Martin Schulz: "Beppe Grillo is only the wind, reminiscent of Stalin and Chavez"
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#0 the Jesuit pope and Chavez
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#0 the Jesuit pope and Chavez
#1 Van Rompuy, Barroso and Schultz homaging their spiritual and temporal master
#2 Beppe Grillo with card. Tarcisio Bertone. Little before the election of the new pope Beppe Grillo
gave a powerful lick to the Cardinal Bertone, believing that he would be appointed pope.
gave a powerful lick to the Cardinal Bertone, believing that he would be appointed pope.
#3 The logo of Five Stars Movement, formal leader: Beppe Grillo
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Attacking Beppe Grillo to make him stronger?
Martin Schulz: "Beppe Grillo is only the wind, reminiscent of Stalin and Chavez" (PHOTO)
Ansa | Published: 11/05/2014 10:19 EDT | Updated: 05/11/2014 19:57 PM ED
"[Beppe] Grillo is the wind. How do you judge the wind? Do not see the substance. Berlusconi has a policy matter, on which I can make a judgment. Grillo threatens fines and expulsion for members who do not vote as he says. The last to say such a thing was Stalin. maybe Hugo Chavez. had he said that in Germany he would have to fear the intervention of the judiciary. "
This was affirmed to the Corriere della Sera, by Martin Schulz, Socialist candidate for the presidency of the European Commission. "You feel in Grillo - explains Schulz - an authoritarian tendency. Caudillism In Spain we would say," Matteo Renzi, however, is "courageous and combative. Win the European" while Silvio Berlusconi "has failed. Has left Italy with more debt and more unemployment. "
UPDATE "Schultz is a puppet put there by Merkel. He is not Kapo but Krapò.[game of words]" said Beppe Grillo tonight at Padua. "How dare this stooges of the Democratic Party to come to Italy and offend. To offend 10 million Italians."
etc. etc."...If Russia went back in Crimea could Renzi's Italy go back in Istria?... After seventy years of forced de-protestantization of Prussia maybe the Vatican can bear now a Germany coming back in the old possession of East.... Or at least this could be only a bait to further deceive the German foreign policy and distract Germans meanwhile the South European Catholic belt is going to explode in a sort of "South European Confederate popish state" against the North.... "
In Italy Berlusconi is since twenty years denouncing the "Communist manipulation" of the Italian Justice. He calls the judges and prosecutor of the processes against his person "Red Coats". Truly speaking he was used for a twenty years to spread the deception of a Communist control of the Judicial system of Italy, because the true master of the Italian judicial system is the Vatican and the Jesuit order which are manipulating the Italian justice in order to obtain the Counter Reformation goal of a STRONG [CATHOLIC] CHURCH IN A WEAK STATE.
As confirmation it is sufficient to see how the judicial system in a perfect timing with the coming elections, demolished both leaders of the center-right and center-left, Berlusconi and Matteo Renzi, with opportune scandals exploded two, one month before the European elections of 25 May:
".......On 11 April 2014 the 3rd Criminal Section of the Appellate Court of Palermo, Sicily, has issued an arrest warrant for Marcello Dell’Utri at the request of the national anti-mafia investigation department, which said it had obtained information that he might flee ahead of his hearing at Italy’s highest court of appeal in Rome on 15 April.[20] Marcello Dell'Utri whereabouts have been unknown since the second half of March 2014.[21]........"
You say Marcello dell'Utri (Jesuit trained) and think to Silvio Berlusconi. In a famous interview for La Stampa newspaper in 2001, he affirmed that for the most important encounter in his life (Silvio Berlusconi) it had to be thanked the Opus Dei. Then the same Berlusconi has been definitively condemned the year before and little before the elections began his penalty:
"...... 9 May 2014 Last updated at 20:39 GMT
Berlusconi begins one-year community sentence
Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has completed his first day of a year's community service at a Catholic care home near Milan.
He was sentenced to four years in prison for tax fraud last year, commuted to four hours' work a week with elderly dementia patients.
The care home said the 77-year-old would be treated like any other worker.
Well, Berlusconi is out of the game. And Matteo Renzi?
While Renzi's centre-left Democratic Party (PD) is leadingin the opinion polls with scores of around 34-35 percent, the 5-Star Movement is second, some 10 points behind although some analysts believe its actual result could be higher.
Renzi is due to visit the site of the Expo outside Milan on Tuesday and has proposed setting up an anti-corruption task force to try to ensure that the project, seen as a prestigious shop window for Italy after years of economic crisis, is not submerged in scandal.
However there is no guarantee that the affair will end with last week's arrests, which included two figures implicated in Bribesville, Primo Greganti, a former official in the old communist party [today: Democratic party headed by Matteo Renzi] and Gianstefano Frigerio, a former Christian Democrat lawmaker who later moved to Berlusconi's party.
The government of Renzi is hanged to the Milano Expo building project and scandals involving it are involving also the government. In the last days the electoral battle is centered on the request of Beppe Grillo to close the yards of the Milano 2015 Expo countered by the stubbornness of Matteo Renzi willing to continue with the project. The more Matteo Renzi is stubborn the more he does the game of Grillo who in his turn can affirm that also the government of Matteo Renzi is involved in the giant amount of bribes around Milano Expo 2015. In any case Beppe Grillo is playing this campaign on the struggle against the corruption and the scandal of Milano Expo 2015 is bringing only rivers of water to his rhetorical mill:
Italy grapples with specter of corruption as EU vote nears
Sunday, January 26, 2014
For Italian readers: the Italian JESUIT REDUCION. How it works.
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