Above video - "http://youtu.be/PxIFh3NkEvM " URL:
From Barry Chamish - [in References' the Douglas Willinger post "Steering Poland and Russia to War"]:
From our Polish Correspondent:
Yesterday, this video appeared on youtube. This is really shocking. You can hear 4 shots there, at the end, there are Polish words - "Change of Plans."
The cameraman is swearing and scared, before shooting you can here in Russian - "dawaj gnata" - which is "give me the gun." Maybe you know Russian. It's on the website of one of Polish TV channels. It says that army specialists are going to examine that. People are shocked; the situation is getting serious; some people are manipulated and rioting in the streets against burying the President in King's Castle in Cracow. It's awful, it's clear manipulation. Very suspicious and quick changes in the army, lots of hidden bad things happening.Guy that filmed the Polish crash aftermath has been killed!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxIFh3NkEvM&feature=player_embedded
Video redone - you can see people alive and hear shots Info on guy getting killed who filmed it: link: http://fakty.interia.pl/raport/lech-kaczynski-nie-zyje/news/dwie-czarne-skrzynki-juz-rozszyfrowane/komentarze,1467054,1,29891999,3,3TRANSLATED INFO - Using Google Translate to English:
The film, which has already zepewne everyone can see, the author
this movie Adrij Mendierej, which was dug in the knife
15 Kw.2010 near Kiev, he was
przewie#380;ony in an awful state to a hospital in
Kiev, where on April 16 two unknown people
od#322;#261;czy#322;o his respirator. J once again dug him
3 times a knife. Andriy died afternoon o15.03 time
Moscow 16 April 2010 year. But
course, this is the case by the Russian governmentThe previous fatal aircrash and investigations
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Not much more to add
Monday, April 26, 2010
Steering Poland and Russia to War
About the April 10, 2010 Sacrifice of Katyn II

the story heard by most via “mainstream” news reporting such as the NY
Times, CNN, FOX, etc., that it was unintentional, an accident.
And then there is the alternative story that it was a set up, a planned
murder of Poland’s government with the plane brought down deliberately.
According to the “mainstream” story of an accident:
- The pilot did not speak Russian, even though they were flying into Russia
- The pilot was intimidated by the Polish President into attempting to
land when unsafe, who reportedly did the same thing to another pilot had
an incident in Georgia…
And according to the alternative story was a planned murder of Poland’s government:
- the plane was empty of people except the crew
According to a video tape of the crash site there were no bodies, except
perhaps a crew, and there are gunshots; days later that video’s creator
is murdered.
There’s a mainstream media report that people in Poland, such as this MP, believe that the culprit is Russia.
Internet motivation speculation generally focuses upon the matters of
the IMF and the swine flu vaccine, which the killed Polish officials
included ---
Also questioned is the practice of placing all of one’s eggs in one
basket, was this placing of such a proportion of a government in one
plane customary?
And of course whose hand this would transfer the power-
Barry Chamish wrote about this, and presented the example of the 1986
plane crash that killed Samuel Machel, the PM of Mozamibique, shortly
after alienating his Russian contacts, and facilitated by a decoy radio
beacon to confuse the plane’s operator.
But why?
If it were simply about the IMF and pharmaceutical issues regarding the
opposition to the swine flu virus, why the selection of the timing with
The unmistakable irony of this timing, with these Polish officials on
their way to: as a 2nd Katyn, the murder of Polish military captives by
the U.S.S.R., which the anniversary of was the ceremony they where
flying to.
That is only going to infinitely inflame passions in Poland against Russia.
From an email from Barry Chamish:
But how is this in Russia’s interest? Why further alienate Poland? Its
current border with Poland is the furthest west in centuries, as set
with the end of WW2.
A Russian massacre of Poles may wet the appetites of some within Russia,
much as killings by Afghan insurgents -– what the U.S. celebrated 30
years earlier when the occupier was not the U.S. but rather the U.S.S.R.
-- as some conceptualization of payback for the demise of the U.S.S.R.
Have they been sold on a secret plan to push the borders even further
west, with Lemko to the Ukraine and perhaps Lusatia to Poland?
Regardless of Putin’s involvement or innocence, if the crash was the
result of forces within Russia doing another Samuel Machel as a 2nd
Katyn, that definitely points the proverbial finger at a higher up
directing of all of this as part of a larger agenda. Whether or not
that represents the entire political pyramid or rather simply a portion
of using it as part of an even larger agenda remains more mysterious and
Is Russia to be the next Germany- that is the next great power to be set up to loose?
A Katyn II would also led to a natural response, perhaps roughly the
scenario already consciously envisioned, as marked by Russia’s war
exercises last summer of an uprising of the Polish peoples within
western Belarus.
That area was part of the interwar – between WW1 and WW2 – Polish 2nd Republic.
- representing the easternmost thrust of Roman Catholic Europe, marking
the border with the territories of the Russian Orthodox Church. This
religious border, which roughly matched the pre-WW2 border between the
U.S.S.R. and 2nd Republic Poland, to this day remains about the same,
even as the state borders moved west.
Recall the 1979 book
This version of WW3 culminates in an exchange of nuclear bomb attacks
via missile, between the western powers and the U.S.S.R., destroying
Birmingham, England, and Minsk, the latter being the Belorussian capital
With Minsk as the location of most of Belorussian intelligentsia, this
destruction results in that country’s dissolution by splitting into two,
with the eastern part going to Russia, and the western rejoining
Today’s western Belarus is still significantly Roman Catholic.
This is even though the area had been the home of many Polish people who
were evicted by the U.S.S.R. for re-settlement in the historically
protestant areas of eastern Germany that were re-assigned to Poland with
the Oder-Neisse line at the time Poland had the taking of her eastern
territories by the U.S.S.R. confirmed. Of course the area was not
entirely Polish, with a Polish majority primarily along the northeastern
‘peninsula’ including the city of Vilno (Wilno), a Belorussian majority
elsewhere, with of course many families of mixed DNA – Polish,
Belorussian, etc. – who may speak either or both languages, and who
could conceivably claim either nationality based upon preference and or
the political situation.Given
the realities of mixed DNA and possibilities, it is notable that an
uprising of Polish oriented people is what is on the minds of the
Russian military and their leaders some 7 decades later.
The current Belarus government has done its share to stir things up; from wikipedia:
Could the end-game goal be the split of Belarus between Poland and
Russia for reversing the post WW2 Curzon line rejoining today’s western
Belarus as eastern Poland, restoring the border of the 2nd Republic.
Could this be Brzezinski’s ultimate wet dream?
To image that requires imagining a series of events of war, a pastime of
those a century earlier regarding the idea of Poland’s re-birth with
WW1’s Germany defeating Russia, before herself being beaten by the
powers to the west.From the wiki biography of General Pilsudski-
I also recall reading this in a soft-cover edition of the Maximilian
Kolbe book I have highlighted within Continuing Counter Reformation
since , though which I am unable to locate within the hardcover edition that I purchased via the internet in August 2007.LINK-
Such would be a multi-part, plan, or a plan within a plan, much like a
Russian doll, with parts sold, and other parts hidden: much as
Ledochowski would sell Pope Pius X and Black Pope (Jesuit General)
Franz-Wernz on the idea of Germany defeating Russia, though perhaps keep
concealed the subsequent stage[s] of Germany then being defeated, and
so on, before .
So is perhaps something as a plan to split Belarus between Poland and Russia, or perhaps even something more?
Who knows?
Avles Beluskes- The Amber Path: Polish Plane Crash Conspiracy- Barry Chamish
Russian War Preparation Exercises
The Third World: August 1985

Wlodimir Ledochowski Great Roman General #6
Wlodimir Ledochowski’s Orthellian Diplomacy
both Pius X and Franz-Wernz would mysteriously die on the same night of August 19-20, 1914

Avles Beluskes- The Amber Path: Polish Plane Crash Conspiracy- Barry Chamish
KATYN 2. Polish opposition party demands international investigation into plane crash
Publication time: 26 April 2010, 15:05
According to a report from Warsaw of the Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister who is engaged in investigation of the murder of the Polish elite on April 10, 2010 by the international terrorist organization оf FSB Russia, the failure of the Polish and Russian government to address compelling new evidence suggesting that the plane crash killing President Lech Kaczynski and top military and civilians leaders was engineered is generating growing criticism in Poland, and has forced Prime Minister Donald Tusk onto the defensive.
Tusk said Sunday that he would issue a report on the official investigation into the crash on Wednesday.
Poland's chief prosecutor Andrzej Seremet said earlier this week that Polish prosecutors would postpone revealing the contents of the black boxes.
Compelling new facts and evidence that the plane crash two weeks ago in Smolensk was engineered include the revelation that a device warning the pilot of obstacles was turned off.
Also, it was revealed that agents belonging to the Polish secret service raided the flats and houses of victims three hours after the crash, removing computers and documents.
Opposition MPs in Poland on Friday demanded that an international commission be set up to examine the scientific evidence into the causes of plane crash.Furthermore, a Polish general called for Defense Minister Bogdan Klich to resign after evidence emerged that Bogdan was not seeking to conduct a proper investigation.
An aviation official scouring the crash site in Russia for crucial scientific evidence was told by Bogdan he did not require an interpreter, and was expected to pay the costs of his investigation out of his own pocket.
Forums and message board of Polish newspapers such as "Gazeta Wyborcza", "Rzeczpospolita" and "Dziennik" indicate that the majority of Polish people, in the meantime, reject the official account of the plane crash due to pilot error.
Access to scientific evidence and expert information on the plane crash has been limited. The Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin, who took charge of the investigation shortly after the crash in Smolensk, is the only person in Russia allowed to comment, but has so far made no statement.
Similarly, the exclusive right to release information on the crash in Poland is reserved to Tusk.
Authorities have so far failed to provide credible answers to the many unanswered questions that have emerged.
Authorities as well as the controlled mainstream media were quick to blame the crash on pilot error and fog.
In addition, the rumor that Kaczynski had pressured the pilot to land and so caused the crash spread within hours in the mainstream media and was repeated without criticism even in some blogs belonging to the alternative media.
But so many new facts and evidence have emerged contradicting government accounts that officials have been forced to retract statements.
Doubts are also growing about the DNA analysis performed by labs in Russia to identify the victims, following a number of contradictory statements made by authorities.
Even the official account of the time point at which the crash occurred has been called into question.
According to the official version, the Presidential plane crashed in Smolensk military airport at 8.56 am CET or 10.56 Moscow Times.
But a journalist from "Polsat News" reported the crash to his station 10 minute earlier.
Evidence that the crash occurred earlier also comes from a report that the transmission of power from an electricity pylon close to the crash scene, and which was seen to be damaged in photos, was interrupted at 8:41.
The Presidential plane was scheduled to arrive at 8:25 at Smolensk military airport after a flight lasting 62 minutes from Warsaw's Fredrik Chopin Airport.
But investigations do not appear to have even determined the precise time the plane left Warsaw. The Presidential plane is believed to have been delayed by 20 minutes as was another jet carrying 13 journalists, who did not travel with the President as usual.
The failure of the authorities to accurately report basic facts such as the time of the crash and the time the Polish plane left Warsaw is fuelling public unease over the crash which killed key figures including the central bank governor, the top general and the national security chief, and much of the opposition party.
It is not clear how these people were allowed to travel on the same plane given security protocols, or if many were on the plane becuse a journalist at the crash scene reported the marked absence of bodies.Even the conservative "Polskaweb" website has concluded on the basis of the available facts and evidence that it is highly likely the plane crash killing the Polish elite was engineered", reports from Warsaw the Austrian journalist Jane Burgermeister.
Analytical Deparment
KAvkaz Center===
Jaroslaw Kaczynski ready to complete mission of his brother
Just as Shimon Peres expressed he was ready to complete the mission of Yitzhak Rabin. The primary bad guy (Putin's man) is Tusk.
Publication time: 26 April 2010, 20:58
Despite facing long odds against a victory, Poland's former prime minister declared Monday his candidacy for president in a special election to replace his twin brother, who was considered to be killed by the Russian FSB in a plane crash earlier this month.
The official, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said he would carry on his brother's work and stand in his place as the candidate for the conservative Law and Justice Party in the June 20 election, according to a statement on the party's Web site. The early election was called after his brother Lech and 95 other people, including dozens of top politicians and generals, were killed in a plane crash in western Russia on April 10.
"The tragically interrupted life of the president of the Republic of Poland, the death of the patriotic Polish elite, mean one thing for us: We must complete their mission," Mr. Kaczynski said in the statement. "We owe it to them and we owe it to our fatherland. While immersed in pain and mourning, bound by the eternal memory of our loss, we are obliged to carry out their will."
Mr. Kaczynski's entry into the race, predicted by members of his party even before the state funeral for his brother and the first lady, Maria Kaczynska, on April 18, sets up an emotional campaign that will be bound up in Poland's worst tragedy since World War II. But opinion surveys show that Mr. Kaczynski will have a difficult time defeating Bronislaw Komorowski, the speaker of the lower house of Parliament and acting president, from the rival Civic Platform party.
It was the latest chapter in the unusual saga of the twin brothers, who in 2006 and 2007 served as president and prime minister at the same time. Their efforts to uncover former Communists and suspected collaborators in government and the news media, and oust them from important positions, led to a deep polarization of politics in Poland. While they were staunch allies of the United States, skepticism toward the European Union often put them at odds with European allies.
Most analysts had predicted that Lech Kaczynski would lose to Mr. Komorowski in the presidential election in the fall. The deadly accident upended all expectations, moving the election forward to June and placing pressure inside the party on Jaroslaw Kaczynski to carry on in his brother's place.
While the crash claimed the lives of politicians from several parties, it was Law and Justice that suffered the most, as lawmakers and top members of the president's staff traveled with him to a ceremony commemorating the massacre of more than 20,000 Polish officers in Katyn forest by Stalin's secret police during World War II.
"Poland is our common, great commitment," Mr. Kaczynski said in the statement, adding that he had the support of the family in making the decision. "It necessitates, among other things, overcoming personal suffering and undertaking the task in spite of personal tragedy."
The deaths of so many prominent Poles prompted an outpouring of public grief that threw into question how voters would react when asked to replace Mr. Kaczynski. It vaulted Mr. Komorowski into the role of acting president, but at a moment when politicking and campaigning were deemed in poor taste.
Yet the Civic Platform government, led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, hopes that a win for Mr. Komorowski would allow the party to push forward its agenda. Mr. Tusk presided over a Polish economy that continued to grow as the rest of the European Union sank into recession in the wake of the financial crisis.
"I would very much like for this campaign to be based not on emotions, especially bad, negative emotions, but to become a debate on the future of Poland," said Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, a member of Parliament from Law and Justice who was named Monday as Mr. Kaczynski's campaign manager.
Source: Agencies
Kavkaz Center
Russian War Preparation Exercises
The Third World: August 1985

Polish minority in Belarus numbers officially about 400,000 (the 1989 Soviet Census and 1999 Belarus Census showed similar numbers, [4]estimates by some non-governmental sources are higher.[1][2]). The aspect of Roman Catholic Belarusians and descendants of the Belarusian nobility identifying themselves as Polish is less and less common as the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus undergoes the process of self-depolonization.[citation needed]
After the Russian minority, Poles certainly form the second largest minority group in Belarus.[5] The majority of Poles live in the Western regions of Belarus (including 294,000 in Hrodna voblast).
The largest Polish organization in Belarus is the Union of Poles in Belarus (Związek Polaków na Białorusi), with over 20,000 members.[2]
As Poland supports the pro-democracy anti-government opposition in Belarus, Polish-Belarusian relations are poor, and representatives of the Polish minority in Belarus often complain about various repressions.[2][6][7] [8]
In 2005, the Lukashenko regime launched a campaign against the Polish ethnic minority. The Belarusian authorities claimed that their pro-Western Polish neighbours are trying to destabilise the regime, and that the Polish minority is a fifth column. In May and June of that year a Polish diplomat was expelled, a Polish-language newspaper was closed and the democratically-elected leadership of a local Polish organisation, the Union of Poles in Belarus (UPB), had their own nominees replaced by those sympathetic to Lukashenko.[9]
The introduction of the Karta Polaka in 2007 enabled many thousands of inhabitants of Belarus to get it by formally declaring their Polish identity to Polish officials. The introduction caused protests from Belarusian officials.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zef_Pi%C5%82sudskithis post in June 2007
At a meeting in Paris in 1914, Piłsudski presciently declared that in the impending war, for Poland to regain independence, Russia must be beaten by the Central Powers (the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires), and the latter powers must in their turn be beaten by France, Britain and the United States.[47][48] By contrast, Roman Dmowski, Piłsudski's rival, believed that the best way to achieve a unified and independent Poland was to support the Triple Entente against the Central Powers.[51]
Wlodimir Ledochowski’s Orthellian Diplomacy
both Pius X and Franz-Wernz would mysteriously die on the same night of August 19-20, 1914
This video could confirm Douglas Willinger's quoted post... Hypothesis: I have to declare war to Poland but not to tell it officially... On the scene of the engineered crash i bring a guy with camera... The guy is unaware of what is going to happen... and what happens, the crash, is believed by him to be a casual event... then he explores the scene and realizes something creepy is going on... Purposely instructed killing squad leave him alive in order he finish the shooting of the crime scene... some days after he is killed in a very exhibited and bloody way... the video arrives on the Polish computers and with it the declaration of war...
ReplyDeleteell i checked Google adding to Andrij Mendierej name the word "debunked"... found practically few material till i found karl f. stewart:
It is said that Andrei Mendierej was the name of the man who filmed what are believed to be the first images of the plane crash. Persons have claimed his username on YouTube was rastych.
The only information I've been able to find on Mendierej is that he may have been from Smolensk, and that he was supposedly seriously knifed by someone after the crash, hospitalized and then subsequently killed in his hospital bed.
Other than these statements, I have no knowledge of who the person that did the video was.
The YouTube account for rastych doesn't exist. Some say it was immediately cancelled after the first videos were uploaded. It's said several sources had downloaded the video before the account was closed, resulting in the fact that the video is still available today.
copyright © 2011 karl f. stewart
Interesting comment by Halina:
Halina May 17, 2010 @ 2:05 am
First book about the murder of Kaczynski appeared on the net. YouTube helps FSB to conceal truth.
The first book (as a booklet at present) about the murder by the international terrorist organization of the FSB Russia of 96 representatives of the Polish elite on April 10 in the Katyn forest appeared on the Internet.
YouTube comment about an original 5 min video no more existing:
"....This is the only remnant of the film Andrei Mendereja who umiscil it on YT and the length of the movie is 5 minutes and 47 seconds. On the original slychac see me in the eye, do not kill us, it is the Russian republic, laughter, arrows, laughter, leaping figures after the wreck, one in a red jacket, mermaid, arrows, give me the gun, change of plans, arrows, heavy breathing, the shot . Mr. Menderejowi August should respect the heroism paid for own death. He was murdered in Kiev about five days later in hospital Being stabbed. I hope that someday Poles hocks his monument in remembrance of his act who announced to the world that this was an attack on the Polish Rrzad and the President ......."
Original text:
"......to jest tylko pozostalosc po filmie Andreja Mendereja ktory umiscil go na YT a dlugosc filmu to 5 minut i 47 sekund. Na oryginale slychac : patrz mi w oczy, nie zabijajcie nas, to jest republika rosyjska,smiech, strzal, smiech, skaczace postacie po wraku samolotu jedna w czerwonej kurtce,syrena ,strzal, dawaj pistolet, zmiana planow, strzal, ciezkie oddechy, strzal. Panu Menderejowi nalezy sie szacunek za bohaterstwo okupione wlasna smiercia. Zostal zamordowany w kijowie okolo pieciu dni pozniej w szpitalu bedac pchniety nozem. Mam nadzieje ze kiedys Polacy postawia mu pomnik na pamiatke swojego czynu ktory oglosil swiatu ze to byl zamach na Polski Rrzad i Prezydenta........."
The old man was exhibited in a rare comment of debunking as proof that "it was a fake"... It seems to me the alleged old man seems completely lost and hallucinated by the horrible spectacle and not realizing what is happening... his presence is compatible with the interpretation of the event i.e. a killing squad of KGB/FSB finishing the job... In any case we should ascertain if the old man survived that day before to exhibited him as "proof of the falsity of the video"...
ReplyDeletePART 1
Story behind the "1:24"
Studies by the Internal Security Agency, Military Prosecution and Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Headquarters reveal no evidence pointing to any interference in the continuity of the recording.
The "1:24" film or "Koli" film, also known under various other names – is one of the most important pieces of evidence in the investigation concerning the causes of the Tu-154M aircraft No 101 plane crash. The short amateur film (lasting one minute and twenty-four seconds) was recorded at the crash site with a mobile phone by a witness on 10 April 2010, shortly after the crash, in a MP4 format.
The author, very possibly an eye witness to the crash itself, came close to the wreckage of the Tu-154M, prior to any emergency services arriving at the scene. The film was shot between the hours of 8:41:06hrs Polish time (10:41:06 hrs Moscow time), when the crash supposedly occurred, and 08:55hrs Polish time (10:55 hrs Moscow time), when a Russian unit of firefighters on duty at the military airport of Smolensk- Siewiernyj arrived at the scene (the first rescue unit, arrived at the crash site within 14 minutes after the crash).
In the film, parts of the wreckage can be seen; voices can be heard, in addition to unidentified gun shots-like noise.
A technical analysis was carried by the Internal Security Agency (ABW) thanks to General Zbigniew Woźniak, who at the time supervised the investigation. The ABW, in April 2010, secured for processing purposes the film from one of the internet portals. The film has become a subject of study of the Forensic Laboratory Bureau of the Internal Security Agency, and an opinion about it was shortly sent to the Military Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw. The General Prosecutor's Office and the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office in a joint released statement revealed among others that:
"[...] analysis of the film reveals that male and female voices in Russian and male voices in Polish can be heard and have been identified on the recording. Certain words could not be understood due to a large amount of background noise [...] The study reveals that there is no evidence pointing to any interference in the continuity of the recording, however, it was found that the recording could have been reformatted [...] and it should be noted that the material submitted for analysis was of poor quality. According to experts, it is possible that the film was repeatedly subject to compression, which could have blurred any signs of interference in the continuity of the footage. [...] In relation to possible sounds of gun fire, experts said that due to the interference of background noise, linked to most probably strong gusts of wind [...] and a suspicion of probably a modified recording format, it was not possible to identify any measurement analysis pointing to gun discharge."
On May 25th, 2010 the Military Prosecutor's Office in Warsaw, turned to the Russian Federation with a request for so called legal aid in identifying the author of the film and the circumstances of its creation:
"[...] to undertake and initiate necessary steps to determine the circumstance of the creation of the film, most probably uploaded for the first time on "YouTube" internet website on 12/04/2010 by a person under the nickname of Rastych described in Russian as "gorit samoliet mp4" [...] According to the findings of the Polish prosecutor's office, the "Twitter" site has had a user by the name of Rastych, signed as Yura Budnyk. According to reports in the Polish media, the film was recorded by 27 year old Vladimir Ivanov, a mechanic working in a garage located about 200 meters from the airport in Smolensk Siewiernyj."
from the airport in Smolensk Siewiernyj."
(It is worth noting here that the above mentioned original film posted on youtube and its related account was removed from the internet after two days of the initial upload and secondly, that the military prosecution in its legal aid to the Russian Federation openly relies on media reports concerning the identity of the witness, and lastly the name of Vladimir Ivanov has been largely discredited since.)
By implementing the above legal aid request, the Russians sent through a recording on 19 August 2010. According to the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, the video was of better quality than the one taken from the Internet. Along with the recording, the Polish side was given a testimony of the supposed author, interviewed in Russia without the participation of Polish prosecutors.
The film was analysed by the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Headquarters. The opinion was sent through to the Warsaw Military Prosecutor's Office in December 2010.
In January 2011, it was announced that according to police experts the film was not tampered with, that there is no evidence of interference with the continuity of the recording, and that the sounds that can be heard, could very well be that of gunfire.
Many assumptions and hypothesis have arisen as to the real identity of the film author. In addition to the name of Kola, other hypothetical names and aliases have been mentioned such as: Rastych, Jura Budnyk, Vladimir Ivanov, Vladimir Safonienko, Andrei Mendierej.
It was among others reported and it circulated that the author of the film actually Andrej Mendierej, was stabbed in Kiev on 15 April 2010. Then transported to hospital in sever condition, only to be subsequently stabbed again and disconnected from the hospital equipment, ultimately leading to his death/murder.
Discussions arouse further for a brief moment, by what some commentators identified on the film as a 'moving rope' along the screen at one point from left to right (00:44 - 00:47). In October 2011, an anonymous blogger published on the internet a 3D animation entitled "A Short Film About ... " identifying the object as a 'lifting sling' with a purpose of transporting heavy loads from the air, raising the interest of the media and stirring further discussions on the internet.
But more important is what can be heard, as opposed to seen. Sounds. Voices, male, female, Polish and Russian, helicopter noise, gun fire and sirens.
The film was analysed by the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police Headquarters. The opinion was sent through to the Warsaw Military Prosecutor's Office in December 2010.
In January 2011, it was announced that according to police experts the film was not tampered with, that there is no evidence of interference with the continuity of the recording, and that the sounds that can be heard, could very well be that of gunfire.
Many assumptions and hypothesis have arisen as to the real identity of the film author. In addition to the name of Kola, other hypothetical names and aliases have been mentioned such as: Rastych, Jura Budnyk, Vladimir Ivanov, Vladimir Safonienko, Andrei Mendierej.
It was among others reported and it circulated that the author of the film actually Andrej Mendierej, was stabbed in Kiev on 15 April 2010. Then transported to hospital in sever condition, only to be subsequently stabbed again and disconnected from the hospital equipment, ultimately leading to his death/murder.
Discussions arouse further for a brief moment, by what some commentators identified on the film as a 'moving rope' along the screen at one point from left to right (00:44 - 00:47). In October 2011, an anonymous blogger published on the internet a 3D animation entitled "A Short Film About ... " identifying the object as a 'lifting sling' with a purpose of transporting heavy loads from the air, raising the interest of the media and stirring further discussions on the internet.
But more important is what can be heard, as opposed to seen. Sounds. Voices, male, female, Polish and Russian, helicopter noise, gun fire and sirens.
A Short Film About
--- end
The "1:24" film
Clean version:
Subtitled version:
other sources: