"........On the other hand, ISIS has maintained contacts and some relations with the Ministry of the Syrian regime of oil, by keeping some of the staff who are still linked directly to the ministry mentioned, for example, he has kept the on the gas production of Deir ez-Zor and Homs fields and ensure the delivery of it to regime areas against the committed of these staff and some intermediaries to keep give money remittances continuously to safes of ISIS,...."
[From Raqqa is being slaughtered silently blog - http://www.raqqa-sl.com/en/?p=1568
Reported in my: http://control-avles-blogs.blogspot.it/2015/12/predictive-programmin-in-name-of.html ]
* * * Kurds Deny Russian Claims That Turkey Buys IS Oil
The Moscow Times
Dec. 04 2015 18:41
Last edited 18:43
Russia's Defense Ministry / YouTubeA screenshot from a video showing tanker trucks transporting oil.
The Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) on Thursday said that satellite photos presented by Russia's Defense Ministry this week showing Islamic State militants selling oil to Turkey were in fact images of Kurdish trucks, the Turkish state-run Anadolu news agency reported.
KRG spokesman Safeen Dizayi told the news agency that the Islamic State, an extremist group banned in Russia, is not selling oil to Turkey — as President Vladimir Putin and a number of Russian officials have asserted in the two weeks since Ankara downed a Russian military jet.
The head of KRG's energy commission, Serko Cavdet, told Anadolu that the images showed Kurdish tanker trucks transporting oil from a region under their control to the Turkish Port of Ceyhan, and that the Islamic State could not have transported oil through Kurdish territory, as they are fighting the extremist group.
"The KRG exports its oil via pipelines and tankers to Turkey for sale to buyers around the world," Cevdet said. "The Russian satellite images showed these tankers … Russia has no proof of any oil transactions between Turkey, the Kurdish region, and the Islamic State," he said, referring to IS by another name.
Turkish officials have also denied Russia's claims. Turkish President Recep Erdogan went so far as to promise Putin he would step down if allegations that Turkey was buying IS oil were revealed to be true.
See also:
Turkey Won't Introduce Visa Requirements for Russians — Embassy
Turkish Foreign Minister: Turkey Expressed Condolences to Russia
What's in a Name? Russia Replaces 'Islamic State' With 'Daesh'
Germany one by one debunks Russian claims that Turkey trades Daesh oil
December 4, 2015
Germany's weekly news magazine Der Spiegel (The Mirror) analyzed individually every satellite image displayed at the Russian briefing last Wednesday allegedly showing 'proof' of Turkey-Daesh oil trade.
In the analytical report published on the web, Der Spiegel specified all the locations and dates of the satellite images shown by Russian Deputy Minister of Defense Anatoly Antonov.
At a briefing in Moscow on December 2, organized by Antonov, Russian defense ministry officials and the public were shown satellite images which 'revealed' columns of tanker trucks loading oil at installations controlled by Daesh in Syria and Iraq, and then crossing over the border into neighboring Turkey. Antonov had claimed that Turkey was trading oil with Daesh on an 'industrial level'.
The satellite image shown above, dated November 14, 2015, was shot in the region of Zakho in northern Iraq and shows Zakho and Turkey. However, this image in no way verifies the claims of Putin as these regions are not controlled by Daesh, but in fact Peshmerga-controlled areas. In addition, trade between Turkey and the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq is still continuing under normal conditions.
This image, also dated November 14, shows the southeastern Turkish town of Silopi in Şırnak. Zakho is located directly opposite of Silopi. Known as one of the safest areas on the Iraqi border, Zakho shelters many refugees fleeing Iraq and terrorist organizations like Daesh in Syria.
This satellite image was taken in the east of Syrian city Deir ez-Zor city. According to Russia, 390 oil tankers are seen in this image. But an explanation about the date of the image was not given. It is vague what Antonov wants to prove with this photo. Deir ez-Zor is currently partly in hands of the Assad regime in Syria and partly in Daesh's control. [my bold red characters; read 'em in relation with the excerpt from Raqqa is being slaughtered silently in the prologue of this post - avles]
This satellite image was taken in the east of Syrian city Deir ez-Zor city. According to Russia, 390 oil tankers are seen in this image. But an explanation about the date of the image was not given. It is vague what Antonov wants to prove with this photo. Deir ez-Zor is currently partly in hands of the Assad regime in Syria and partly in Daesh's control.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had last week denied that Turkey procures oil from anything other than legitimate sources.
Subsequently, the U.S. had said that it rejected the premise that the Turkish government was in league with the militants to smuggle oil. "We frankly see no evidence, none, to support such an accusation," State Department spokesman Mark Toner had said.
Later on, Sherko Jawdat the chairman of the KRG Parliament's Energy Committee, had said on Thursday that the oil tankers shown in the aerial photos and footage presented by Russia as evidence of the alleged trade are in fact carrying oil from the KRG to Ceyhan terminal in southern Turkey.
Furthermore, KRG spokesman Safin Dzayi had said his government was saddened by Russian accusations, adding that "Russia's explanations are based on wrong sources" as it strongly rejected Russian accusations.
Dzayi explained that the oil extracted from the Duhok and Badinan regions is largely shipped to Turkey through pipelines, and the remaining amount is being shipped with tankers.
* * *
Sunday, December 6, 2015
ReplyDelete04 December 2015 / 11:57
Iraqi Kurds refute Russia’s claims on Turkey-Daesh oil trade, say tankers belong to Iraqi Kurds
Baku - APA. The recent allegations put forth by Russia on Turkey – Daesh oil trade, which also involved Syrian and Iraqi Kurds, were denied by Iraq's Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officials, Daily Sabah reported.
ReplyDelete11:45, 04 December 2015 Friday
Iraqi Kurds dismiss Russian claims of ISIL oil sales
Iraq's regional Kurdish government rejects Russian allegations that Turkey is buying oil from ISIL militant group
DeleteWorld Bulletin / News Desk
The Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) on Thursday denied recent claims by the Russian Defense Ministry that the ISIL militant group was selling oil to Turkey.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency, KRG spokesman Safeen Dizayi dismissed Russian allegations that ISIL was selling oil to Turkey through the Kurdish region.
He went on to stress that Kurdish Peshmerga forces were on the frontlines in the fight against ISIL.
Serko Cevdet, head of the KRG’s energy commission, for his part, told Anadolu Agency that recently published Russian satellite images showed tankers carrying oil from the Kurdish region to Turkey’s Port of Ceyhan.
On Wednesday, Russian Defense Ministry officials published the images, which, they claimed, showed tanker trucks transporting oil from ISIL-controlled installations in Syria and Iraq to Turkey.
According to Cevdet, however, it is impossible to transport oil from the ISIL-held areas to Turkey via the Kurdish region.
"The KRG exports its oil via pipelines and tankers to Turkey for sale to buyers around the world," he said. "The Russian satellite images showed these tankers."
"Russia has no proof of any oil transactions between Turkey, the Kurdish region and ISIL," he added.
Tension has mounted between Ankara and Moscow since Nov. 24, when Turkey shot down a Russian a warplane -- in line with standard rules of engagement -- that had violated its airspace.
Since then, Moscow has imposed a series of economic sanctions on Turkey, while Russian President Vladimir Putin has alleged that Turkey was buying oil from ISIL.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, meanwhile, has challenged Putin’s claims, vowing to step down if the Russian allegations were proven and calling on Putin to do the same if they were proven to be false.
Notice on how the slander of the Provokatsiya is at work in the Kremlin equation: "I someone is bombed and/or killed/destroyed by Russian jets it means it is ISIS".
ReplyDeleteFirst you bomb it and then you declare it "terrorist":
""There is one company, headquartered in Erbil, which in 2012 acquired oil tankers, and which is currently being bombarded by Russian aircraft,” Erdem said. “I am now studying this company's records. It has partners in Turkey, and I am checking them for links to Albayrak."
Note that this is entirely consistent with what we said last week, namely that in some cases, ISIS takes advantage of the Kurdish oil transport routes, connections, and infrastructure in Turkey. It will certianly be interesting to see if there's a connection between Albayrak, the energy ministry, and Bilal Erdogan's BMZ Group. "
Delete""Today, the Takvim newspaper called me an American puppet, an Israeli agent, a supporter of the [Kurdish] PKK, and the instigator of a coup…all in the same sentence. I am inclined to view this attack on me as an attempt to belittle my significance, to attack my reputation in the eyes in the public, given that my investigation is a real threat to the government. Such a sharply negative reaction suggests that my assumptions are fair, and I am moving in the right direction to find the truth.""
DeleteTranslate: maybe the evidence that the oil is coming from KURDISH controlled areas and is brought by KURDISH tankers is too strong and evident that a great effort must be sustained to give an artificial life to the Kremlin's Hoax.
The false prophecies of a literal babylonian tower in IRAQ to be "fulfilled" in this?:
The world's tallest building planned – in ex-warzone Basra
At 1,152 metres high, the Bride of the Gulf in Iraq is set to dwarf even the Burj Khalifa. But is size really everything?
"The world's tallest building planned – in ex-warzone Basra"
DeleteYea! and read the EJP's words, how much are fitting in a specular, reverse way all that: substituting Sunni with Shia:
". Babylon is to be rebuilt on the Euphrates River in a Shia-free Iraq, for which reason US contractors have erected 14 military bases and an American Embassy the size of the Vatican---all of which will be given to the new Sunni Islamic state after this Crusade. Dubai is the prelude to the building of Babylon. "
Incredible, 5 years later (I presume) you have the exactly OPPOSITE scene in Iraq, as described previously by EJP:
Delete"Russia, Syria and Iran are working together in Baghdad to co-ordinate Shia militias fighting ISIS, say US intelligence as Moscow continues to increase its military presence in the region
By Larisa Brown and Simon Tomlinson for MailOnline
Published: 15:27 GMT, 25 September 2015 | Updated: 17:43 GMT, 25 September 2015
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3249218/Russia-Syria-Iran-working-Baghdad-ordinate-Shia-militias-fighting-ISIS-say-intelligence-Moscow-continues-increase-military-presence-region.html#ixzz3tdsix2HN
Another example, just substitute "Sunni" with "Shia" ---->
"Eric Jon Phelps: "This is Jesuit propaganda intended to incite the American public to go to war with Iran after the coming CIA/FBI/NSA/DIA detonations in Washington and possibly the downing of the Statue of Liberty. Corsi is a Jesuit temporal coadjutor. " [by EJP, still URL: http://www.thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Shia_muslim_genocide ]
Then today see it completely perfectly at the opposite - the SUNNI are the one blamed:
"Syed Farook’s family’s lawyer uses Sandy Hook truther conspiracy to question shooting
By Jessica Chasmar - The Washington Times - Friday, December 4, 2015
A lawyer representing the family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook has questioned accounts of the mass shooting Wednesday morning that left 14 people dead, using Sandy Hook trutherism to support his theory.
“There is a lot of motivation at this time to emphasize or create incidents that will cause gun control or prejudice or hatred toward the Muslim [my note: read SUNNI] community,” he said."
avles7 декември 2015 г., 5:55
Delete"that will cause gun control or prejudice or hatred toward the Muslim [my note: read SUNNI] community,” he said.""
To be read the usual conspiracy investigation on the shooting as means to decree a control on the selling of weapons, simply a diversion, to drag away the attention from the true goal of S. Bernardino shooting, to arise hate against SUNNI and promote the agenda of Eurasianism and Khomeinism in USA (tory horses for the Catho-Orthodox pushing back of the history lancets to year 313 a.C.).
The many inconsistencies in media/officials story and pieces of evidence pointing to conspiracy is used to drown further the "zionists were behind it" theory (along with the obvious sacrifice of zionist jews) How? By evoking a reaction in the "defendants" themselves who have absolutely no chance of winning a case here, due to the overwhelming evidence supporting the official version and the now deeply embedded anti-muslim sentiment. As the days progress the "zionists did it" will be buried deeper, as israel is now in complete dependence on the catholic forces surrounding her and will need to be the bait for the next episode.
DeleteFrom the article about Russian accuses:
ReplyDelete"This satellite image was taken in the east of Syrian city Deir ez-Zor city. According to Russia, 390 oil tankers are seen in this image. But an explanation about the date of the image was not given. It is vague what Antonov wants to prove with this photo. Deir ez-Zor is currently partly in hands of the Assad regime in Syria and partly in Daesh's control."
" Russia's Foreign Ministry voiced concern Tuesday about the reported bombing of a Syrian army camp, without addressing a U.S. claim that Russia was responsible for the incident.
The Syrian government blamed aircraft from a U.S.-led coalition for targeting the army camp in the eastern city of DEIR EL-ZOUR on Sunday night, killing three Syrian soldiers and wounding 13. "
MOSCOW — Dec 8, 2015, 11:46 AM ET