.
- The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (led by Antun Sa'ada with Nazi imitated symbols and hymm of 'Syria, Syria Uber alles).
- The Arab Club.
- The Steel Shirts.
- The early Ba'ath movement.
- The Kalmuks.
- The Chechens.
- The Ingosh.
- Balkans.
- The Meshkets.
- The Krim Tatars
- The White Shirts (in Lebanon).
The Arab war effort: a documented account By American Christian Palestine Committee, 1946, p. 7
IN SYRIA AND THE LEBANON connections between certain groups of Syrian leaders and the Axis States were of long standing.... the Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc, still a member of the Syrian parliament in 1946); the League for National Action (headed by Abdu al-Huda al-Yab, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others); the An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd Al-Fattah al-Imam); the Councils for the Defense of Arab Palestine (head by well known pro-Nazi leaders, such as Nabi al-Azmah, Adil Arslan and others); the Syrian People's Party...
page 33
With the stimulus that the ex-Mufti exerted and with the German armies sweeping victoriously over the Continent of Europe, the Muthana Club, Moslem Guidance Society, the Palestine Defense Society, the Tajaddad Club, and the Arab Rover Society, to quote the names of but a few bodies and societies, intensified their pro-Nazi subversive activities in the hopes that by so doing they would eventually, through enemy assistance, realize their Pan-Arab aspirations. http://books.google.com/books?id=KGMZAAAAIAAJ&dq=defense+of+palestine Die Welt des Islams, 1985, [Wild, Stefan. “National Socialism in the Arab near East between 1933 and 1939.”] p. 127
In the following section I shall describe five parties and movements in the Arab word which to a greater or lesser degree had taken over certain elements of National Socialism or Fascism, namely the Baath (Ba'th)- Party, the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party, the Kataeb (katd'ib), Young Egypt (Misr al-Fatdh) and the Futuwwa. I shall then concentrate briefly on ideological factors like the influence of Friedrich Nietzsche, the concept of the "strong nation", racialism and European antisemitism. http://books.google.com/books?&id=bQcsAAAAIAAJ&dq=five+parties
[PDF] http://www.tcd.ie/history//undergraduate/pdf/bwwii/jstorarticles/Stefan%20Wild%20National%20Socialims%20in%20the%20Arab%20Middle%20East%201933%201939.pdf
Letter to an Arab friend By André Chouraqui, Univ of Massachusetts Press, 1972
In 1936... That year an Arab High Committee was formed in the month of April and was presidedover by the mufti, Hadz Amin el Husseini. It included the most reactionary elements of the Arab world and enleashed a revolt which transformed Palestine into a stronghold occupied by more than twenty thousand British soldiers. These Arab elements had been inspired by Fascists and Nazis, a fact since established by the publication of the secret Wilhemstrasse Archives. The Arab High Committee had receieved the financial support of the Nazis and Fascists who financed the revolt, with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, acting as intermediary. Hitler and his police achieved in Palestine what they had attempted throughout the Arab world (against the Jews)
Confronting fascism in Egypt: dictatorship versus democracy in the 1930s - Page 273 - I. Gershoni, James P. Jankowski - 2009 - 344 pages
- ........................etc. etc. continue at the original page:
- http://freeisraelnow.blogspot.it/2010/11/arab-muslim-nazism-documentation-your.html
ReplyDeleteHe was a friend of the poorest and of the richest... of the weakest and of the most powerful. He was a PSYCHOANALIST and an inventor of his own YOGA MEDITATION open air youth MORNING SESSIONS.
Lord Alton, who will be taking part in a Service of Music and Meditation for Syria at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Farm Street, London W1K 3AH this evening (8 April 2014) said: “He personified all the best qualities and ideals which the Society of Jesus stands for. He joins a long list of Jesuit martyrs who have sacrificed their lives truly believing that a man has no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends
This Jesuit, Lord Alton, is engaged in all kinds of activities.....>
Lord Alton is chairman of the British-DPRK All-Party Parliamentary Group, and visited Pyongyang in October 2010[8] when he had talks with leaders of the NORTH KOREAN government including Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly,[9] the country's rubber-stamp parliament.
Please, it gets even more interesting:
"In our subsequent report, we advocated a two-state approach as the only one likely to achieve sustainable peace between Israel and its neighbours.Ч
"The situation of the ancient Christian minority – which predates the coming of Islam to the region – is graphically illustrated by the story of MARIAM who is 67 years old. She is a widow, from Aleppo. She has THREE MARRIED DAUGHTERS."
"but it also illustrates how ineffective the West has been with its own allies in the region and with the Syrian opposition which is partly a creature of the West’s invention. "
etc,etc, many many RC articles about North Korea, Egypt, Antiprotestand and anti Israel hate, Syria etc etc to feed the hungry throats of the media. . .
".....Please, it gets even more interesting:......"
ReplyDeleteNo, it gets even more creepy.
ReplyDeleteGovernor of Stonyhurst College
More selected "reading":
"So what can we do? Seventy per cent of Sudan’s oil is in the south and most of it is bought by China. While the killing continues, the oil will not flow. More than any other country, China is in a position to insist that the bombing stops, that humanitarian relief is allowed in, and that all sides participate in peace talks, which China should broker.
North Sudan is also considerably indebted to China. It has external debts of around $38 billion."
"China is a country where 500 women take their own lives every single day. China has the highest suicide rate for women anywhere in the world."
Time for the rise of women in China?
China generally has a good reputation in Africa.
"Jacques rightly contends that Confucianism was at the heart of Chinese civilisation and that it still shapes what is the very best of China today. But here he makes a miscalculation. He has nothing to say about the rise of Christianity in China and by many calculations during this century China is set to become the biggest Christian nation in the world."
"As Matteo Ricci understood in the seventeenth century, when high Confucian philosophy and Christian faith walk together, they are an extraordinarily powerful combination – and perhaps this will be China’s great gift to the world and certainly not something to fear. Martin Jacques should perhaps also ruefully recall that Christianity is also a principal reason why Marxism is yesterday rather than today in the former Soviet Union."
"An angel transports a Franciscan, a Dominican and a Jesuit back in time and they find themselves in the stable at Bethlehem. Meeting St.Joseph and Mary and gazing at the Infant the Franciscan goes into reverie and re-commits himself to the cause of peace; the Dominican is spell bound and promises to redouble his efforts to preach the Word of God. The Jesuit discreetly take St.Joseph to one side, puts his arm around his shoulder, and asks whether he has thought about a Jesuit school for his son’s education."
ReplyDelete".......Among those who took their lives into their hands that day was one Catholic. Charles Carroll had been banned for his faith from political office, but the revolutionary Congress was different. The story goes that after he signed one of the other congressmen commented that there were many Charles Carrolls in the colonies. Carroll stepped forward and added “of Carrollton”, his home in Maryland, so that there could be no doubt......
The sketch book of one of the first British Jesuit missionaries to Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, which begins with drawings of oxen and wagons and ends, as the artist neared death, with images of the crucifixion. RELICS OF OSCAR ROMERO. The list is virtually endless.
ReplyDeleteIn 1571, during the reign of Henry’s daughter, Elizabeth I, the Tyburn Tree was erected – allowing three condemned people to be hanged at once.
Among them were the 105 Catholic men and women Tyburn martyrs. They included Edmund Campion (1581), Robert Southwell (1595), Anne Line (1601), John Southworth (1654); and the last of the martyrs, the Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, Oliver Plunkett (1681).
Comparing Elizabethan England to China, Turkey and the Soviet Union. Apples and oranges ? This reminds me of the hatred toward Elizabeth and King James among the Unhived (or rather Hived in another Hive) Mind members. On the other hand they were fond of the Geneva Bible, calvinism, Iran and unbliblical racism and, of course a lot of decoy conspiracy theories. . .