* * *
Disclaimer: I thought long before to post this "article". Retaliations agains my person and to the one of my darlings could arrive, maybe not soon, later. ENI presented us a gas bill (gas from Putin's Russia) about 250 Eur of gas each flat per month (to me and my parent's family living in the flat over mine). It could be of course an error, but many cases of people with enormously exaggerated bills continually appears. My father is cheated at the health system, telling him about arthritis meanwhile he had carpal tunnel. He was going to lose the use of the hand (destruction of nerve). But here it works in this way, here, in Italy, the "Bel Paese" of Dante and Pope Francis SJ: You could see put at very risk your right of health assistance, or you can get strangely pumped up gas or electric bills, practically you feel like illegal immigrates who have no rights. Yes, I know, I ll have to wait another year for the documents for my marriage because they can reach also abroad, in a foreign country where the Catholicism is strong at at the government. Italy is completely corrupted, and if you don't praise the ideological system of the Catholic communi(s)tarianism, simply you live anymore, you starve, you get sick without be healed, you get not documents, no social assistance, you cannot marry,..But you know that you have no choice. The Anti-Christ cannot be appeased if not denying GOD. Who did you chose?.... ITALIAN MAINSTREAM CAPITALISM, ECONOMICAL LONG ARM OF THE ANTI-CHRIST, THE PAPACY:
[see pictures]
"..... Squinzi: "Faith and enterprise [= companies, corporations] [are] central in an uncertain society." Today 7 thousand businessmen at the Pope..."
Italian Capitalism declares itself the long arm of the Catholicization (Kingdom of Earth of the Anti-Christ):
with an article by Charles Marroni27 February 2016
"The commitment of business is a valuable asset, an important skill to build on." This was underlined by the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, in his speech in front of Pope Francis on the occasion of the historic audience of entrepreneurs for the industry Jubilee. The number one industrial also highlighted the importance of the "faith" in an uncertain society.Squinzi: faith and central uncertain enterprise in societySquinzi, in his speech before the Pope evoked the binomial faith and enterprise. "Your Holiness, you have strongly encouraged us in Evangelii Gaudium reminding us that the financial crisis that we are experiencing makes us forget that at its origin there is a profound anthropological crisis: the denial of the primacy of the human being, "said the president of Confindustria, who added:" faith, in an uncertain society, is an element of extraordinary importance and vitality as well as a reference point for those who do not believe, as the ' enterprise and free enterprise are central components of a society capable of substantive solidarity, to which everyone should appeal. "
Marcegaglia: Eni on the market as responsible enterprise
At the hearing of the Pope with the entrepreneurs, the President of Eni, Emma Marcegaglia, said Eni's commitment in Africa to promote the development of those countries. "How Eni - remarked - we are engaged primarily in Africa to accompany the countries that host us in their necessary and urgent development, with many interventions also investing in schools and education." Giving access to energy in the continent, "where 620 million people do not benefit while living in resource-rich countries - he explained - is a priority for us." He added: "The teaching of Pope Francis encourages Eni to move forward as a responsible company in a competitive market."
About Italian E.N.I. check its role in the rising to the power of former KGB/FSB agent colonel Wladimir Putin:
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Italian Catholic Corporations helped Putin to strenghten his dictatorship over Russia.
(.................)Another excerpt:
"7 thousand businessmen from the Pope for Jubilee CompanyAbout 7 thousand entrepreneurs were received today at 11 by Francesco in Paul VI hall for the "Jubilee of Industry". It is a unique event: it is the first time in 106 years of history of the Confindustria business association that are received together at the hearing by a pontiff. To open the event the choir Youth Orchestra of Santa Cecilia Conservatory who played music by Mozart. The key words are "Be Together", which is also the heart of the message of the Church of Francis towards the governments and the actors of the economy, not to erect barriers of injustice but to guarantee man the exercise of its fundamental rights. And is also the title of the study conference yesterday at the Congress Centre Agustinianum."
3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication,and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her,and the merchants of the earth are waxed richthrough the abundance of her delicacies.Revelation, 28.
Squnzi is the head of Confindustria:
The General Confederation of Italian Industry (Italian: Confederazione generale dell'industria italiana), commonly known as Confindustria, is the Italian employers' federation and national chamber of commerce, founded in 1910. It groups together more than 113,000 voluntary member companies, accounting for nearly 4,200,000 individuals. It aims to help Italy's economic growth, assisting, in doing so, its members. It is a member of the International Organisation of Employers (IOE). The President is Giorgio Squinzi since 22 March 2012.
Confindustria & Jobs Act:
The president of Confindustria at Pavia Jobs Act conference. Squinzi: we are on [the good] track Giorgio Squinzi said 300 thousand permanent contracts created in the first eight months of the yearOctober 13, 2015 Appreciation of the President of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, the Jobs Act "Certainly businesses use the Jobs Act," said the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi, commenting on the figures released yesterday by the INPS regarding the creation of 300 thousand places fixed in the first eight months of the year. "The results confirm that the path we are on is the right one, we ask the government to continue in this direction". Words of appreciation to the measures put in place by the executive that Squinzi expressed in his speech at Pavia, the meeting of industrialists. And on the sidelines of, the president of Confindustria has also addressed the issue of the relationship between companies and trade unions: "The communication is unfortunately complicated", and added "do not ask me why, ask the unions." Squinzi is then returned to the theme of the contracts reiterating that "it is absolutely necessary to strengthen the link between wages and productivity, for us this is a vital point to regain competitiveness for the benefit of firms and workers." Settling then one last jab against workers' organizations: "We must keep up with the times that requires us the global economy, the trade unions must take note of the fact that you can not remain anchored to no more sustainable models." - See more at: http://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/articoli/squinzi-confindustria-occupazione-jobs-act-contratti-b54de7a7-2a90-46c4-867b-ac5165ee0a68.html
* * *
Giulio RegE.N.I.:
Above image - Verità per Giulio Regeni = Truth for Giulio Regeni
Giulio Regeni, Manifesto reporter: "He worked with us, he was afraid." Renzi to Al Sisi: "Give us back the corpse"
contrasting reconstructions on the body conditions. For the Prosecution "was tortured," a "car accident" could have happened to the police. The Foreign Ministry summons the Ambassador in Cairo. Egyptian President: "We will make clear"
F. Q. | February 4, 2016
"Giulio Regeni was a 28-year-old Italian Cambridge University graduate student killed in Egypt following his abduction on January 25, 2016.[1] Regeni was a PhD student at Girton College, Cambridge,[2] researching Egypt's independent trade unions.[3] He grew up in Fiumicello, a town in the Udine province of northeast Italy.[4]"
Due to Mr Regeni's research activities and left-wing political leanings, the security services of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi are suspected of involvement in his murder,[5] although the Egyptian media and government deny this and claim that secret undercover agents belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood carried out the crime in order to embarrass the Egyptian government.[6]
This page was last modified on 11 March 2016, at 14:27.
Antonio Russo:
This is the first Google search page when you search for "Antonio Russo":
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Imperia: è polemica tra Antonio Russo (M5S) e Gian Franco Grosso ...
SanremoNews.it (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog)-22 feb 2016
E' polemica tra il Capogruppo M5S in Consiglio Comunale a Imperia Antonio Russo e Gian Franco Grosso, Capogruppo di Imperia bene ...
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FoggiaToday-05 feb 2016
Il sequestro ad Orta Nova: si tratta di un fabbricato e di un'auto, entrambi riconducibili ad Antonio Russo. L'immobile è la villetta nella quale ...
Scacco matto alla banda che assaltò la NP Service: sequestrati beni ...
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Imperia: prossime amministrative e scenari politici futuri, lo sfogo di ...
SanremoNews.it-30 gen 2016
Ad affermarlo in una nota è Antonio Russo, Capogruppo M5S in Comune ad Imperia che continua: "Non che la cosa mi scandalizzi più di tanto.
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Al Ladispoli 1 ospite d'eccezione il M.stro Giuseppe Antonio Russo
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Crosia, Antonio Russo: "Con la fusione vantaggi per tutta la Sibaritide"
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“La delibera dell'atto d'impulso da parte del Consiglio comunale di
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La collezione Marras Moda in salsa russa
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Stampe e motivi richiamano il costruttivismo russo, ma poi tutto è ... A lei e alla sua unicità ecclettica è dedicata la collezione di Antonio Marras .
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Scenografi: Giovanni Marra, Bernardo Cirillo, Nunzio Grimaldi, Marco Russo, Alessandro Sangermano, Antonio Di Prisco e Stefania Monaco.
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... Arrighini, con il giovane Antonio Vutov pronto a subentrare dalla panchina. ... Sono da valutare le condizioni del portiere Russo e di Izzillo e ...
Nuove regole per la costa
Il Tirreno-26 feb 2016
In apertura dei lavori il saluto del sindaco di San Vincenzo Alessandro Bandini e l'introduzione dell'assessore all'Ambiente Antonio Russo.
Alcuni risultati possono essere stati rimossi nell'ambito della normativa europea sulla protezione dei dati. Ulteriori informazioni
Tieniti aggiornato sui risultati relativi a: antonio russo.
URL: https://www.google.it/?gws_rd=ssl#tbm=nws&q=antonio+russo+
NOTHING. Zero. Antonio Russia is completely disappeared from the web. Because murdered by Putin's services and not by Egyptian services?
On six hundreds politicians in the Parliament, only ONE seems to have remembered who was Antonio Russo (some years after the murdered, the agreement ENI-Gazprom):
Fifteen years after the killing in Georgia of the Abruzzi journalist Antonio Russo Radio Radicale, Gianni Melilla (Sel) Parliament calls for new investigations.15 years have passed since the mysterious and dramatic 16 October 2000in which the journalist was brutally murdered, and there is still no legal truth of those facts. Antonio Russo had documented the atrocities committed by Russian troops on Chechen population. "We do not want to forget the sacrifice of Antonio Russo and more generally of many other war correspondents who do we know, at the risk of their lives, of how human rights are violated in all wars. Like I did in past -said Melilla- speak in the House to remind Antonio Russo and ask, with an interpellation, the Government and the Minister for Foreign Affairs to push the authorities of Tbilisi to an independent investigation to elucidate the Antonio Russian.These are the facts as reported in the interpellation of Melillathe journalist of Radio Radicale Antonio Russo, born in Francavilla a Mare June 6, 1960, was brutally murdered near the village of Udzharma, 25 kilometers from Tbilisi, capital of Georgia, which a few years had become an independent state, after It was part of the USSR;his body was found Oct. 16, 2000;autopsy was unequivocally established the violent nature of the death of Antonio Russo: "smashed the chest, two broken ribs with clean blow of a weapon that looks like an iron club ...", his assassination was particularly cruel and probably also preceded by torture;
Omicidio di Antonio Russo, Melilla vuole la verità
ott 14, 2015 Carmine Perantuono Politica, Servizi Tg 0
As you can see, behind the murder of Antonio Russo there was also the shadow of the economical interests of ENI-Gazprom, which is the greatest Italian multinational corporation (called in the fifties "a state within the (Italian) state"), interests which in their turns are the secular Troy Horse for the religious unification of the Western apostasy (Catholicism) and Eastern apostasy (Orthodoxy) - again i put here the link:
Tuesday, October 13, 2015ENI.
Italian Catholic Corporations helped Putin to strenghten his dictatorship over Russia.
Again a quote from the above excerpt when Marcegaglia met the pope in February:
"Marcegaglia: Eni on the market as responsible enterpriseHere how Jesuit spiritually exercised prime minister Matteo Renzi, supports the corruption in Italy:
At the hearing of the Pope with the entrepreneurs, the President of Eni, Emma Marcegaglia, said Eni's commitment in Africa to promote the development of those countries. "How Eni - remarked - we are engaged primarily in Africa to accompany the countries that host us in their necessary and urgent development, with many interventions also investing in schools and education." Giving access to energy in the continent, "where 620 million people do not benefit while living in resource-rich countries - he explained - is a priority for us." He added: "The teaching of Pope Francis encourages Eni to move forward as a responsible company in a competitive market."...."
Above image - translation: "The nomination of Renzi: Marcegaglia for ENI - The same enterprise to which the brother was paying bribes"
Posted on april 15, 2014Share:MARCEGAGLIA: BROTHER HAS BARGAINED [in a judicial proceeding] FOR BRIBERY TO ENI, RENZI APPOINTS HER AS PRESIDENT [of ENI]. ON 60 MILLION ITALIANS THERE WAS NO OTHER ONE WITH A BETTER CURRICULUM?The case Marcegaglia. The old business, and the court cases with EniIn head to head with the lawyer Paola Severino, he won the former president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia for the presidency of the state energy giant. A rose appointment that does not erase the potential conflicts of interest with the affairs of the family business and the old court cases(..............)Now the problem topical again with the appointments of Eni's top management. Emma Marcegaglia, such as Guidi, owns a company in relations with Eni and Enel. With the two giants, Marcegaglia SpA has even shared a court case (EniPower and Enelpower) for alleged bribes paid to win contracts of certain subsidiaries of the Treasury. For those events, the brother of Emma, Antonio Marcegaglia, in March 2008 has bargained a sentence (suspended) 11 months for corruption and has paid more than 6 million euro. The investigation had revealed some accounts payable also encrypted to Emma Marcegaglia, on which were passed blacks funds: "Resource reservation - had put on record Antonio Marcegaglia November 30, 2004 - we have always used in the interest of the group for its needs not documented ".With that money they were paid abroad to abroad bonuses for managers who work outside Italy, like those who ran the relations with Russian traders and with the Arab countries, recipients of commissions and fees for thousands of dollars. A worrying omen for a company like Eni, whose affairs are intertwined precisely with those worlds of orders, consulting and business to the limits of the rules..".
Image: http://bastacasta.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/20140414_67428_Emma-Marcegaglia-Pres-Eni.jpg
URL page: http://bastacasta.altervista.org/p12894/
Council for Foreign Relations and ENI:
The Eni Enrico Mattei Chair in Middle East and Africa Studies
The chair was established in 2010 through a generous commitment from Eni S.p.A. It is named for the company's first president, Enrico Mattei, who played a significant role in the transformation of Eni into a global energy company. The chair supports a senior fellow focused on the study of the current and emerging foreign policy issues of importance to the Middle East and Africa. CFR is grateful to Eni for its long-standing leadership support of the institution.
URL: http://www.cfr.org/support/mattei.html
ENI and Egypt - very recent:
10/03/2016 14:47
[10th March 2016]Eni: successfully for the first production test Zohr field in EgyptConfirmed capacity 'of the estimated well in 7 mln m3 per day (Il Sole 24 Ore Thomson Plus) - Rome, 10 Mar. - Eni has successfully performed the first production test on Zohr 2X well, the first delineation well of Zohr discovery, It located in the block of Shorouk, offshore Egypt.This was communicated by the group in a statement. In production test, limited by surface facilities were opened to the production 120 meters of the reservoir. The well flowed up to 1.3 million cubic meters of gas per day.All data gathered and analyzed confirm the capacity 'production of the well, which is estimated to reach 7 million cubic meters per day (corresponding to approximately 46,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day) in the production configuration. In the course of 2016 we will be drilled into the reservoir 3 additional wells.com-ale (RADIOCOR) 10/03/16 14:47:07 (0449) ENE 3 NNNN
Posted August 30, 2015, 15:00Crazy gas bills, of course not only ENI, it would be unfair to blame only ENI. It a custom among energy suppliers to present exaggerately pumped up bills of gas, electric, water, etc.:
Performed the first successful production test on Zohr 2X well, the first well delineation of Zohr discovery, located in the Shorouk block. The well flowed up to 1.3 million cubic meters of gas per day. All data gathered and analyzed confirm the large production capacity of the well, which is estimated to reach 7 million cubic meters per day (corresponding to approximately 46,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day) in the production configuration.Zohr, with a potential of up to 850 billion cubic meters of gas in place and an area of about 100 square kilometers, is the largest gas discovery ever made in Egypt and in the Mediterranean Sea and can become one of the biggest gas finds worldwide. This exploratory success will provide a fundamental contribution in meeting the Egyptian natural gas demand for decades and confirms that the country is still at the center of the group's international strategy: an alliance that continues for over 60 years.
The crazy gas bills now end up in the Senate
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Democratic Party Fasiolo present question on the issue, "These are not times of forced withdrawals. The families have many difficulties »Emanuela Masseria
It is about to land at the appropriate committee of the Senate the issue of Eni bills that concerns many citizens of Gorizia, and beyond.
This is thanks to an urgent question on the subject to be submitted by the Democratic Party Senator Laura Fasiolo. The parliamentary isontina you pè immediately interested in the affair, gathering as much information as possible, especially on the famous estimates, which led - often according to the user - at inflated bills than the actual consumption, in this case the gas specific.
Italy is the perfect prototype of the reign of the Antichrist. Illegality is at the power in this country. The creeping legalizing of mobbing and bullying in the world of job (Jobs Act), especially in the public administration, is a sort of intimidation to shut the mouth to the worker when he/she sees the corruption and criminal deeds of his bosses. This Anti-Christian world of corruption and criminality needs of an external enemy in order to divert the attention, which is the Islamic terrorism or "ISIS". The recent dead of Giulio Regeni is daily used by the media to cover the increase of corruption and illegality in the country, together with the arrogance and bullying in every sector of the society, from the highest elite, to the lower part of the society. The inquiry on the persecution of the Egyptian labor union which costed the life of researcher Giulio Regeni, is a a perfect way to not see and to legitimize the rising of the Anti-Christ's kingdom (Kingdom of the Earth) in Italy and its persecution of the righteous ones, the types of Christ. Not paradoxically, the targets of this Italian Anti-Christ reign, the ones who at the best are representing the features of Christ, are labelled by the ideological comrades of Regeni, in the most favorable case, as "dreamer" or "idealist of the bourgeois", the old Marxist mocking of the Christians. God is gathering His "little flock" as we approach the End of Times", and Satan has to build the Counter-little flock, the Big Socialist Flock of the Kingdom of Earth, supported by the Socialist dogmas (Fascism and Communism, then Communitarianims, Ecologism, etc). To counter the body of the Christ (the church), Satan build another kind of body, where the society is the idol to be worshiped instead GOD. From this point of view all is clear: The murder of Regeni is bringing further water to the anti-Christian mill of the papacy in Italy, and her counter-Gospel of the Catholic communi(s)tarianism:
"...Jobs Act, grows more [mobbying] bullying at work
He does not talk about it anymore, but in a year the complaints increased by 20%. Milan, the capital of harassment..."In:
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Pope Francis blessing Confindustria [& legalized bullying of worker - Catholic Communitarianism]
Made In Italy:
Friday, February 19, 2016
Two thousands years of slandering [and HOLOCAUST DENIALs] against Christians. Patented: Made In Italy
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