"Families of the victims still have many unanswered questions.
I am pleased
that MEPs from our group will have the opportunity to hear about all
ambiguities related to the Smolensk plane crash."
said ECR Chairman Martin Callanan MEP.
* * *
Do you imagine a VIP, an globally affirmed politician,
attacking the twin brother of the assassinated Lech Kaczynski, in his
affirmation about the death of the brother, where he exposed his conviction that the crash at Smolensk was a mass-murder, a crime, as an “irresponsible nonsense”?
And that suspect that it could be the Polish
and/or the Russian government behind the disaster as "repulsive"? As "harmful"?.... But who could
be such person?... Putin? His foreign minister Lavrov? Medvedev? ...
No, ladies and gentlemen. The man I m talking about is
the same man who boasted himself for being the one who cheated
the Soviets, with the engineering of the Afghan trap in order to drag
the USSR inside it and to cause her collapse. The man is of Polish aristocratic origin, he is Zbigniew Brzezinski....
Brzezinski lambasts Smolensk conspiracy 'nonsense'
09.11.2012 09:39
US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski has criticised the
“constant irresponsible nonsense” in Polish politics concerning Smolensk
disaster conspiracy theories.
- See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/117879,Brzezinski-lambasts-Smolensk-conspiracy-nonsense#sthash.arFDLv8X.dpufBrzezinski lambasts Smolensk conspiracy 'nonsense'
09.11.2012 09:39
Former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski has criticised the “constant irresponsible nonsense” in Polish politics concerning Smolensk disaster conspiracy theories.
URL: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/117879,Brzezinski-lambasts-Smolensk-conspiracy-nonsense
“It's hard not to be horrified by the extent to which political language has become brutal, by the extent to which a political game has become irresponsible on the part of very high-standing people on the political scene,” he told the TVN 24 news channel.
“It actually looks as if there is an attempt to undermine the very foundations of and respect for the state, Poland and Polish democracy,” he said.
His remarks come a week after Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of opposition party Law and Justice described the 2010 plane crash “as an unprecedented crime” that amounted to “the murder of 96 people, including the Polish president [Kaczynski's late brother Lech Kaczynski].”
Brzezinski, who was US National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, condemned the “irresponsible nonsense” propagated over the last two years regarding a supposed attack, and suggestions that the Polish government or Russia, “or maybe both” were responsible.
“This is something so repulsive and harmful that I hope that more responsible people in the opposition will take up a different approach,” he said.
“This is terribly vicious work done by a couple of people suffering from psychological difficulties – perhaps understandable from the human point of view – but this has no place in politics,” he said.
Brzezinski also argued that political divisions in Poland “suited Russia,” and that attempts made by Polish politicians to “divide society” over Smolensk were “revolting” and “worthy of contempt.”
President to meet Attorney General
Meanwhile, President of Poland Bronislaw Komorowski has invited Attorney General Andrzej Seremet to attend the next meeting of the National Security Council (RBN), with the hope of discussing the ongoing Smolensk investigation.
“I do not believe in conspiracy theories. However, the prosecutor may be able allay fears and panic concerning the causes of the Smolensk disaster,” Komorowski told Polish Radio on Friday.
Nevertheless, Komorowski noted that owing to the legal status while the investigation is ongoing, Seremet may not be able to make detailed statements.
“It would be good if, operating within the law, he could dispel doubts,” Komorowski reflected.
Former president Lech Walesa has also commented to TVN 24 on the need for more clarity, so that “the opposition is unable to continue this vicious, dishonest game.”
Walesa said that for him, the reasons for the crash were settled in Poland's initial report of former Interior Minister Jerzy Miller in 2011.
However, Walesa said that there was a need for a commission to look at a various issues, such as why there were mistakes in identifying some bodies, and why the wreck of the plane has not returned to Poland. (nh)
tags: Brzezinski, Smolensk, smolensk catastrophe
- See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/117879,Brzezinski-lambasts-Smolensk-conspiracy-nonsense#sthash.arFDLv8X.dpuf
"Suffering from psychological difficulties". In fact in Soviet Russia (and today) the dissidents were imprisoned in psychiatric hospitals. Creepy being this guy. Poland becoming the first Soviet psychiatric jail exported outside the borders of Russia.
96 people, assassinated by geo-religion via geo-politic.
16.04.2013Antoni Macierewicz was invited to the European Parliament by The European Conservatives and Reformists Group to talk of the works and latest results of a team of experts investigating the causes of the Smolensk disaster.
Antoni Macierewicz, Polish Member of Parliament and Chairman of the Parliamentary Group set to investigate and establish the causes of the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154M crash in Smolensk was invited to an ECR Group meeting in Strasbourg. The new “Smolensk Report - 28 months after Smolensk” with a power point presentation and short film was presented to ECR group members, showing the works and latest results of a team of experts investigating the causes of the Smolensk disaster.
Ryszard Legutko, ECR Vice-Chairman and Polish delegation leader said: "Three years on, the Smolensk disaster continues to deeply divide the Polish public opinion. Not a day has gone by in the past three years without a Smolensk story in the press, leaving many Poles weary and frustrated."According to the poll conducted for public broadcaster TVP 52% of Poles believe that the reasons for the crash have still not been clarified and do not believe in official accounts of the causes of the crash, whereas only 34% of the respondents were confident that the reasons for the crash have already been explained. Further, a recent survey by Homo Homini for Rzeczpospolita daily indicated that 31,7% of Poles believe that the delegation to Smolensk was assassinated. 49,4% believe that the plane crash was a tragic accident. 19% declared they didn't know whether to qualify the crash as an assassination or an accident.The Polish Parliamentary Group chaired by Antoni Macierewicz, since its establishment, has focused its efforts on bringing to light facts, causes and irregularities surrounding the crash in Smolensk.The "Smolensk Report" with a power point presentation and short film was be presented to ECR group members, showing the latest results and works of a team of experts investigating the causes of the Smolensk disaster.On this occasion, journalists will were exceptionally given access to the ECR Group meeting to hear the presentation made by Antoni Macierewicz during the Group meeting."Families of the victims still have many unanswered questions. I am pleased that MEPs from our group will have the opportunity to hear about all ambiguities related to the Smolensk plane crash." said ECR Chairman Martin Callanan MEP.
[see video here on original article page]
photo gallery: http://ecrgroup.eu/?p=8410Press conference video: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/player/streaming.cfm?type=ebsvod&sid=227674
Above image - general Sikorsky
Above image - the B24 with whom was murdered
Above image - the TU-154 wreckage at Smolensk. A patsy plane?
Above image - president Lech Kaczyński
Monday, March 10, 2014
The spy who came - II
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Andrij Mendierej killed in UKRAINEAN hospital [Video]
Polish Elite Didn't Die in Smolensk Crash
December 4, 2013
Polish blogger Z pins the blame on Russian-controlled
Polish military intelligence. He says their political allies
investigated the crime and wrote the report. Z thinks
the passengers never left Warsaw. - See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2013/12/Polish-Elite-Didn%27t-Die-at-Smolensk-Site%20.html#sthash.DHWbvHZW.dpuf
"There was no air crash; it was all a hoax. False flag. TV show. The real action was in Warsaw and it was a coup d'etat, whereby contrary to the constitution a new "president", totally loyal to Moscow, an ignorant buffoon and a patent idiot, was installed. Russian circus, my friend. That's what it was. A cross between a circus, an operetta and bloody murder, Bolshevista style."
(henrymakow.com) - See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2013/12/Polish-Elite-Didn%27t-Die-at-Smolensk-Site%20.html#sthash.DHWbvHZW.dpuf
1. The whole operation on April 10th 2010 was a military coup d'etat, installing a new, pro-Russian president in Warsaw - Mr. Komorowski.
The Warsaw air hangar from which the Presidential plane departed was demolished shortly after the coup, including the underground foundations [and underground hidden structures below.]. Secondly the reported fatal flight could not have taken place officially, because Russian air control withheld permission. Specifically, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not accept the flight plan through the Polish embassy in Moscow [as is the standard procedure], meaning the flight did not have permission to fly into the Russian airspace, meaning practically the plane could not start the voyage from Warsaw EPWA airport. There is no evidence that the group left Warsaw. No photos. No ceremony.
What about the reported victims? Only a couple of corpses were positively verified here before burial. Other victims were buried without identification or with fake documents, with no postmortem. From a legal standpoint, all reported victims should be considered missing from a legal standpoint.
2. A crucial part of the psy-op in Smolensk was a staged hoax plane crash in which allegedly all people on board perished. It so happened, that allegedly on board were a Polish president and complete staff of the army, navy and air force, making this the only historical instance of a successful instant decapitation of an army. Bear in mind that it was a peacetime operation and no visible alarms were risen, although multiple air and land quiet alarm bells were ringing in all national NATO headquarters in Europe and worldwide.
3. At this time, virtually no material evidence of the alleged crash has been presented, no standard investigation with photo-sample and other evidence-gathering undertaken, although multiple organizations, specialized institutions and companies offered their immediate services for dispatch to the crash site. ALL help was turned down by the Polish government officials.
4. There were no obligatory autopsies performed on the corpses by Polish pathologists and Russian medical documentation was a sick joke.
5. On exhumations performed after finding fundamental discrepancies in Russian papers, it turned out that the corpses DID NOT BELONG TO THE ALLEGED VICTIMS.
6. The so called investigation was performed by a special Russian outfit, called MAK, on mutual agreement from respective Polish and Russian governments. This institution is a KGB outfit, headed by a KGB general Mrs. Anodina, former wife of Eugeny Primakov. All the "official" documents and evidence in the case were procured and delivered by the MAK commission.
7. The Polish Parliament formed a Special Commission for the case, headed by Antoni Macierewicz. The parliamentary commission gathered virtually NO EVIDENCE on its own, did no research and no vital interrogations. The Commission turned down all open and covert cooperation offers from foreign intelligence, i.a. NATO HQ, CIA, Pentagon and BND. All of the so called independent scientific work of the commission was strictly limited to the hypothesis of a plane crash in Smolensk, based on evidence delivered by Russians [MAK].
8. No other hypotheses were researched, i.e. the obvious terrorist and coup d'etat hypotheses WERE NOT touched.
1. The whole operation on April 10th 2010 was a military coup d'etat, installing a new, pro-Russian president in Warsaw - Mr. Komorowski.
The Warsaw air hangar from which the Presidential plane departed was demolished shortly after the coup, including the underground foundations [and underground hidden structures below.]. Secondly the reported fatal flight could not have taken place officially, because Russian air control withheld permission. Specifically, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not accept the flight plan through the Polish embassy in Moscow [as is the standard procedure], meaning the flight did not have permission to fly into the Russian airspace, meaning practically the plane could not start the voyage from Warsaw EPWA airport. There is no evidence that the group left Warsaw. No photos. No ceremony.
What about the reported victims? Only a couple of corpses were positively verified here before burial. Other victims were buried without identification or with fake documents, with no postmortem. From a legal standpoint, all reported victims should be considered missing from a legal standpoint.
2. A crucial part of the psy-op in Smolensk was a staged hoax plane crash in which allegedly all people on board perished. It so happened, that allegedly on board were a Polish president and complete staff of the army, navy and air force, making this the only historical instance of a successful instant decapitation of an army. Bear in mind that it was a peacetime operation and no visible alarms were risen, although multiple air and land quiet alarm bells were ringing in all national NATO headquarters in Europe and worldwide.
3. At this time, virtually no material evidence of the alleged crash has been presented, no standard investigation with photo-sample and other evidence-gathering undertaken, although multiple organizations, specialized institutions and companies offered their immediate services for dispatch to the crash site. ALL help was turned down by the Polish government officials.
4. There were no obligatory autopsies performed on the corpses by Polish pathologists and Russian medical documentation was a sick joke.
5. On exhumations performed after finding fundamental discrepancies in Russian papers, it turned out that the corpses DID NOT BELONG TO THE ALLEGED VICTIMS.
6. The so called investigation was performed by a special Russian outfit, called MAK, on mutual agreement from respective Polish and Russian governments. This institution is a KGB outfit, headed by a KGB general Mrs. Anodina, former wife of Eugeny Primakov. All the "official" documents and evidence in the case were procured and delivered by the MAK commission.
7. The Polish Parliament formed a Special Commission for the case, headed by Antoni Macierewicz. The parliamentary commission gathered virtually NO EVIDENCE on its own, did no research and no vital interrogations. The Commission turned down all open and covert cooperation offers from foreign intelligence, i.a. NATO HQ, CIA, Pentagon and BND. All of the so called independent scientific work of the commission was strictly limited to the hypothesis of a plane crash in Smolensk, based on evidence delivered by Russians [MAK].
8. No other hypotheses were researched, i.e. the obvious terrorist and coup d'etat hypotheses WERE NOT touched.
9. Based on independent information and the implications of official NATO activity in the case, I can confirm that the coup d'etat was planned and perpetrated by the three players in Warsaw Poland, during a three-day period 8-10th April 2010. It was fielded by Polish military counterintelligence SKW, in tight cooperation with Russian civil intelligence FSB and an international, globalist third party with military, intelligence and diplomatic presence in Poland.
11. The decisive third party was not NATO and no NATO army had enough forward intelligence to blow the whistle on the operation. The decisive third party quashed all alarms arisen on the coup date, delivering immediate proof that the military NATO cohesion was not endangered and no case of war took place [in normal circumstances such an air crash with President and military staff on board unleashes automatically a war].
12. As an immediate result of the coup, many officials and experts researching the case were killed, the last one of which was the secret polish Gladio network commander, Gen. Petelicki.
14. Macierewicz was interior minister immediately before Polish inclusion in NATO pact, whereby he pretended to disband Russian-infested [virtually GRU branch] military intelligence WSI. He was so successful in his "anti-Russian" and counterintelligence work, that a mere ten years thereafter the same people from reformed military counterintelligence SKW [over 90% stayed], from the same building, remembering good 'ole times of Russian NKVD, mounted successful coup d'etat and Macierewicz - as the only expert available - heads an inquiry commission. Talk about happy coincidences!
ZZ adds:
(see comments) is exactly right. None of stature was present at
the funeral, barring very meaningful exceptions, under flimsy excuse
of some mysterious volcanic ash, preventing them from flying, but not
grounding any military flights and not preventing Merkel from busily
jetscuttling all over the place [mind you, she was acting as a
shuttle of sorts back then].
correct meaning of the total misrepresentance at the funeral does not
mean, that the heads of state did want the alleged victims to be
dissapeared. None of them deserved such horrid affront. In diplomatic
parlance the absence at the funeral meant, that they were all aware
WHAT HAPPENED and did not want to take part in the hoax, because a
hoax it was.
diplomatic show of candid openness was displayed in Warsaw by the
State sec. John Kerry, blissfully striding by the commemorative
plaque in memorium to the alleged victims, whistling by, just two
weeks before. No stop. No nod, no flowers. Nothing. Whistle in the
wind. In diplomatic parlance it does not mean he is a total moron,
because his trajectory is carefully planned by staff of hard hitting
professionals on both sides.
zezorro says: easy ZZ
Polish Plane Crash Analysis
How Russians Staged Regime Change
Smolensk Crash Site Was Staged
Poles Dispute Smolensk Crash Story
Smolensk Crash Was a Russian/NWO Coup
From Mark: Read more at www.SmolenskCrash.eu or http://www.pis.org.pl/download.php?g=mmedia&f=ksiazka_raport_smolenski_.pdf
- See more at: http://henrymakow.com/2013/12/Polish-Elite-Didn%27t-Die-at-Smolensk-Site%20.html#sthash.DHWbvHZW.dpuf
Brzezinski lambasts Smolensk conspiracy 'nonsense'
09.11.2012 09:39
US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski has criticised the
“constant irresponsible nonsense” in Polish politics concerning Smolensk
disaster conspiracy theories.
- See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/117879,Brzezinski-lambasts-Smolensk-conspiracy-nonsense#sthash.arFDLv8X.dpufBrzezinski lambasts Smolensk conspiracy 'nonsense'
09.11.2012 09:39
US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski has criticised the
“constant irresponsible nonsense” in Polish politics concerning Smolensk
disaster conspiracy theories.
- See more at: http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/117879,Brzezinski-lambasts-Smolensk-conspiracy-nonsense#sthash.arFDLv8X.dpuf
ReplyDeleteHe is definitely a key player:
And what's happening is definitely planned:
And this all gets the green light mere days after that hurricane in November 2013.
Also see:
Supports a German-Polish alliance.
Germany ultimately goes essentially to its 1938 border with Poland, while Poland gets 1772, or even 1634, with some adjustments concerning coastal access north and south.
It's as if the hammer comes down on Wlodimir born Oct 7.
"....3. Europe has no real identity. For the author, this is a very good thing. National cultures need to be obliterated lest they become sources for national rebellions. American hegemony over the EU, at least in part, is to ensure that all nationalist parties and movements are quickly squashed......" .
ReplyDeleteAfter Smolensk 2010 it sounds really creepy. But despite the obsession of Brzezinsky for Russia, the application of his point 3. to Poland couldn't have been carried out without the unavoidable involvement of KGB/FSB.
"...Brzezinski alsoInside the Reserve Bank argues that a German-Polish alliance would increase international trust for Germany and, more importantly, serve as a check on Russia...".
ReplyDeleteOMG. Let's read again Wiki excerpt i quoted in my :
"...........In foreign affairs, Kaczyński noted that many of Poland's problems were related to the lack of energy security and this issue would have to be resolved to protect Polish interests. Strengthening ties with the United States while continuing to develop relations within the European Union are two main goals of Polish foreign affairs, as well as improving relations with France and Germany despite several problems in relations with the latter. Aside from those issues, his immediate goals were to develop tangible strategic partnership with Ukraine and greater co-operation with the Baltic states, Azerbaijan and Georgia.........."
Let's put aside his efforts to make known the Holocaust to younger generations.... isnt' all that fulfilling in great part Brzezinsky's agenda?????
If i m wrong make me know.